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Freeperdom | January 08, 2010 | MestaMachine, Blueyon, Others

Posted on 01/08/2010 6:18:55 AM PST by MestaMachine

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Official Endorsement from the BOSS!!!
First Part of Burnin' Down the Tent is up
From Jim Robinson | 01/06/2010 11:43:10 AM PST read

Woo hoo!! Print it, baby!!

Not going Galt, going Sarah!!


Free Republic's Rino Free America Project (letter and comnments)

RINO FREE AMERICA PROJECT By Request (Warning, graphics intensive.)


1 posted on 01/08/2010 6:18:58 AM PST by MestaMachine
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To: All
Congressional State Thread Plan

What we are asking for are volunteers from each state message board to start the Congressional State threads since you are the ones who know what is going on locally to you. That is the beauty of FR. Each state has members listed by state and someone needs to manage all the threads. Since so many are already discussing these things, it shouldn't be difficult to get a few people to step up. I spent the better part of a year on the PA message board and was amazed at the level of savvy political discourse taking place there.

The introduction is just that, and introduction to the project and a request to the state boards to get involved. FR has excellent "diggers" so that should not be a problem either. The whole premise is an outreach program so I expect many new signups from the TPs as well since this will be the most comprehensive clearinghouse of candidates anywhere on the web.

This is an eminently possible project and can work, but I am saying to you all, once we spell it out, we can't be chasing you guys with a stick. You have to do this on your own.

The Patriot Presence, (Tea Party Affiliates, etc.) can also be added to the main thread via links and the specifics can be distributed by the state threads.

What we are aiming for is to use the main thread as a step by step guide to what has to be done, then turn YOU Freepers loose to do it. Trying to micromanage every detail is a job for Hercules and I ain't him.

It is not our intent to micromanage this. In my experience Freepers don't appreciate being treated like children. Point you guys in the right direction and I know you will come thru.

There is already enough detail. I expect there will be ideas from you as well, and YOU know YOUR states.

Let's DO it!

2 posted on 01/08/2010 6:20:45 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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To: MestaMachine

look later.

3 posted on 01/08/2010 6:21:03 AM PST by marvlus
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To: All
Abridged Version of How to Get Your Country Back

Never in history have so few, pushed around so many, so easily. If 1/3 of all Americans push a trifle, we win.

Set aside $4 a year for national congressional, senatorial, and presidential candidates that only vote for Constitutional spending, who will slash or grandfather out every unconstitutional spending program since Teddy Roosevelt, and will boldly oppose Senator Treason, Congressman Hairdo, and President Big-Spender. DO NOT send it to the Republican National Committee or the Democratic National Committee! They have, and will, betray us.

Set aside 12 hours a year to “Community Organize” with other members of your congressional district. Register anonymously at Free Republic and work with those you meet in your state thread at FR Profiles/Locales to affect the culture with your faithful, loving presence, which easily neuters the continuous treasonous media lie that Christians and Conservatives are evil.
Whether you are on taking on the position of Precinct Committeeman, or being an election judge on election day, or debating and defeating Leftists on the Internet, or you are visiting schools to tell them about the Constitution, the Bible, or US History, or making sure vote counting is honest on election day, present and future Americans need you active. They need you in action, doing, being there, affecting the culture.

Commit to registering to vote, and voting for Constitution honoring national candidates in the 2010 and 2012 elections. No matter the outcome in 2010, we will field a brand new crop of regular Taxpayer Patriots for every Congressional seat in 2012.

Call, mail, or email two acquaintances/friends/relatives, and ask them to promise on their sacred honor they will secure the commitment of two new people within one week to do items 1 through 4 of this very list. If necessary, train them on how to use FREE REPUBLIC over the phone. This will reach well more than 268 million Americans by July 17, 2010.

Long Version of How to Get Your Country Back: Part 1

Greetings to the brave and the strong Tea Party Patriots in the occupied United States of America.

Evil does not cover the land completely, but it exerts full control over
Public Schools

What do we call this evil? Whether it is …
Who is behind it?

Does it really matter anymore? We KNOW it isn't us!

Nor do we really care. As we watch the smiling faces of the elites, hear their lies, Fascism identical to Adolf Hitler’s grows unchecked in our midst. Their plan is in full swing.

