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To: thouworm

US ambassador killed in ‘co-ordinated al Qaeda revenge attack by terrorists who used Libyan Mohammed movie protest as cover’
Attack came amid protests following film The Innocence of Muslims which ‘insults Prophet Mohammed’
Attackers could have been staging revenge attack for death of al Qaeda official in June
Officials noted the staged attack came on 11th anniversary of 9/11

US ambassador Christopher Stevens died of ‘smoke inhalation’ after grande attack on consulate in Benghazi
He had been trying to evacuate staff at US compound as furious mob of extremists attacked

Obama: ‘Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the US who selflessly served his country’
Marines on their way to Benghazi to provide additional security and drones expected to gather intelligence
Sean Smith, a foreign service information manager, was also shot dead by armed militants

A bloody attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya that left American ambassador Christopher Stevens, two marines and a communications officer dead was a planned ambush by terrorists using a pro-Islam protest as cover, it has been claimed.
The victims died during a rocket attack when an armed mob set fire to the consulate in Benghazi after joining a protest over a ‘blasphemous’ film about the Prophet Mohammed.

It is believed a ‘small, vicious group’ of attackers used the protest as a diversion, although questions remain over whether the killers drummed up support for the march or simply took advantage of it, an official told CNN.
While it is not known exactly who was responsible for the rampage, a London think tank with strong ties to Libya said Stevens, who is not believed to have been targeted, could have been the victim of a revenge attack by al Qaeda.
The assault ‘came to avenge the death of Abu Yaya al-Libi, al Qaeda’s second in command killed a few months ago’ in Pakistan, think tank Quilliam told CNN, noting the rocket-propelled grenade launchers used in the attack do not normally appear at peaceful protests.
‘The military assault against the US Consulate in Benghazi should not be seen as part of a protest against a low budget film which was insulting Islam – there were just a few peaceful protesters present at the event,’ Quilliam said in a statement.

‘Indeed, there have been no other demonstrations regarding this film in Libya. We at Quilliam believe the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a well-planned terrorist attack that would have occurred regardless of the demonstration, to serve another purpose.’
Officials also reportedly voiced their concern that the attack was timed for the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, which were commemorated across the U.S. on Tuesday.

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MUCH, MUCH MORE with pictures at link.

680 posted on 09/12/2012 2:18:47 PM PDT by MestaMachine (obama kills and bo stinks)
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To: All

THIS is a must read. All the relevant info is here.

Media and Democrats Try to Make Obama’s Foreign Policy Disaster About Mitt Romney (long article)
Rush ^ | September 12, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 5:05:56 PM by Kaslin


RUSH: So let me tell you what’s happening out there, folks. I’m gonna give you a timeline here in just a second. I’m gonna tell you things that you probably don’t know about what’s happening in the Middle East, and I’m gonna tell you why it’s happening and why idiots are wrong about why it’s happening. But what really is going on, is there is a coordinated effort by the media, in coordination with the White House, to turn this story... what is this about? I’m trying to be calm, cool, collected, reserved, professional. We’re in the midst of a disaster.

This is a full-fledged foreign policy disaster from the moment the embassy in Cairo put that statement out yesterday, before any of this happened, it’s the most amazing thing. It is a pre-apology. I’ll read it to you in just a second. What they’re trying to do is make all of this about Romney. We’re in the midst of a genuine... second term of Jimmy Carter, anybody? 1979, anybody? We’re in the middle of an absolute disaster, a foreign policy disaster. And there’s a coordinated effort to make it about Romney and whether or not he should speak; whether he should say anything about it; whether or not it’s presidential for Romney. We’re only supposed to have one president at times like this. Well, we don’t have one, unless Romney speaks up, and that’s the sad reality.

Here’s the general time frame. Our embassy in Cairo issued an apology preemptively on behalf of private US citizens and whatever they might say. They did this on 9/11. I want to read to you the statement.

