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To: acehai
The burden of proving the "second smoke cloud" notion to try to discredit Faret & Wendell rests exclusively with the tinfoil hats. Nobody has to disprove that nonsense, much less respond to demands to answer questions from tinfoil hat skinheads.

The answer to your 2nd question about the source of Meyer's statement - "I saw a streak of light in the sky. I have no idea what it was. And my reaction when I saw it was, what the hell is that?" - can be found in the following:

TEXICAN II via email: "looks as if the late Cmndr Donaldson knew a great deal about aviation in general & accident investigation in particular."

Donaldson brothers twa800 forum: CDR. Donaldson has extensive experience as a Naval crash investigator.

LSoft Flight 800 Forum Archives Sun, 16 Nov 1997
Bill Donaldson: "My First official aircraft crash investigation was of an accidental air to air missile shootdown of a Navy A4 in 1977, I am a Graduate of crash analysis training from the Naval Post Graduate School.

Was there ever a second? He couldn't seem to recall during congressional testimony. The transcript will follow shortly but let's continue with his posted comments first.

For the record AIM has funded me on two occasions and I will be a credentialed investigator for AIM at Mr. Hall's public relations show in Baltimore next month. Also for the record I am NOT officially attached to the Aviation Sub-Committee in any way nor have I represented myself as anything other than an Independent investigator of this incident. It just so happens what I discover is shared with them RATHER QUICKLY. Rest assured I've based my last letter on hours of eyewitness conversations, including one who watched a missile all the way to Detonation. [caps emphasis his]

Crash scool graduates are trainees, not experts.

ex·pert n. A person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain subject.

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Aviation, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Washington, D.C.

Mr. LIPINSKI. Excuse me, Commander, but how many military air crashes have you participated in as a lead investigator?

Commander DONALDSON. Lead investigator, one or two.

Mr. LIPINSKI. How many overall?

Commander DONALDSON. Because of the way that the military is structured, I have supervised probably a dozen. I go through and critique in the superior-the wing safety officer, for instance, reviews every squadron crash in detail--

Mr. LIPINSKI . So as lead, one or two, and you were involved in 12 other ones. Have you ever participated in an official investigation of a civil air crash?

Commander DONALDSON. No.

It would accordingly appear that prior to the Flight 800 disaster Bill Donaldson personally investigated one Navy crash, maybe 2, had a supervisory role in the review of the paper work of perhaps 12 other Navy crashes investigated by others and no experience as a civil air crash investigator.

Unfortunately, Congressman Lipinski failed to ask the most important question of all - approximately how many witnesses did Bill Donaldson personally interview and appropximately how many witness reports obtained by other Navy crash investigators did he personally analyze? In short, when did he obtain the experience necessary to expertly interview the Flight 800 witnesses or to expertly analyze their reports?

So let's look further:

Accuracy in Media - PRESS RELEASE
Washington, DC - July 14, 2000 For Immediate Release
TWA EyeWitness Alliance to Hold Press Conference on the 4th Anniversary of the TWA Flight 800 Crash
When: Monday, July 17, 2000 at 10:30 a.m. Where: National Press Club, Zenger Room
Eyewitnesses - Three of the 755 eyewitnesses interviewed by the FBI will relate what they saw — Dwight Brumley, who from an airliner 5000 feet above TWA 800, saw a missile blow it up; Fred Meyer, veteran helicopter pilot, who saw a missile strike the plane from his National Guard helicopter; Michael Wire, who was falsely described by the CIA as having provided the evidence on which its absurd video simulation of the crash was based. All three agree that this simulation bears no relationship to reality.

Click here for an 18 July 2000 Associated Press article by G. Stephen Bierman Jr. about that Press Conference. Two excerpts read as follows [emphasis added]:

[quote]On the fourth anniversary of the crash of TWA Flight 800, two witnesses criticized investigators Monday for doing too little to determine the source of a light they say they saw in the sky near the doomed plane. [end quote] [quote]Dwight Brumley, who watched as a passenger on another flight 5,000 feet above Flight 800, said he told his story to the FBI but felt it wasn't taken seriously. "I could not positively say that what I saw was a missile. What I saw was a very bright flame of light moving parallel to my aircraft", Brumley said at a news conference. [end quote]

The same clickable reference source includes the transcript of a recorded inept interview of witness Brumley. It isn't clear if it was at that press conference. Note the elapsed time between the fiery streak and the Massive Fireball explosion in the falling wreckage at 5500-7500 feet was only 1-2 seconds.

Meyer apparently didn't appear at the Press Conference but he stated as follows to an NTSB Witness Group: "I saw a streak of light in the sky. I have no idea what it was. And my reaction when I saw it was, what the hell is that?