Whichever party is in power, it:
1. wastefully spends on money losers like the U.S. Postal Service, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the War on Poverty (quagmire), AMTRAK, the Department of Energy (we’re still dependent on foreign oil, quagmire), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (it stinks, quagmire), and the latest fiscal catastrophe, Cash for Clunkers, (still unpaid for.) And now our tax dollars are going to fund abortions overseas;
2. leaves the borders open for illegal aliens to steal jobs, receive government health care and food stamps, and steal social security numbers causing identify theft fiascos;
3. imports Muslims faster than we can assimilate them, many on the public dole;
4. refuses to drill for oil, refuses to build nuclear plants, refuses to build oil refineries, and presumes to tell us what we can and cannot do on our own property which WE bought and paid for;
5. leaves vast stretches of land unused, driving up housing prices, and food prices leaving many to to become utterly dependent on government just to exist
6. lets lawyers drive up the price of everything;
7. abandons our friends in Israel to their enemies;
8. hates a free people who are armed;
9. lets babies die in the womb at a rate of a million a year, at a cost of hundreds of trillions of dollars in lost productivity down the road, not to mention lost potential for ideas and discoveries not yet seen;
10. wants to watch us more and more, under the guise of "protecting" our security;
11. uses schools to indoctrinate into the false religion of Secular Humanism, while honoring Islam, and trashing our Judeo-Christian roots;
12. devalues our currency with debt, causing inflation for us, and making hard assets built with blood and sacrifice, cheap for foreigners to buy (treason.)

Never in history have so few, pushed around so many, so easily.

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” — Thomas Jefferson

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence (Big Government Spending), the money of their constituents.” - James Madison

So who are we?
Tea Party Patriots?Br> Minutemen?
The Rebel Alliance?
Zion, The Last City?
Elves, Dwarves, and Eagles?

More than 200 years ago, 1/3 of the colonists dragged the 1/3 who loved their tea and slavery under England, and the 1/3 who didn’t care, to liberty. It’s been done before.

If the Lord wills, we can do all the following ...

Action Fronts: Treasonous Media and Private Institutions: Three part strategy

Take down every leftist newspaper in every major city starting with the New York Times on down by staging a door-to-door campaign where we present the “top 10 squelched stories” of each of the past 10 years. Print out flyers to distribute and knock on doors. If they don't answer, put them in mailboxes and on car windshields.
(This includes HOMETOWN newspapers.)
TALK face to face with as many people as you can!
Then point them to free Internet news sources. If you are part of an organized group with a budget, perhaps even assisting them in the purchase of a computer with internet service.
Canceling their newspaper, Newsweek, or Time subscription by phone, on the spot, is the goal.
The left cannot be allowed to call us “Nazis” with impunity. We must link gun control, public school indoctrination, health care, state ownership with the identical agenda of the Nazis of WWII. We cannot let them lie successfully, until it becomes true in the eyes of young people, given our relative silence.
“He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.”

Those who are able, organize investors to buy a major Hollywood studio, one of the failing cable news channels, start a polling company, and a wireless carrier. Thus at the least they will stop being openly treasonous, and start being pro-America, pro-Values, and pro-GOD.

Non-leftist alternatives for Google, AMA, AARP, NAACP, etc, need to be identified and promoted on a national level. These leftist plants need to be exposed, and pulled to the ground ASAP. They have all back-stabbed us at one time or another.

Election Strategy:

Become a Precinct Committeeman. This is key. THIS PRECINCT ALLIANCE is where.

Have patriots occupying polling places on election day, with more patriots with video-cameras, with other patriots at ready to respond properly to threats of force. No more “recounts” until evil wins. We know how to man polling places, and “we are not ignorant of [the] devices” used to rig elections.

Have patriots making sure Iowa caucuses do not get rigged.

Take over every school-board with Tea Party Candidates to restore sanity to our public schools. The lack of Arabic speakers constricts our ability to intercept and translate Islamic murderer messages. We need to get rid of all the useless French/Latin teachers, and teach Arabic and Farsi instead.
We also need martial arts lessons for the honor students so the riffraff can't intimidate the smart kids.
In parallel, we need campaigns for school choice vouchers for elementary, middle, and high school.
Admittance to a state university also means the state will pay what they would have spent, towards any private university, trade school, or Judeo-Christian seminary.
Involved parties can promote awareness that the country had no school shootings until the Bible/GOD was banned from schools in 1963.
School attendance should be a gift, and not compulsory, so we only spend money on students that want to learn. Thus, gangster-larvae who hold everyone back, are free to go. Spend the savings on voluntary night school, and local policing.
Home-schooling can be promoted from the inside, and refunds made to home-schoolers. There’s a master plan in all this, aching to be worked out.

Someone needs to read and summarize “Teach Your Child How To Think” by Edward De Bono, Welcome to Edward de Bono's authorised web-site! and post the summary on the web. The summary must be of such quality and brevity, that it can be printed on a duplex printer, and handed out, anywhere. If schools don’t touch on the subject of how to think, then “Yes We Can.”

Organized Push Back

Families of martyrs like Ramos & Compean, and everyone else who stands up to tyranny need to be taken care of. Their families, and other families with men/women of honor, must be taken care of so long as our government operates treasonously, against the national interest in the name of Political Correctness.

