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To: Nachum

I’m curious to know how doctors feel about all of this and what their plans may be. If I understand correctly, their pay will be determined by the government as well as the growth of their practices. I haven’t seen much about where they see this heading. Does anyone know? Or can you direct me to some sources? Thanks.

4 posted on 11/12/2012 8:18:40 AM PST by formosa (consider me galt)
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To: formosa
660,000 physicians in US. 250,000 are over 55. Those who can, are cutting back or retiring or dropping out. That means a deep drop in availability of care and services.

Around every doctor's lounge in America, Doctor Atlas is trying to figure out how to shrug and they talk about it. The ones in a financial position to do so are definitely planning to work less and produce less. They have been personally insulted by this administration, in a deeply rude and vicious way. They'll cut back to pull their income under the new taxes.

The line I overheard, "What will WE do for medical care?" They believe that things are going to get very bad.

The biggest thing is that there are very few private practices--the docs have sold out to big hospital conglomerates and have become employees. That means they will serve the hospital's interests. There are clinical docs, who see you in their offices, and hopitalists who see you when you are in the hospital.

And I sense a big change in attitude toward patients. If you spend time on FR, you'll hear from freepers and freeper lawyers who say demeaning, resentful and envious things about "rich evil doctors." Doctors and their families hear and understand, and they aren't feeling too sorry for patients anymore, particularly when they vote Obamacare in. They are not stupid people, and a lifetime career of avoiding the predations of lawyers has taught them to avoid predation in general.

In short, that doctor you hate? He hates you right back.

7 posted on 11/12/2012 8:49:15 AM PST by Mamzelle
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