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Tens Of Thousands Gather In Wahington For Largest Pro-Palestinian Protest In US

Posted on 04/20/2002 4:55:52 PM PDT by Davea

Sunday April 21, 3:39 AM

Tens of thousands gather in Washington for largest pro-Palestinian protest in US

In the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration ever in the United States, tens of thousands of protesters gathered here Saturday to condemn what they saw as the US administration's pro-Israeli bent in the Mideast conflict.

Waving signs equating Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and wearing the traditional Arab headdress, or keffiyah, crowds massed on the Ellipse in front of the White House to voice their disapproval of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians and US Middle East policy.

Police estimated that around 50,000 people took part in the peaceful protest although organizers, a coalition pro-Palestinian pressure groups, put the figure at 100,000.

Saturday's pro-Palestinian demonstration was billed as an answer to a mass protest by a reported 100,000 supporters of Israel Monday at the US Capitol, where speakers linked the Israeli offensive against the Palestinians to the US-led war on terror.

The pro-Palestinian protesters came from across the United States, including chapters of Muslim American Societies from New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Virginia and Michigan, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic American Institute and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

While Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz spoke at Monday's pro-Israel rally, there was no representative of George W. Bush's administration at Saturday's pro-Palestinian protest.

Congresswoman Cynthya McKinney, a Democrat from Georgia, was due to address the crowd at the Capitol and the protesters heard a tape message of jailed former Black Panther member Mumia Abu-Jamal in support of the Palestinian cause.

Iyad Hindi, 42, was in a group of some 400 who bussed in from Raleigh, North Carolina to participate in the event.

Hindi, who belongs to Raleigh's Muslim-American Society, said the crowd was in Washington "to tell the Israelis there should be no occupation" of Palestinian territories -- and "as long as there is (occupation) there will be resistance."

The group's "other message is to the United States government to stop the clear bias towards Israel," he said.

Behind Hindi stood a young man with a Palestinian flag printed on his t-shirt, who carried a sign saying "Jenin = Auschwitz," equating the Palestinian refugee camp, where scores of Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army, with the infamous Nazi concentration camp, where more than one million Jews were slaughtered between 1942-1945.

Signs equating the Jewish Star of David with the Nazi swastika were waved along with signs stating that "Sharon is a terrorist too," and that "Violence breeds violence."

Speakers took to the podium to decry the two billion dollars in military assistance the United States provides Israel annually.

Among the protesters were members of "Orthodox Jews against Zionism" who led chants of "Judaism: yes, Zionism: No".

Some families traveled from far to lend their support to the Palestinian cause and add their voices to the chorus for peace.

Jesmin Saikh, 15, came with a group of 200 from Gaithersburg, Maryland. She said she wears a head scarf at school, and "obviously disagree(s)" with her Jewish friends at school over events in the Middle East.

"But the thing that we share is that we know that both sides want peace," she said.

The demonstrators had to compete with a rival anti-globalization protest that also commandeered part of the National Mall that stretches from the US Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial, although many attendees said the causes were complementary.

Ranks of police milled around the crowd, some on foot and others on horseback, to ensure that the demonstration remained peaceful.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Israel
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To: Shermy
Correct. The majority had nothing to do with Palestine, but were the usual Marxist one-stop-rent-a-mob.

You had your union Marxists, gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender/two spirit Marxists, native-American, Mumia-loving black radical Marxists and the self-hating, ultra orthodox Jewish Marxists in goofy fur hats.

All registered Democrats, I'm sure.

21 posted on 04/20/2002 5:44:36 PM PDT by Deb
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To: hellinahandcart
I did a search using the title I saw and didn't see the other post. Sorry for the double post. And now this one :-)
22 posted on 04/20/2002 5:49:30 PM PDT by Davea
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To: Davea
I agree. I normally am cool enough to shrug or laugh off the typical liberal dribble, but this was different. It was violent, intense, and utterly ridiculous, but they believed every word of it with a passion.
23 posted on 04/20/2002 5:51:24 PM PDT by ForOurFuture
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To: veronica
There were less than 5K in the Palestinian crowd. I was across the street with the Freepers. Anybody else protesting in DC was there for the IMF and various leftist causes. The Palestinians did not have 50K-100K people there specifically for their cause. In fact, C-Span is replaying the whole sickening mess right now and will be broadcasting more around 11 pm EDT.
24 posted on 04/20/2002 5:51:26 PM PDT by rabidralph
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To: Davea
Patriots Rally For America - Live Report

Live C-SPAN Thread for Comments on Rally Against America

25 posted on 04/20/2002 5:52:36 PM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: Davea
You can say that again. This left-wing/socialist/communist movement is deeprooted. This is these extremists world view.

Here in Iowa we have a raging controversy concerning hogs--yes, hogs.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. has stuck his nose in this thing with his "Waterkeepers" environmentalist extremists.

He is here in Iowa proclaiming that those wanting to raise hogs in confinemnts are worse than bin Laden. The man, and his followers, are nut cases but he's a Kennedy so he supposedly has credibility.

Kennedy says hog farmers are a threat to democracy.