Organize a network of patriotic lawyers to divvy up the next 5000+ page legislation that comes out, to annotate and summarize in parallel. 100 lawyers, at 10 pages per lawyer should mean anything could be digested and responded to within two days. The list of lawyers already committed to fighting the ACLU is an excellent start.
They would then recruit more colleagues.

We need 52 teams of comedy writers, and sketch comedy teams with cameras and editing skill, to spoof stupidity per VERITAS VISUALS
The finished product would be uploaded somewhere other than youtube who censors to protect the sensitive left. Perhaps to POPMODAL or similar sites of Conservative choice.
Since there is so much material worth mocking, there should be plenty of work, especially these days. Once we have our own movie company, the best Conservative actors would be 1st in line to be in movies.

We need a new civil rights awareness organization, or perhaps a reorganization of the ones that exist, that condemn ALL crimes white on black, and black on white or "other" including crimes by homosexuals which the MSM do their best to cover up.

How can we have respect for “La Raza” (translation to English, “The Race”, which when looking back to 1940s Germany calling themselves “The Race” is racist, yet it is somehow OK for racist Hispanics to now say it), or for the NAACP which we might respect if they stepped up to bat when ANY travesty happened, and not just one against the color they favor. If all it did was name itself, and be outraged at all evil, regardless of color, it would have credibility.

New Counter-Culture

Actively help recruit present and former law enforcement, military, national guard, and Secret Service to be loyal to the Constitution of the United States, and it’s people, not the Federal Government.

Create and maintain a “Hall of Honor” where people like Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, Katy Abram, Kenneth Gladney, James O’Keefe, and Hannah Giles, and Ramos & Compean are properly enshrined as the very best produced by this country outside of the military. They have earned their honor for speaking truth to power, standing up to thugs, and thus sacrificing privacy, and personal security for truth and freedom. We need to have legal defense funds ready for them. We can’t let Tea Party Heroes think for a moment that they are alone.

Plant a vibrant counter-culture in front of or in every major university, high school, grade school, government building, busy street corner, and freeway on and off ramps, if they don’t exist already. Many excellent ideas for pro-freedom posters exist.

Talented Christians and conservatives should have full speaking schedules on college campuses.
Pictures of aborted babies, (where possible,) and video of unborn babies acting like babies, are far more powerful than anything you can say.
TRUTH is “sharper than a two-edged sword.” We cannot let our kids get fully indoctrinated with lies, and then risk having them err amidst the shock of hearing the truth for the first time, when we finally get around to reaching them.
Most, by then, would rather hold to a lie, than admit they were duped at the most vulnerable time of their lives by the undesirables we should have protected them from. This is the snare of pride, which they are particularly vulnerable to given the lack of sound Biblical, Constitutional, and/or moral, GOD based instruction so they will KNOW that "endowed by Our Creator" means something greater than submission to the State.

Due to out of control, de-facto lying by the left sanctioned by the evil ‘By any means necessary’ meme, we need to get this out:
“Does ‘By any means necessary’ include lying and cheating?”

“By any means necessary” could also be placed alongside, “Cursed [be] he that does the work of the LORD deceitfully” of Jeremiah 48:10.
Alternatively, “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.” — Adolf Hitler

Affirmative action will wither if challenged. “Content of our character” and hard numbers of GPA and standardized test scores is how things are done. Deuteronomy 25:15 said it 3000 years ago. Obama’s election proves we don’t judge by skin color.
Selected minorities, usually black and Hispanic, are not stupid, like the proponents of affirmative action think, nor are they chattel to be controlled by race pimps who seek to keep them poor and uneducated for self-enrichment at their expense.

Publicize tax cuts as the global investment attracting, job creating powerhouse they are. Vigorously protest every proposed tax increase as fascist and criminal theft, and be “pro” investing in families, private business, and jobs.

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. - Vladimir Lenin

Raise awareness that “anchor babies” of illegal aliens are not citizens, nor taxpayers, nor assimilating, and we don’t need that failed culture infecting ours. The issue of whether cheap labor makes America great should have been settled by the Civil War.

We need a Constitutional Amendment to restrict voting to people that have paid taxes for 5 years. They also must show a VALID passport and/or driver’s license/photo ID and social security #, just like getting a legal job. No whining!

Strive to kill every new government program since Woodrow Wilson. This country got along great 100 years without them. Grandfather out Social Security and Medicare for those who depend on them and allow for UNTAXED medical accounts and private retirement accounts.
No more politicians stealing from them and taxpayers to get votes. THEN we kill the IRS and income tax, and have a national sales tax. NO deductions from paychecks unless the employee specifically wishes to set aside monies for retirement or medical expenses to private accounts.
Thus, everybody pays, including illegals until we eject them, and the super-rich George Soros types. Nobody loses.

