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To: BushCountry
Union's don't underfund pensions. Company run defined pension plans are just that. They are run by the company. The union and the company negotiated the benefit (usually in place of wages) and it was the companies responsibility to properly fund it.
If the company couldn't afford to fund it they shouldn't have said they would. It is that simple.

What I don't understand is why these companies get their tax abatement's so everyone else gets to pay for the roads to get there goods to market, always get paid first when things go south.
Why aren't the pensions covered first so the rest of us aren't stuck with the bill.
I would guess the rest of us aren't giving enough to the ones who make the rules. Nothing more than corporate welfare

48 posted on 01/14/2012 4:55:52 AM PST by hans56
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To: hans56

There is no thinking person in America that thinks Union Pension plans are reasonable and fairly negotiated. Union pension plans are bankrupting whole states as well as companies. Most of the pension plans are forced on companies because they must have unions under state / federal laws and if the companies do not agree to a business killing plan a strike will bankrupt their company immediately. They negotiate outlandish and unsustainable pensions with a gun held to their heads.

53 posted on 01/14/2012 5:03:13 AM PST by BushCountry (I hope the Mayans are wrong!)
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To: hans56
Union's don't underfund pensions. Company run defined pension plans are just that. They are run by the company. The union and the company negotiated the benefit (usually in place of wages) and it was the companies responsibility to properly fund it. If the company couldn't afford to fund it they shouldn't have said they would. It is that simple.

I'm glad you said it, now I don't have to. Unions don't generally "run" a pension plan, companies do. G.M. being a notable exception with the union playing a dual role as "owner" too.

And I see you already have a reply telling you about those awful union run pension plans. Some just never will "get it".

Some skilled trades unions may be exceptions too - company funded and union supervised but that's a situation where the members don't just work for a single company but go from company to company, depending on where the work is.

79 posted on 01/14/2012 6:49:20 AM PST by Graybeard58 (Eccl 10 v. 19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.)
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