Click here for Meyer's detailed report. He obviously could not have seen a "shootdown" of the airliner at 13,800 feet only 3-4 seconds before he saw the Massive Fireball explode in the falling wreckage at 5500-7500 feet.

If you have a report of Michael Wire you want to post, do so. The following is from the Archives of the LSoft Flight 800 Forum: [excerpt][quote]That one eyewitness is Michael Wire, a machinery expert who was working on a new drawbridge on Beach Lane, a road running from Westhampton, Long Island, to the beach. Wire's FBI report says that standing on the bridge, looking toward the beach, he saw a white light just above the rooftop of a house about 900 feet away, ascending from the ground at about a 40 degree angle. It "sparkled" and he thought it was fireworks. It "zig zagged" as it traveled upward and was going south-southeast when it "arched over" and disappeared from view. Two or three seconds later he saw an orange light that appeared to be a fireball in the sky about half a mile away. It was falling at about a 30-degree angle, with a fire trail burning behind it. According to Wire, the fireball disappeared behind a house two houses away from the one where he saw the white light. He then heard the first and loudest of four explosions. It shook the bridge. Eight or nine seconds later he heard two more explosions followed by a fourth a second later.

[end quote] Note that the elapsed time between the fiery streak and the Massive Fireball explosion in the falling wreckage at 5500-7500 feet is two or three seconds.

None of those 3 witnesses could have possibly seen a "missile shootdown" of Flight 800 at 13,800 feet. The sequential timeline tells the tale. Yet, the Donaldson brothers' website and Reed Irvine contend they are "missile witnesses".

The timeline and location of the major events of the disaster was approximately as follows:

8:31:11 Intact and climbing 747 approaches 13,800 feet.

8:31:12 Initiating Event at 13,800 feet followed immediately by the commencement of the decapitation process.

8:31:47 explosion of Massive Fireball in the falling wreckage at 5500-7500 feet. 8:31:55-8:31:57 splashdown of the Massive Fireball flames.

56 posted on 06/05/2002 9:54:24 PM PDT by Asmodeus
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To: Asmodeus
The burden of proving the "second smoke cloud" notion to try to discredit Faret & Wendell rests exclusively with the tinfoil hats.

Elmer, Elmer...

Why are you trying to cloud the issue (no pun intended) by saying we are trying to prove the "second smoke cloud" notion. I didn't even know a second smoke cloud theory was ever proposed, until you brought it up!!!

I am not talking about a second smoke cloud: The question is very simple, and calls for a simple answer.

Did Faret and Wendell report THE smoke cloud they describe in their personally prepared witness statement as moving NNW?

Is this cloud movement reported by Faret and Wendell in a direction not consistent with the upper air wind data the NTSB published in the final report?


57 posted on 06/06/2002 12:31:52 PM PDT by acehai
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To: Asmodeus
This is a continuation of #56 above.

"A detailed discussion of the shootdown of TWA Flight 800 is well beyond the scope of this letter, but please be assured my credentials and career experience exceed those of anyone in the NTSB or FBI leadership positions. Ironically, my first crash investigation was the accidental missile shootdown of my assistant aircraft maintenance officer by Marine F4 Phantoms in 1977."


Cmdr. William S. Donaldson, III - USN, Ret.
Aviation Mishap Analyst
P.O. Box 90, Clements, Maryland 20624
Web site:

June 18, 1999

Honorable Joanna Seybert
Uniondale Federal District Court 
2 Uniondale Avenue 
Uniondale, NY 11553

Your Honor,

This letter is offered as a friend of the court statement for your consideration prior to the sentencing of Elizabeth and James Sanders on 9 July 1999.

It is my finding after a two year independent investigation into the unexplained loss of TWA Flight 800 that the Boeing 747-100 was intentionally shot down and that Justice Department actions intimidating Congressman Traficant, prosecuting the Sanders and Captain Stacey, fit a clear pattern facilitating a White House cover-up.

On 6 May 1999 I was invited to testify before the House Aviation Subcommittee hearing into the Reauthorization of the National Transportation Safety Board.  I argued, in the presence of the Chairman of the NTSB, James Hall, three points.  1) The NTSB leaderships should be replaced, 2) the NTSB should be reformed without political appointees, and 3) Title 18 and Title 49 of the US Code should be reformed to prevent future harassment and malicious prosecutions of Parties or their investigators.  My written testimony is Attachment 1.

I brought into the hearing physical evidence (maps and FBI Operational Orders) of a covert missile recovery operation manned by FBI Agents and paid for by the NTSB.  News coverage of that testimony is Attachment 2.