“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy,” except for the Catholic Church when it comes to abortion, and then the US government doesn’t give a rat’s rear end. “We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

Now, what is that about? Well, it turns out it’s about two things. Now, remember, this statement was issued before anything had happened. Nothing has happened yet. It was their 9/11 statement, from the embassy in Cairo. Well, there are two things going on. You’re not gonna believe this. The first is that some guy is making a movie about the prophet Mohammed that is unflattering, and he’s using his First Amendment free speech rights to do it. People have seen trailers of the movie, it is what it is. It’s apparently highly offensive. So this statement is put out to cover for that and to criticize that American for doing this. They didn’t name him. They didn’t identify what project, but that’s one of the two that they’re upset about. So our embassy in Cairo puts out a statement condemning Americans who would utilize and use their First Amendment rights, their free speech rights to say something to make a movie, to apologize to Muslims in advance for it.

The second thing — get this. There are also people who believe that the Reverend Terry Jones is to blame for this, the preacher in Gainesville, Florida, who at one time threatened to burn the Koran and was talked out of it. There are actually people who believe that this happened yesterday because of an American preacher and whatever he says, thinks, or has alluded to perhaps doing involving Islam. Now, what does that mean? That means that we are to accept the notion that any criticism of this religion justifiably makes these people nuts, and they attack our embassy, and then they kill our ambassador, and it’s his fault. It’s not theirs. It’s not the militant Islamists’ fault. No, no, they’re sitting there minding their own business, 9/11, they don’t even remember what the significance of the date is. They hear about the movie. They hear about the preacher and they go nuts in our embassy. And we’re supposed to believe this?

This is your administration, folks. This is what they believe, and this is what embassy Cairo means when they say: “The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” That is a condemnation of Americans. Misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims, thereby justifying for all intents and purposes whatever actions Muslims with hurt feelings take after this. The fact of the matter is that this would have happened on 9/11 — I’m convinced this was gonna happen anyway, it doesn’t matter about the movie, it doesn’t matter about Terry Jones. I don’t think this was about the movie at all. I don’t think this was about Terry Jones at all, and I’m shocked that there are reasonable Americans who want to lay blame for this on Americans and thereby accept the notion that there are Americans abusing free speech rights and therefore Embassy Cairo is justified in this embarrassing statement that they put out.

So they put the statement out, and what’s that supposed to do? It’s supposed to mollify, and it’s supposed to mollify the militant Islamist and keep them at bay and say, “Look, it’s 9/11, and we understand.” Meanwhile, these people are outside our embassy shouting, “We’re all Osama’s, Obama. There are millions of Osama’s, Obama.” They weren’t talking about the guy making the movie, and they weren’t talking about Terry Jones. So that’s the first thing that happened, that statement goes up. Apologizing in advance for private US citizens exercising their free speech. Then the protests intensify into attacks on our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi, in Libya.

Romney speaks up and calls the Cairo embassy response disgraceful. We then discover that there are murders that have taken place of Americans in Benghazi, including the ambassador. After that happens, the Obama administration disavows the Cairo embassy statement that I just read you. And after that, the Obama campaign sent one of their flacks out to shame Romney for politicizing what happened at the embassy in Libya, thereby getting the ball rolling on this whole idea that Romney ought to shut up. That Romney shouldn’t be talking about this. That Romney jumped the gun. That Romney used the death of Americans as a campaign aid and violated this... you’ve heard this before, this sacred “political ends at the water’s edge.”

Tell the Democrats that during the war in Iraq. Politics ends at the water’s edge? Except, see, that’s not what happened. Cairo puts out this statement that I just read to you, and once the media gets hold of that and starts reporting it, somebody has to speak up. It is outrageous. It’s disgraceful. It’s exactly what Romney said. So, to review: On 9/11, our embassy is attacked. A press release is issued before the attack apologizing for a private citizen exercising his free speech in our own country.

After the embassy is attacked, the State Department spokeswoman essentially endorsed the earlier release but they disavowed it first. They said it stands. Actually what happened was Embassy Cairo issues that statement; Washington disavows it. Embassy Cairo tweets: No, it still stands. )The operative part of our statement being about embarrassed over what Americans are doing to hurt the feelings of Muslims, that still stands.) Throughout all of yesterday and last night — throughout all of it — Obama has said nothing.