This group is linked to PETA.

26 posted on 04/20/2002 5:53:27 PM PDT by Conservativegreatgrandma
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To: Davea
Relax, you didn't make a duplicate post. I haven't seen the article you just posted. The thread I was referring to was a live discussion; we watched it happen on C-Span and...vented...

If you read it, you'll feel a little better. :)

27 posted on 04/20/2002 5:57:11 PM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: Davea; Prodigal Daughter; Yehuda; Nix 2; Thinkin' Gal; Jeremiah Jr
>It's official, the world has gone mad and the enemy is within. ...

Yes.  America the apostate.  G-d raising up its enemies against it in judgment per Deut. 28. ...*because they received not the love of the truth...God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.  So very very sad.  Deceived into joining into a ecumencial hoedoe with the enemy who would love to murder every American.

2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; *because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Get Ready for Twenty World Trade Center Bombings (A MUST READ interview from 1997) ~~~ excerpt:

MEQ: What about ultimate goals?

Emerson: Ultimately, incredible as it seems to us, to turn the United States into an Islamic country. They believe the world has to be made Muslim, preferably through da`wa but if necessary through other means. They seek to impose the Shari`a [Islamic sacred law] and even to resurrect the caliphate.8 The success of the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan prompted some of them to turn their sights on Western targets. Strange as it sounds, they think that they brought down one super power: one down, one to go. You have to see the World Trade Center bombing in light of that ambition.

They are sometimes publicly explicit about this goal. The Muslim, a British-based Islamic fundamentalist publication, appeals to Muslims, "let us not hesitate in preparing for Jihad against the unbeliever--to subjugate the world to Islam."9  Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (or CAIR) openly declares that he would like to see the U.S. become a Muslim country.10Abdulrahman Alamoudi, head of the American Muslim Council, stated at the Islamic Association for Palestine conference in December 1996 that the United States will become a Muslim country, even if it takes a hundred years. ...

28 posted on 04/20/2002 6:09:40 PM PDT by 2sheep
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To: ForOurFuture
what are we going to do about this? are we losing?
29 posted on 04/20/2002 6:10:42 PM PDT by contessa machiaveli
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To: Davea
Sounds like the American Taliban is in Washington.
30 posted on 04/20/2002 6:19:45 PM PDT by johnfl61
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To: Davea
It all hit me like a ton of bricks sometime in November, when I read one article here about some Middle Eastern guy spouting about the need for an "Islamic-style economy", and another the same day about Ramsey Clark's feeling that "Islam was one of the most important forces for good in the world". Then I remembered the people that Ramsey Clark has defended in court (the 1993 WTC bombers, and the Achille Lauro hijackers, for starters), and who he's attacked in the media (us), and it all started to fit.

Communism has had but limited success in co-opting Christianity and Judaism to their purposes( they've had somewhat better success with the public schools here). But Islam seems to fit them like a glove. They have finally found their huge mass of "oppressed people" who will rise up and create enough chaos to enable the communists to inflict their own brand of oppression on the rest of the world. And they don't care if they die in the process. It really isn't about religion; the religion is merely the chosen vector of infection.

It is truly time to tremble. We're going to have to kill half the people in the world before this is over. I knew that on 9/11. I just didn't know the real reason why back then.

31 posted on 04/20/2002 6:23:02 PM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: Davea; Prodigal Daughter; Governor StrangeReno; Quix; DrLiberty; MissAmericanPie; mancini
Among the many dreams and visions people have had in America of tornadoes and devastation, of mushroom clouds, missile contrails, submarine launchings, of military dressed individuals pursuing and searching for them, of massacres in their local churches, of being arrested and processed for concentration this one:

Prophetic Dream of The Capturing of Many Women
11-18-97 - Frankie Moore

"In a dream, I was observing a most atrocious sight.  I saw women in great numbers being abducted from the streets, their homes, business places and even from shelters, barns and other places where they had been discovered hiding.  Some were caught totally unaware while others seemed to have a measure of insight regarding this impending event.  Yet, even at that, they had found no earthly place to remain hidden.  I saw loving husbands and children watch as wives and mothers were literally ripped away from their sides.  Big, strong and muscular men were helpless to abort the seizure of their beloved mates, family and friends.

Next, I saw these females, who were of all ages, size, nationalities and financial status, being ushered into a huge building. Many, many women were being institutionalized against their will.  They could do nothing about it!  A few tried to fight off those tyrants but were unable to flee from the bonds that held them.  In some manner, either by body or spirit, I was there among those who were taken captive.  It was a most frightful event.  All felt so helpless.  They had to obey the commands that were given or risk horrible torture and possible death.  Each woman was given a small room, similar to a jail cell and could not even go to the rest room without being accompanied by an escort.

