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To: A Navy Vet
You liberal/socialists at Democrat Underground can call them "plantation negroes" all you want.

The fact is the above believe in the capabilities of the black man and encourage you to be the best you can, as do I. The Sharptons, Jacksons, Maxine Waters and such need you to be a "victim" to further their agendas and monetary rewards through donations. I think you're better than that.

Ignore the racists and find your destiny, if from education or just hard work. Get off the dole and find some genuine self-esteem through hard work - I did when younger and it built my character.

Reign in your young wannabe gangsters; rebuild your destitute inner cities; let the race thing go and work with those who would invest in your neighborhoods and watch the jobs grow. Take pride in just being an American and let go of the past.

The future is out there for you. Yes, "creepy ass crackers" still exist, as do "black thug gangsters." Ignore all that and at least attempt to excel. You will be the better person for it. I have and not always been successful, but I continued on my quest to be a better person. I'm now proud of myself and can look myself in the mirror knowing that I improved. Know this is coming from a kid of the streets of Los Angeles.

You want self-esteem? Then build it from within and outwardly. Do good things for yourself, loved ones, and neighbors. Above all, listen to those of black heritage who believe in your potential and what you can accomplish.

You only need to try. If you fail monetarily, so what? Many of us do. Still, you have your self-worth. That is THE most rewarding thing you can experience.

31 posted on 08/21/2013 9:39:16 AM PDT by A Navy Vet (An Oath is Forever)
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To: A Navy Vet

Yes, agreed. The problem is that we have a society that does just the reverse: “rap moguls” (many of them white) make millions by promoting performers of a hate- and sleaze-filled message that just brings kids down, fills them with hatred along with a sense of entitlement that lets them do whatever they feel like doing, and ridicules anything that is not about money or sex.

And these are the people who are invited to party at the White House. Small wonder these kids are doing what they’re doing.

45 posted on 08/21/2013 10:06:29 AM PDT by livius
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