Throughout all of this, the president of the United States hasn’t said anything. Our Libyan consulate is hit. Four are murdered there, including our ambassador. Obama doesn’t say anything about it until about 11 o’clock Eastern time this morning. And the media is totally obsessed with what Romney’s doing, and how Romney is wrong and Romney jumped the gun. They say, “There’s only one president, and Romney isn’t it.” Folks, I remember the campaign of 1980.

I remember Ronald Reagan hitting Jimmy Carter, who was the sitting president, every day for his incompetence involving the Iranian hostage crisis! Politics stopping at the water’s edge, my foot! All that’s happening here is that the people on the left understand that we’re dealing... Isn’t it funny that nobody cares about foreign policy? Remember, that wasn’t a big deal in this campaign? And even if it is a big deal, Obama’s the clear, clear superior leader. It would just make more people vote for Obama.

“He’s just a whiz at foreign policy. He’s made the world love us!” Obama gave us this! Obama gave us the Arab Spring, which has turned into what happened yesterday. Obama praised it, sanctioned it. He even tried to claim that they came about because of him. The Arab Spring and the Brotherhood were using the same tactics he used in his ‘08 campaign. He, at one time, was trying to make it sound like there was solidarity between him and these “democratic freedom fighters,” the Muslim Brotherhood.

We’re dealing with Islamist supremacists, and they are the mainstream. They are not the fringe, these people that killed the ambassador yesterday. And, by the way, they were let in. You may not know this. You can’t get into an American embassy. There are Marines. There are local police. You can’t get over the wall, rip down the flag, and set it afire unless somebody lets you in. That’s a question I have: Who let them in?

They were on the grounds. I’ve got the news reports. They were on the grounds, over the wall of our embassy, for a significant period of time loitering around. They weren’t trying to get into the actual embassy, but they were on the grounds, the compound. How? They had to be let in, or it is perhaps that they just weren’t stopped. I don’t want to convey the impression that somebody opened a door for them. They went over the wall, but nobody stopped them.

They were able to get to the flag, rip it down, try to set it on fire, and raise the Al-Qaeda flag. That just doesn’t happen. Now, if you move over to Libya, when that happens, there is a procedure in place to transfer the ambassador and his high-level aides to a different location for his safety and security, which happened. CBS (no less than CBS) is reporting the following. Brace yourselves. “Libyan officials moved our ambassador to a secure location and then told the mob where they took him,” and that’s how the mob knew where he was.

That’s how the mob knew where to go to kill our ambassador, because the Libyan officials who moved him to the secure place (according to CBS), then told the mob where he was. Then to add insult to injury, we have to listen this morning — honest to God folks — to Mrs. Clinton and Obama praise the Libyans for trying to save our ambassador. These pictures that you’ve seen with the ambassador upside-down, half naked, being carried over somebody’s shoulder?

We’re told, “Yeah, our friends in Libya were taking him to the hospital.” They paraded our ambassador around! Taking him to the hospital? How stupid do they think we are? And, meanwhile, all of this is about Romney. They’re trying to do to Romney here exactly what they did when he went to Europe for the Olympics and then over to Poland. They tried to make that trip into one giant gaffe after gaffe after gaffe.

Their success with the lies about Romney’s disastrous trip has given them the courage to try it again with this latest lie. Not one of the protesters, not one of the rioters was shot. Only Americans end up being shot. How does that happen? Do you think this woulda happened on 9/11, 2002? Do you think this would have happened on 9/11, 2007? Do you think it woulda happened on 9/11, 2009? It was probably more likely then. Obama was only in office for barely a year.

But, folks, we’re in the middle here of a full-fledged disaster.

I’m not surprised that a failed administration would try to divert all of this to Romney and steer everybody to, “He shouldn’t be speaking. That’s not very nice. In a presidential campaign, politics ends at the water’s edge. Who does he think he is? He has no business speaking.” They’re worried because he looked presidential. He also took questions, which Obama didn’t. But Obama took questions which bugs them. Then, lo and behold, you go to Fox and you find the predictable people on our side saying, “Really he doesn’t know. He shouldn’t be speaking. You know, it’s just one president and one voice, and Romney isn’t it, and he shouldn’t have spoken.”