Federal workers make on average double what workers make in the private sector do, while working only 8 hours a day. This is the new enslavement of the nonunionized private sector.
Therefore ALL federal salaries drop to 2/3 their present amount. Pensions are based on the new amount. This means a federal salary of $120,000 a year made for pushing paper 8 hours a day, drops to $40,000.
No more automatic raises for "public servants." Ordinary office workers are expected to perform well in small cubicles. So should Congress and their aides. No freebies to Congress. No more free lunch.

Strike down all usury laws. Usury is evil. It is part the new slavery, and it artificially inflates the price of everything, especially houses. Notice how housing values jumped when interest rates fell to the floor in early 2002.

All soldiers and national guardsmen disabled or maimed in combat get world class medical care for life, and a pension to support wife and child. Cut the red tape. Just do it!

In the good old days, a murder, rape, or molestation conviction brought a death penalty coupled with an altar call to repent. The death penalty would be carried out in 10 days.
Jaycee Dugard would never have been kidnapped and held for 18 years had her captor been properly executed for his previous crime.
There are cases where killings have been ordered from behind bars. Call John & Ken of KFI 640 radio, and they will tell you at least one case.
It costs billions to house them for life, and we don’t have the money, and we don’t want them released. The endless appeals are the problem.
Again, cut the endless lawyering out of the loop. ONE appeal within 30 days to the presiding court if convicted and sentenced. One appeal within 30 days to a higher court if appeal is denied. One appeal within 30 days to the Supreme Court if denial is upheld. Then execution within TEN days. NO further appeals.
IF at some later date, the prosecution is found to have used perjured testimony and KNEW it, or wilfully and maliciously falsified evidence, that prosecutor has committed premeditated murder and should ALSO receive the death penalty. Anyone aiding and abetting a premeditated murder should receive the same sentence.
This should be STRICTLY enforced as a deterrent. Then I doubt there will be many left tempted to try it again.

Given that Britain’s mass immigration of Muslims is a deliberate attempt to destroy the British culture, we can only assume Muslim immigration to the USA is of a similar motive. We must fight this also on many fronts:
1) don’t allow them in
2) don’t allow Mosques to be built
3) protest Mosques that exist 4) evangelize Muslims already here
5) Stick up for locals that Muslims try to buffalo or intimidate
6) Make sure Muslim converts have a place to discreetly flee to.
7) They’ve already started on this in England.

No more “rules of engagement” for our troops that force them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs. We need to bring back carpet/fire bombing, and give them tactical nukes, or bring the boys home. If the lives of Nazi Citizens was deemed worthy of firebombing, so are Muslim terrorist collaborators.

Health care reform done better. Let Doctors and private insurance companies settle it in the private sector. Government has no role to play in healthcare.

Police should be a conspicuous presence preventing crime in neighborhoods. Heavy presence where needed. Lower, but still conspicuous in low crime areas. And they should be paid well for it. Hazard duty pay where applicable. They should NEVER be allowed to strike.
No union in any public sector that serves the People should be allowed to strike.
This includes firemen, EMTs, and teachers, et al.

Someone needs to gather all the disparate groups that are pro-freedom, anti- tax, pro limited government, pro-immigration enforcement, and pro-common sense, and get their web-sites to link to one another. Help them organize to work with one another.
Perhaps the same people can also organize those who have fled Communist and Islamic hell holes whether they are Jewish, Christian, Black, Brown, Asian, or Atheist. This is their “last stand” as well.

Get rid of all “Open Primary” laws. We neither need nor want leftists picking our candidates for us, therefore giving us a moderate-leftist, and a hard-leftist to choose from for President in 2008.

BAN Pornography. To people who say “you can’t legislate morality”, point them to the nearest stoplight or speeding limit. China has banned porn, so leftists shouldn’t have a problem with banning it’s production, unless they are hypocrites determined to ruin this country and then declare in bad faith, “Capitalism does not work!” We import our oil, we can import our porn and make it very pricey.
Child Pornography should not be tolerated EVER, and anyone who has it or does it should go to jail. Do NOT pass go. the sentence should be mandatory and harsh.
(Author's comment:) "I’m sick of porn stars and brainless porn producers getting rich off the misery and desperation of others. Let them clean toilets, or get an education, or a real job."
I know I forgot some stuff, including all the races for state, and local office, but these things have already been addressed.
The elites fear the possibility of us organizing through the Internet. Like minded Tea Party members can meet, and organize, and win. Now on to the HOW!

4 posted on 01/08/2010 6:22:20 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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To: MestaMachine


5 posted on 01/08/2010 6:22:40 AM PST by rockinqsranch (Dems, Libs, Socialists...Call 'em What you Will, They ALL have Fairies Living In Their Trees.)
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To: MestaMachine


6 posted on 01/08/2010 6:26:15 AM PST by bravotu (Have a Nice Day !)
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To: MestaMachine
Happiness is a world without RINOs.
7 posted on 01/08/2010 6:28:34 AM PST by bwc2221
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To: All

There are at least 100 million American patriots left out of 300 million Americans. If every one of these patriots gave 12 hours a year AND gave $4 a year, gives us everything we need to fight and win on all fronts!

