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Juan Williams: Liberal media Will ‘Shut U Down, Stab U Kill U, Fire you’ If U Disagree [VIDEO]
Daily Caller ^ | February | Grae Stafford

Posted on 02/24/2013 3:45:15 AM PST by lbryce

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To: glorgau

OK, that’s true. No denying it.

The thing is that in a government type context, they would still have to ‘sell’ their legislative product...which we can either ‘buy’ or not. It wouldn’t give them free reign to just lie as long as the ability exists to call them on it. Whereas KK is just an attention hound, the Pubs would control their message (true as you pointed out), but not without boundaries.

With the msm today, it’s a totally stacked deck and the thing is, the GOP is intentionally stacking it right alongside their participation in the circus.

It’s really just a mental exorcize for us anyway because the GOP does not WANT any message different than that the dems put out. If they did, they would change their ways and actually oppose them. Now, time and again, they go through the kabuki theater motions and give the Dems what they want. Over and over again.

81 posted on 02/24/2013 8:50:56 AM PST by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart

THen there’s still academia.

82 posted on 02/24/2013 8:56:00 AM PST by stanne
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To: Norm Lenhart

THen there’s still acadamia.

83 posted on 02/24/2013 8:56:16 AM PST by stanne
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To: stanne

Don’t remind me....

The real bitch with this is that it took 50 years to get here and it’s going to take either a total collapse or another 50 years to fix. Probably more.

Gotta start somewhere and as much as people want to think there is a magic fix, there ain’t. It’s gonna suck, golden cows will get slaughtered, everyone is going to lose standards of living...all of it.

The alternative is simple. Give in and embrace liberalism. People can say no all they want, but it’s simple reality.

My favorite example happened on FR a year or so back. ‘supposed’ Businessmen said they were against a border fence as it would hurt their business. Some conservatives huh? Now since plenty of ‘conservatives will take a similar track when their ox is about to get gored, that collapse seems the only workable option.

84 posted on 02/24/2013 9:03:46 AM PST by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart

I know. Too heavy for a sunday morning.

Just always looking for good news. Haven’t given up yet today. Maybe I’d better.

Fifty years. Hmm.

I do know I tell my high school students, esp when they pontificate on smokers they see in the old movies I show them for lit class, consider what future generations will be saying about US. Cigarettes, bah! They’ll be saying fifty five (more by then) million babies killed?! LegallY?! And that’s the good side. That future generations might be good.

85 posted on 02/24/2013 9:16:03 AM PST by stanne
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To: stanne

The only good news I can really believe in anymore is that the pendulum ALWAYS swings back. Always. And since Obama and Co. pushed/continue to push it so very far to the left, the swing back is going to make one hell of a mess to liberalism.

History always repeats. From the French and American revolutions to any number of other historical examples. Blowback really sucks. And as a teacher, I know I don’t have to tell you that ;)

The other thing that gives me hope is that a significant number of millenials just aren’t buying the BS. The fact that any of them question things gives me hope.

My go to example is the gun control thing. From GenX on, we (I’m 47) have been raised on video games. With guns in them. Sales figures show that first person/war/HALO type games are the big sellers. They LIKE guns.

Gun sales figures show they buy real ones when they are of age to do so. Murder cases show that the majority of these gun loving gamers are not spree killers. Just normal people.

Whadda ya think is going to happen to dem election chances as more of them start pushing these young pups to hand in their weapons for their own good...then ban any depiction of guns from games?

It ain’t going to go well. If there is one thing the millenials do not like hearing it’s “You can’t/wont.” Not after libs pumped them full of “Be free to be you” for 2 decades....


86 posted on 02/24/2013 9:38:07 AM PST by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart

March on Washington Pro Life 4-500,000 and growing every year
thsi is sfrom the Dartmouth paper in 2010. March was much bigger this year even and not reported nor spoken of in media.

Watch out:

“Everywhere I looked I saw seas of high school and college-aged students who had come from across the country to register their support for the pro-life cause. Nearly every group brought a banner with its name on it, and I saw names of colleges from Ohio to Vermont. Many teenagers were holding up signs that said, “We are the pro-life generation.”

87 posted on 02/24/2013 10:39:34 AM PST by stanne
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To: stanne

The whole “I wanna be an individual just like all my friends’ thing the libs pushed just ain’t working anymore. At least not like it used to. some of their friends still buy the ‘big issue over a little tissue’ mentality, but they have gotten so ridiculous with their pro choice crap (As Rush says, libs always overreach), that more and more are saying ‘enough’.

Di spite the programming of TV/media/peer pressure, there is no way any human with the capacity for reason can say that a baby isn’t a life, but a single cell animal on Mars would be. It’s an obvious contradiction. And the more they try pushing that kind of ‘reasoning’ the more people are forced to admit it’s BS...and thus there is likely a lot more BS the left fostered on them.

Another one is Rap music and misogyny. Kinda hard to square women’s rights and the average rap video/song.

There are thousands of things like that and we don’t give younger people enough credit for seeing through it. True, a lot of them still go along to get along, but since plenty of GOP voters do the same damn thing with far more years under their belt, we oughtta cut the yutes some slack IMO.

88 posted on 02/24/2013 10:53:19 AM PST by Norm Lenhart
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To: OneWingedShark

We can arise as a nation as in the Battle of Athens.

89 posted on 02/25/2013 4:48:16 AM PST by New Jersey Realist (America: home of the free because of the brave)
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