Everyone was forced to dress in a certain manner.  They were provided with long black dresses and a turban style headdress.  Their heads were to be covered with these at all times, even while sleeping.  Each turban had a code or something on the backside of it.  To remove this covering for any reason was forbidden and put a person at risk of receiving a severe battering. To defy authorities and break rules was never tolerated.  In the dark stillness of the night, it was common to hear the screaming and wailing of the many who were being raped and tormented.  In the daylight hours, the visible parts of many captive ladies revealed bruises caused from grotesque beatings.  The presence of animalistic bite marks further denoted the cruel manner in which the prisoners were treated. I knew that those in charge were Muslims and yet many of them had Oriental faces.  Oh, what a terrible dread was associated with those inhumane beasts.  They were vile and barbaric, showing no mercy.

Although many tried desperately, not one woman could obtain information about the welfare of their loved ones left behind.  This in itself was almost more sorrow than some could bare.  I have never in my entire life witnessed a greater or deeper pain than what I felt for all those who had been suddenly snatched from living in freedom and forced into a lifestyle that was fearsome and dreadful.

My conclusion to all of this is that something of this very nature, according to what I witnessed in my dream, is about to emerge right here in the USA soon.  Right now is the time to make every preparation possible to withstand the horrifying torture of body, mind and spirit.  The Holy Ghost is warning all who will listen, to come before God in true repentance.  This includes the sinners, saints and all shades in between.  Those who walk with the Lord must be attentive and listen to what the Spirit is saying so that they might be able to rise above the great pressures and oppressions of the enemy.  When all hell breaks loose in upcoming days, there will be tremendous difficulties, even for those who thought they were prepared.  And yet, for those who are caught unaware, it will be totally catastrophic and the associated pain unbearable."

Recommended reading: Psalm 81; Isaiah 45; Jeremiah 23; Ezekiel 7-8-9.
32 posted on 04/20/2002 6:27:46 PM PDT by 2sheep
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To: Davea
You are correct, the enemy is within.

I watched this anti-American event on C-Span and it made me sick to my stomach.

One speaker called for bringing the intifada to the steps of the White House and to the United States of America by any and all means necessary.

I would infer this to be a direct threat against the President and the United States of America.

If this is not a strong indication of why the INS needs to be abolished and serious immigration reform instituted then I don't know what is.

33 posted on 04/20/2002 6:42:34 PM PDT by healey22
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To: Deb
Yup. The International Action Center crowd, a front for the Workers World Party. International A.N.S.W.E.R. and Mumia 2000 are WWP fronts too. The WWP and IAC supported both Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein. Our friend Ramsey Clark is, of course, in the thick of all this. Anarchists call the IAC "the Borg" of the left. One of their tactics is to claim such-and -such a group or person has endorsed their rally and use that to manipulate others to sign on.
34 posted on 04/20/2002 6:43:09 PM PDT by LarryLied
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To: hellinahandcart
"Communism has had but limited success in co-opting Christianity and Judaism to their purposes( they've had somewhat better success with the public schools here). But Islam seems to fit them like a glove. They have finally found their huge mass of "oppressed people" who will rise up and create enough chaos to enable the communists to inflict their own brand of oppression on the rest of the world. And they don't care if they die in the process. It really isn't about religion; the religion is merely the chosen vector of infection.

It is truly time to tremble. We're going to have to kill half the people in the world before this is over. I knew that on 9/11. I just didn't know the real reason why back then."

I agree. This is what all this is about. Islam, Arabs etc as shock troops for something miuch, much bigger. The theatre of the absurd we are being "treated" to is not just a bunch of lunatic terrorists or some anomaly of history but a well coordinated effort towards a specific end supported and funded by a wide variety of "groups" that appear not to be connected. As well as certain states/countries.

the religion is merely the chosen vector of infection.

Yes it is but there are also other vectors. Truly a battle for the future "truly a time to tremble". Shaken but not stirred :-) A time for vigilance to say the least. And it has just started. We will win. But there is a dark night of the soul descending. IMHO of course.

35 posted on 04/20/2002 6:51:11 PM PDT by Davea
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To: 2sheep
Yeah, I could see me lasting all of an hour in a situation like that before they did me a favor and put me down.
36 posted on 04/20/2002 6:53:05 PM PDT by MissAmericanPie
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To: Davea;hellinahandcart
Insightful (scary) scenarios.
37 posted on 04/20/2002 7:08:56 PM PDT by constitutiongirl
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To: Conservativegreatgrandma
You may be from Iowa but you haven't a clue - if I read you correctly. The issue is hog factories, thousands on small acreages, probably owned by meat packers for the most part. Where farmers are merely day laborers - working by the hour like McDonalds help. I like the idea of family farms and I am a proud member of the VRWC - Jefferson did have some good ideas though Hamilton's vision clearly has won the day.

PETA, Bobby Jr. etc are using the issue but I refuse to throw out the baby with the bath water. They would not be in Iowa, me thinks, arguing over a few head on quarter section. The issue is so-called, correctly IMHO, hog factories

38 posted on 04/20/2002 7:13:26 PM PDT by Dahlseide
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To: LarryLied
Isn't that Brian Becker guy the head of an Anarchist group called Rough House, or something like that?
39 posted on 04/20/2002 7:18:05 PM PDT by Deb
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To: Davea
40 posted on 04/20/2002 7:23:13 PM PDT by Dahlseide
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