Federal Elections

The Culture War
Opposition to All Treasonous Travesties
All other elections

#1 – Federal Elections)
100 million patriots each giving $4 year, given a median income of $40,000 a year, means a total budget of $4 billion a year.
Barack Obama’s presidential election budget of $650 million. Let’s say we will need $800 million every four years, which is amortized to $200 million a year.
All winning US Senate races cost between 237.1 and $400 million in 2004.
Let’s take the bigger number of $400 million, and then amortize this to a yearly cost of $200 million.
A Congressional election can be run on the cheap.
Let’s pretend the information at does not exist, and that we need roughly double the $560,000 the average Congressional winner needed in 2004.
So we need $1.2 million per US Congressional seat. This means for 435 seats we need $522 million every two years, which amortizes to $435 million a year
$200 million (President) + $200 million (Senate) + $522 million (House) = $922 million per year (All Federal Government won)
With $922 million a year, we are WAY overspending, especially in Congressional races. You get the point. We can win this, no sweat.
Therefore, Tea Party Candidates can take over House, Senate, and Presidency, with actual patriots who vote “USA” every time, for $4 a year, and still have plenty to spare for legal teams to fight the ACLU at every turn, governorships, mayoral races, state senate races, school board elections, and dog catcher runoffs.
For $4 year, we get our country back, with solid individuals occupying the 536 most important positions in the USA. I’m not even factoring in the savings in cross-endorsements between the Congressional and Senate races. I’m not even factoring in the fact that with 100 million people signed on to a single agenda, we won’t even need to campaign to win.
We’ve easily taken over the Federal Government. Now we need to change the culture.

Front #2 – The Culture War)

The value of the total work by Tea Party Infantry fighting the Culture War ...
100 million patriots multiplied by 12 hours per patriot per year, mean about 1.2 billion hours per year.
1.2 billion hours per year divided by 2085.71 hours per year for a full-time Monday through Friday employee means the rough equivalent of 575,343 full-time employees.
Placing a value of $50,000 a year on each of 575,343 full-time employees adds up to $2.876 billion dollars a year.
With 12 hours a day a year from each of the Tea Party Heroes, we are now fielding a formidable force against the leftists in ACORN, the NAACP, the ACLU, NARAL, NOW, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Sun-Times, Atlanta Journal Constitution, CAIR, etc. Fielding a literal army of 240 thousand patriots every day, and fighting on every front in the “culture war” for our country. We don’t need the treasonous sell-out media’s help.
Beats the living daylights out of what we have working for us now. What we have now loses ground, because everyone is afraid of everyone else doing nothing. The power of the Internet is that it allows us to organize. Watch the rhetoric against the Internet ramp up as we make this happen.

Kids in grade school, junior-high, and high school need to know there is a culture war going on. They have to be told most of their teachers are subverted leftists, and their textbooks are packed with gobbledygook.
It is totally unacceptable for them to hear that evolution is our complete history, or that the Nazis themselves were unabashed Socialists. After 10-15 years of indoctrination, given we sat back, let it happen, and did nothing, why should they trust us when we break the news?
The lack of our opposition to the indoctrination invests them in lies, and after receiving praise for cheap “victories” like spitting on the Bible, and “speaking truth to power” in standing up for leftist treason, their minds will settle for a weak, complacent, get-along existence, and they likely will be sealed for evil.

Schools MUST be contested territory.
Every school and university can have counter-propaganda efforts fielded. Every liberal newspaper can be dragged to ground, and an alternative fielded. Every freeway on-ramp can have a different person with a different poster, every morning.
Through the power of organizing through the Internet, we have a metric ton of man-power to tear down the old, and build up the new systematically per Jeremiah 1:10.
We don’t have to watch the powerful few continue to coarsen our culture with rubbish.
Like florists, we can “have people everywhere.” Leftists, will flee when they see us coming ready to contend for what they took for granted. Leftists only stand and fight when they think they can buffalo the listener. Once it is obvious they are outclassed, they run, or they throw a violent irrational tantrum, again hoping to fool or intimidate the simple.