Have you people ever heard of Ronald Reagan?


RUSH: Here’s the CBS story, so there is no doubt about this: “Military officials told CBS News an anti-terrorism team of U.S. Marines was being deployed to Libya to help secure US interests in the country following the attack. The State Department said, however, that no Americans were remaining at the facility in Benghazi. State officials would not confirm how many Americans were evacuated, or to where.

“Wanis al-Sharef, a Libyan Interior Ministry official in Benghazi, said the four Americans were killed when the angry mob, which gathered to protest a US-made film that ridicules Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, fired guns and burned down the US consulate in Benghazi. He said Stevens, 52, and other officials were moved to a second building, deemed safer, after the initial wave of protests at the consulate.

“According to al-Sharef, members of the Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated, and that building then came under attack.” So our friends in Libya followed procedure and removed our ambassador to the prearranged security location — the second building, away from where the primary attack was taking place — and then they told the mob where they took him.

The mob went and they killed him.

And today we had to listen to Mrs. Clinton (I’ve got the audio coming up) and the president of the United States praise the Libyans for trying to carry our ambassador to the hospital. I don’t know if you’ve seen any pictures of our ambassador being carried, but I’ve never seen somebody carried upside-down, over the shoulder, half naked to the hospital. It’s an amazing thing. Oh, and, meanwhile, folks, remember: It’s all about whether Romney jumped the gun today by even talking about it.


MORE at link!

681 posted on 09/12/2012 2:45:27 PM PDT by MestaMachine (obama kills and bo stinks)
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To: MestaMachine

My little rant posted on Rush Live thread today:

This has been a fast thread and a fast-moving FR today. People (Freepers and conservatives) are angry and fed up with the Obama lies and traitorous behavior...

AND the RINO wing of our government AND conservative media who refuse to name that which cannot be named-— that four letter word beginning with C and ending with P (hint: it doesn’t have an “a”).

Only a few choices: cowardly, comatose, complicit, bribed, or blackmailed. Our nation is in such peril, there is no longer any excuse to not name the unmentionable.

And, BTW, have communists/Marxists become so acceptable in the US, that their prominent place in our Federal gov’t is an open and permissible “secret,” even though few will still use the word(s)?

Is it acceptable that Obama plan Israel’s destruction in secret and give speeches that he has Israel’s “back,” while at the same time load our every governmental institution (or, at the very least, not rout out) with jihadist/sharia-loving MB’s committed to America and Israel’s destruction?

When will America get to vote on THAT explicit “fundamental change”? or will it continue to be imposed in stealth?

Plante & Levin, the only exceptions that I can think of. Thank God Plante started to get a wider audience-—and beyond the “local” Beltway. Not long before he will be targeted as the uncooperative, crazy media uncle living in the attic (like Beck). Too many people are starting to appreciate his on-air brilliance and stark uniqueness.

There is no guarantee that Romney’s campaign strategy (Obama’s a nice but incompetent guy) will work-— none whatsoever. And if Obama pulls something (just think of one of many potential horrors well within his repertoire), Romney will be defenseless and look naive (and “incompetent”). Meanwhile, whatever it is, Obama didn’t want to have to do it, but it was necessary to protect the country——”nice,” well-intentioned guy that he is.

Confuse the public for 24-48 hours, recast the national “narrative,” and Obama & MSM make his bad press and traitorous agenda disappear-— wiped clean, a do-over, if you will...a perpetual do-over.

DNC, God and Jerusalem -— Obama fixed it.
Netanyahu betrayal (Bibi & I talked on the phone for a hour)
ME embassy/consulate attacks -— No mention in Obama’s speech about Egypt embassy attack.

Watch & see what happens next. National narrative being recast as I write.

682 posted on 09/12/2012 2:47:52 PM PDT by thouworm (.)
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