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To: RHINO369
Which was beside the point...your fellow boy in the (white) hood insisted that Western civ wasn't open to new ideas from outside the West during the Renaissance. He was wrong. I made no futher claims about Arab civilization other than when they were open to new ideas their civilization flourished (i.e. they preserved many of the ancient Greek texts) when they closed themselves off they crumbled - which was the main point of all this - that when we start thinking that no one else on earth has ideas to consider we will crumble just as surely.

If I were in the DNC, I'd print out this thread and use it in campaign mailers. I know that people like you are a tiny but loud minority in the GOP and are politically inert (What were Pat's vote totals again?) but it does bother me to see such ugly displays of hate masquerading as conservatism.

1,005 posted on 01/03/2002 12:59:03 AM PST by garbanzo
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To: garbanzo
No one is suggesting that we close ourselves off to the world. Advocating an annual immigrant inflow of 250,000 per year, as Buchanan does, rather than the 1.2 million or so who are showing up here now, does not constitute "closing America off."

A reduction in the immigrant inflow is entirely rational. As George Borjas has shown, the current crop of immigrants are MORE likely to receive government handouts than native-born Americans. As the 2000 election returns show, immigrants are MORE likely to vote for liberals than are native-born Americans. As the National Reserach Center showed in the 1990s, we DON'T need mass immigration for econcomic reasons. THE NRC estimated that the net benefit to the economy from mass immigration was on the order of 10 billion dollars, a paltry sum in our 8 trillion dollar economy. And this came at a cost--depressed wages for working class Americans.

As usual, Buchanan has facts on his side, and all the politically correct can do is whine and call him names.

1,012 posted on 01/03/2002 3:33:16 AM PST by Thorin
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To: garbanzo
... but it does bother me to see such ugly displays of hate masquerading as conservatism...."

All of us on this thread are pleased to see that you've examined your conscience. We admire your courage in typing this public confession of sin. We don't judge you too harshly for your hateful support of financial profit uber alles. Nor for your seething hatred of working class and middle class Native-born Americans and their aspirations. Nor for your, apparently, willful ingorance of the complex structures and rituals that must be defended from the destructive appetites of trans-national profiteers if any sort of social harmony is to be achieved.

That, of course, is the source of your hatred for Pat Buchanan, isn't it? It's not that he's a racist, it's that he's a culture warrior who is well aware of the fact that Western Culture rests upon the trinity of Christianity, Greco/Roman classicism and European paganism. THAT knowledge and his refusal to shut up about it is what you cannot forgive, isn't it?

However, as I said, in the spirit of the New Testament, I shall refrain from condemning you. But don't forget the part about going and sinning no more and all that stuff....

1,015 posted on 01/03/2002 5:06:24 AM PST by LaBelleDameSansMerci
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To: garbanzo
The DNC prints this thread-& they are thrilled at every Leftest weakling who attempts to smear truth with empty ad hominem attacks. Hoods? What school yard tripe. I may hit the abuse button!
1,028 posted on 01/03/2002 6:08:13 AM PST by TEXICAN II
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To: garbanzo
Which was beside the point...your fellow boy in the (white) hood insisted that Western civ wasn't open to new ideas from outside the West during the Renaissance. He was wrong.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said nothing of the kind. As usual, you mix apple and oranges. I did say:

"Most of the intermingling of peoples in Europe during that time was with other western civilizations."

That is completely true. Please focus on the word "most" also please note that I said nothing about Europe being closed to "new ideas". I should have figured that by conceding a minor side point you raised that you would extrapolate it illogically in a feeble attempt to prove your erroneous larger point. BTW, that race card of yours must be getting awfully tattered by now.

1,075 posted on 01/03/2002 12:06:04 PM PST by WRhine
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