Christians and Conservatives in particular, have impressed National Organization of Women’s (NOW) Los Angeles chapter former president and former leftist Tammy Bruce greatly with their consistent message.
"There I was running around, pushing the leftist cart, chomping at the bit, screaming about how we were the banner holders and the flame holders for the liberty, and freedom of speech. The people who had made that work possible, were the, and are the, Christians and Conservatives of this country. That’s when I realized that a big shell game had been going on, and that I had been deliberately lied to." And why liberals, and the left do not want talk radio to survive.
It’s not just because of influence! It’s because of what happens when people actually meet up, with Conservatives and Christians."
"When liberals meet up with Conservatives and Christians, or hear them, it’s dangerous, because then the lie becomes apparent ... as a former leftist, here’s what I know and what changed me: simply getting to know you. Be yourselves. Make the commitment, but BE THERE, BE THERE. That’s why the left wants you to retreat. That’s why Obama and his gang want you to be afraid, go back, retreat, be quiet, surrender, cause if you are simply PRESENT, you’re like the wind. There’s a house of cards, you’re the wind, Barack Obama and his thugs are the house of cards, they’re DESPERATE to keep themselves protected from the wind. The winds not AFTER the house of cards! The house of cards is vulnerable, because it is built on nothing.”-Tammy Bruce

That’s why we need to be out there, face to face, loving on strangers, telling them about Jesus, and/or the legacy of freedom to succeed or fail, and worship as they please that is now slipping away during their temporary stewardship.

Front #3) Opposition to All Treasonous Travesties)

Every week or so some travesty happens like soldiers getting charged for doing their jobs, border agents getting charged for doing their jobs, a teacher mentioning the Bible in the classroom, etc...
From the $3.078 billion we have left, assuming the appointed bureaucrats foist a travesty of justice on us every week, that $1 million will be available to resolve each one, then for $365 million a year, we’re done. A legal team can be fielded, food and rent for stricken families, whatever. The left won’t be able to intimidate anyone with financial devastation any more.
From the $2.713 billion per year we have left AFTER winning the 536 federal elective offices, and opposing all travesties foisted on us, we can fight for governorships, state legislators offices, mayorships, and city councils.

Everyone, meaning every one of the remaining 100 million patriots, needs to get on board. Everyone with honor, who cares, wants a free America, and be rid of persistent government meddling and ever-growing taxation. Just as what happened with the Revolutionary War when 1/3 of the country dragged the other 2/3 to freedom: the “Independents” will join us. Except, this time, we won’t have to fire a shot.
If everyone gets on board, then WE push for freedom harder than anyone has ever in the history of the world, in every field of battle. Truth, coupled with the strength of presence, will compel the independent undecideds to join us, and not the totalitarians.

HOW to implement each of the above tasks, is for the people who sign up to push for them.
This is no half-measure campaign. We’re about fixing EVERYTHING, and promoting a brand new society based on work, hard numbers, and Bible values rather than ...
stealing from others
wishful thinking
Progressives” leading us into the pit, is not visionary or progress. We’ll call it out for the deliberate fraud it is, everywhere it is.
If you had ever gone witnessing with missionaries, and seen the amount of resistance they've suffered from bureaucratic hacks, it stuns the conscience.
“Policies” and “regulations” get written all the time and thrown in their faces by people trying to hinder the free exercise of religion guaranteed in the First Amendment.

I’m not asking for much of you. I’m asking for 12 hours and $4 a year and two phone calls, from all who desire to be good stewards of the liberty they have been gifted with from above. Just 12 hours and $4 year and two phone calls from everyone, and “evil doesn’t have a chance” and we’re going to get our country back.
Patriots get arrested for exposing evil?
Politician gets scorned for calling evil what it is?
Islam blows something up politicians race to tell us it’s not terrorism?
Border agent goes to jail for doing his job?
Travesty of justice every week of the year?

To all of the above, we will respond. We don’t care if the State Run Leftist Media doesn’t cover us. They didn’t cover the 9/12 Tea Party and other Tea Parties just as they won’t cover the ACORN scandal or Climategate scandal. We’ll get the word out ourselves, having erected ourselves a new media of us, and ignore them.

If we do nothing, when we can’t pay the national debt, then whoever we owe, will own the United States. We will end up being slaves on the continent our forefathers colonized, developed, and fought for.
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds."-Samuel Adams

8 posted on 01/08/2010 6:36:54 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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To: MestaMachine
"Print out flyers to distribute and knock on doors. If they don't answer, put them in mailboxes and on car windshields."

It is imperitive that we stay within the law so as not to give the other side an excuse to arrest and imprision us. You may, by law, put material in someone's mailbox if it is generated by you, delivered by you, and has the proper postage affixed to it.

Good hunting, because luck has nothing to do with it.

9 posted on 01/08/2010 6:38:41 AM PST by Excellence (Meet your new mother-in-law, the United States Government)
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To: All

Back in ancient Rome, a bill came up in the Senate to have all slaves wear special clothing that they may be identified as such. It was promptly shot down on the valid premise that once the slaves knew how numerous they were, they would revolt, quickly.

Tea Party Heroes
It’s time to make yourselves seen with your 12 hours and $4 a year and two phone calls. Protesting and calling Senator Treason and Congressman Hairdo has it’s place, but is ultimately not a long-term solution. They are set for life, and they don’t care about re-election. They will boldly lie any lie, to do their master’s bidding, and pretend they are doing so in the name of “leadership”. They will pretend not to hear you. And they can pretend, so long as we don’t organize to remove them.

Get an account on TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, FREE REPUBLIC, and learn how the sites work.
Once you register, go to Free Republic Profiles, (Locales,) and work with those you meet in your State Message Boards.
Commit to working on your task exactly 12 hours a year. This two hours every two months. To accomplish that task, coordinate at that thread for strategy, with whoever else has signed up for liberty. Help out for 12 hours a year, and still spend time at home. This is half a day a year. You can do this.

Set aside $4 a year for the Tea Party. We encourage, field, qualify, and support Tea Party candidates, and run them rather than Senator Treason and Congressman Hairdo, who now betray us in record time.
Let’s call this your “Freedom Stimulus.”
When a travesty of justice happens the week of your birthday or afterward, send 1/10 of your “Freedom Stimulus”. Stand with those you support.

Make a list of all “Tea Party” candidates for NATIONAL office, and send 1/4 of your “Freedom Stimulus”. Spend what remains on supplies towards your local activism efforts, and state and local offices.

At year’s end, take what is left over from your “Freedom Stimulus”, and either hold on to it for next year. DO NOT send it to the Republican National Committee! They have, and will, betray us. Any concentration of power gets coveted by evil men, which is the whole premise of “Separation of Powers”, and why the creeping centralization of power since President Woodrow Wilson is so dangerous.

Call/email/text two friends, and get them to promise they will do steps 1 through 8 within a week. If need be, talk them through signing up for an account on Free Republic and how the forums work. After 27 iterations of friends recruiting friends, 268 million Americans will have been reached by July 10, 2010. Well more than we need.

How dare I ask for 12 hours and $4 a year and contacting two other Patriots? The government already gets 1/3 of your salary, we say nothing, we follow like “sheep to the slaughter,” and they shamelessly and boldly want more.

"We must not lose our faculty to dare, especially in dark days.”- Winston Churchill

I know you care. I know how your heart aches and the righteous anger swells every time a travesty is inflicted on liberty in the name of justice or “change”. Mine does also. To avoid becoming hollow unfeeling shells, as evil moves unchecked as it did in pre Soviet Russia or pre Nazi Germany, we must UNITE OR DIE.

”A republic if you can keep it”- Benjamin Franklin

If, on the other hand, 100 million do not sign up, and everyone has their own agenda, and the souls of the 100 million are too barren to spare 12 hours, $4 a year and two emails so their children can also taste freedom, and it’s every man for himself, and we will pass no liberty to our children, then … so be it. We could not, “keep it”. Shame on us.

Nice country while it lasted. When your children ask why you couldn’t hold on to the freedom handed you, pat them on the head and say you HAD to …
watch my movies/television or play my Wii/XBox360/PS3
get my promotion / go to graduate school / start my business
play in my adult league
see a Fascist takeover up close, to complete my PhD in Social Science, so that I might be a purveyor of wisdom at social functions
and comfort them that though they will be slaves to those born in privilege, you were content to taste freedom, move no finger to keep it, and lose it. It’s all about us and our “needs”, right?

If any of the above are more important than the USA, and 100 million can’t spare 12 HOURS AND $4 A YEAR), then we really HAVE TURNED INTO A NATION OF SELFISH CHILDREN, unworthy to have received liberty from OUR CREATOR and through the Founding Fathers who swore on their “sacred honor” to fight for liberty no matter the cost, and commemorated the Constitution with the words, “In the year of our Lord 1787.”

”You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."-Winston Churchill (on Chamberlain’s return from signing a pact with Hitler)

People keep talking about “the coming riots.” Let me be abundantly clear: Rioting is for CHILDREN who have passed up all prior chances to do something constructive, and thus have no alternative but to throw the childish tantrum of a loser.
We are NOT losers. We are the sons and daughters of the Free Men and Women who came before us who made this country the greatest on earth. Can we do LESS for those who come after us?
This.these palns have given you an alternative. We can fight now!
YES! "They" will hate us, though in TRUTH, we are Christians, Jews, Deists, and Atheists of conscience.

Watch out for people who offering no alternative, scorn and mock this plan. I am not perfect, and this plan is not perfect, and I expect mistakes to be pointed out. Mistakes will then be corrected. But PATRIOTS, will bring superior solutions to the table, and will constructively work for unity. Others will want to divide, and draw people after them. “From such, turn away.”

If I failed to move you, go watch movies like 300, Braveheart, Return of the King, Return of the Jedi, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Matrix, Coach Carter, or The Ten Commandments, and question yourself rigorously if you have not already died as you sit and draw breath. Were you made to stand up to evil, or hide from it? Do you have strength and courage only for your self? If so, why so poor?

If somebody comes up with a better national plan, don’t be stubborn or prideful. Do that instead. I’m sure there are many urgent tasks beyond the ones I’ve listed.
Just $4 and 12 hours a year, and two Americans to email, and you can face your fellow American, and tell them you are doing your part for liberty.
If you’re not used to moving, don’t worry. Just move. Your heart will change over time, if you do things over and over. Just do. You will grow.

"They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong!” - Ronald Reagan

10 posted on 01/08/2010 6:39:15 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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To: All

Personal Comments from Mesta:

This man who wrote most of this is a committed Christian, as are many of you. I am a committed Orthodox Jewess. Freeper, Blueyon, is a committed Christian. One of my best friends on FR is a Buddhist. Another is an atheist of conscience. NONE of that makes any difference. The point is, this is AMERICA and we have the RIGHT to be who we are, no matter what we believe, no matter what our religion. We are ALL 100% AMERICANS, and most of us are Conservatives. This is OUR country and we can NOT sit idly by and watch while it is stolen from us and our posterity.

That is just too unacceptable to even contemplate.

If we fail; if for any reason we are driven to wage war and bloodshed ensues, it will NOT be because we have not tried every other way under heaven.
I believe with every fiber of my being that we have ONE last chance to set things right.

PLEASE REread this in its entirety. Offer up suggestions. Disagree and offer alternatives. But for the sake of this Republic, do NOT ignore it. Do not read it partially and say it will never work, because we will never know unless we try. And we MUST try.

If we coordinate as I think we can, all the Tea Party People, all the Patriot Grassroots, all the State message boards, we can do this. This is the beginning, not the end.
The Angels still guide this storm.

Thank you all so very much for all you do.
Thank you Jim Robinson for being a shining light to all of us. I know you ain’t the king of the world, but you are the prince of Free Republic, and for now, this place, thanks to you, gives us a chance to fight where none would have existed. I firmly believe that in the darkest hours, ONE human being can make all the difference. You probably never realized how important this forum would become when it was still buzzing around in your head back when.
WE see it. Others see it. We are FREE REPUBLIC and WE DO NOT BACK DOWN!!!

Please direct any questions about the Free Republic Project to:

About the FaceBook, RINO FREE PROJECT to Freeper blueyon either here or on the FaceBook Site.
Lets DO it!!!

Personal comment from Blueyon:
Freeper Blueyon here, who’s connection to this is the RINO FREE AMERICA PROJECT on Facebook (feel free to look us up and join in). I just want to Thank you all and say that together we can make change happen and it’s happening right here and right now. Gods speed and blessing on the giant who has awakened, US!

Personal comment from the author of The Plan:
not enough to be good and trusting and culturally invisible. Evil
wins that way. You need to be out there, affecting the culture with
your presence, morals and voice.

11 posted on 01/08/2010 6:42:24 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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Comment #12 Removed by Moderator

To: MestaMachine

Golly honey! You’ve been busy! Way to go! :-)

13 posted on 01/08/2010 6:48:07 AM PST by DJ MacWoW (Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you. Ben Franklin)
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To: MestaMachine

Goood job, great ideas MestaM....keep it up!

14 posted on 01/08/2010 6:50:58 AM PST by iopscusa (El Vaquero. (SC Lowcountry Cowboy))
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To: MestaMachine

Bumping excellence ...

15 posted on 01/08/2010 6:58:17 AM PST by MHGinTN (Obots, believing they cannot be deceived, it is impossible to convince them when they are deceived.)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K; ExTexasRedhead; Think free or die; Jet Jaguar; LucyT; DJ MacWoW; ~Kim4VRWC's~; ...

Thank you!!!!

16 posted on 01/08/2010 7:02:05 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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To: MestaMachine; onyx; STARWISE; sonofstrangelove; LucyT; 1COUNTER-MORTER-68; SunkenCiv; Nachum; ...

GREAT title, I love it!

17 posted on 01/08/2010 7:08:50 AM PST by hennie pennie
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To: MestaMachine


18 posted on 01/08/2010 7:19:35 AM PST by manic4organic (Obama shot hoops, America lost troops.)
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I love you, man!
Thank you.

19 posted on 01/08/2010 7:22:27 AM PST by MestaMachine (Your CORE is the path you walk. RINOs don't walk paths, they build roads to nowhere..)
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To: MestaMachine

WOW...WOW...WOW!!! My thanks to you and all the contributing FReepers for making this possible!!

BUMP,’cause I can’t read the whole thing right now.

(((hugs))), MM!!

20 posted on 01/08/2010 7:28:58 AM PST by azishot
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