Congressman James Traficant's behavior during those proceedings was theatrically overblown praise for the FBI and NTSB, enough so as to derail meaningful discussion of my testimony.  His inexplicable reversal from strong public supporter to irrational critic of our investigation prompted me to check his motives.  What I found has a direct link to the Sanders case.  Multiple Justice Department leaks of Mob affidavits tying Mr. Traficant's office to organized crime were released in his hometown precisely concurrent to the arrests of Sanders, Captain Stacey and the Baltimore NTSB Public Hearing in December 1997.  Attachments 3, 4 and 5 are news coverage and letters to Chairman Duncan and Chairman Smith about Mr. Traficant.

A detailed discussion of the shootdown of TWA Flight 800 is well beyond the scope of this letter, but please be assured my credentials and career experience exceed those of anyone in the NTSB or FBI leadership positions.  Ironically, my first crash investigation was the accidental missile shootdown of my assistant aircraft maintenance officer by Marine F4 Phantoms in 1977.

1. White House staff knew when Mr. Clinton signed the Iran/Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 that threats of war and retaliatory strikes against American interests from the Iranian Supreme Council were credible.

2. White House staff knew Iranian surrogates had already car bombed US troops at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in November 1995.  This act conveyed a warning not to sign the Sanctions Act.  The White House also knew that shoulder fired missiles had been smuggled across our borders by January 1996.

3. White House staff knew Iran called a summit meeting in Tehran with terrorist surrogates from nine Mideast countries on 2 June 1996.

4. The White House failed to warn of, or prevent, Iranian attacks before they came.  The first was against the Khobar Towers Air Force barracks complex in Saudi Arabia on June 25, 1996.  The second was on TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996.

The White House justifiably believed a counterstrike against Iran would unleash a world wide terror campaign just before the 1996 elections and that public understanding of these events would jeopardize the Clinton/Gore reelection.

By the time of the NTSB Public Hearing, 8 December 1997, eighteen months after Flight 800 went down, the Justice Department was signaling that the Riyadh and Khobar Towers bombings were unsolvable due to lack of Saudi cooperation and the White House was scapgoating our own military commanders.  The FBI had already declared the TWA loss a non-criminal event, illegally quashed the testimony of TWA witnesses, and illegally sealed indefinitely real evidence and laboratory testing.

At enormous expense, the NTSB political leadership had convinced a technically inept media that its nonsense mechanical failure theory was plausible.  In early December 1997 three problems remained: 1) disgruntled inside investigators who might go public during the Baltimore Hearings, like Captain Stacey; 2) investigative journalist James Sanders who was talking to an interested producer, Oliver Stone; and 3) James Traficant, the sole Congressman looking into the Federal investigation who's questions were embarrassing the NTSB and FBI.

The Justice Department solved all three problems by taking direct action against those individuals between 5 and 12 December 1997.

The Sanders' conviction should be vacated and all felony stigma expunged because they were victims of a malicious prosecution undertaken to facilitate a political cover-up.  Your Honor, the Constitution provides you immunity from political pressure through life tenure on the Federal bench.  In cases like this, you are the people's lifeline, a constitutional check and balance with the power to stop in its tracks, politically motivated assaults on private citizens.

In the TWA investigation the government has clearly acted as a partisan and proactive interested party, silencing witnesses, distorting facts and striking down its critics by all means available.  Please restore the Sanders' full citizenship rights and rebalance the scales of justice.

The Sanders' conviction should be vacated because they were prosecuted outside the intent of Title 18.  The statute is designed to protect aircraft crash debris from loss to souvenir hunters, scavengers or other parties whose pilfering would prevent qualified aircrash investigators from physical examination and laboratory analysis of real evidence.

In this case the only scavengers or pilferers who were preventing qualified aircrash investigators from examination and laboratory analysis of real evidence were FBI agents acting without due regard for the controlling Federal Statute, Title 49 of the US Code.  Testimony at Senator Grassley's hearing clearly proved that FBI agents were guilty of far more serious violations in removing evidence without authorization, evidence that remains missing to this day.  Non response of the FBI to NTSB / Party Investigators was a constant impediment to progress.  The FBI has no professional crash investigators.

Captain Stacey's transfer to James Sanders of a small sample of suspicious material for laboratory testing may have been overzealous, outside of normal protocol and actionable under Title 49 by sanctions such as being severed from the investigation.  Prosecution under Title 18 for either man, however, is totally inappropriate because their actions were taken within the broad scope of a Title 49 aircrash investigator's mission, which is to develop evidence and to expeditiously discover the cause of an air disaster.

The Sanders' conviction should be vacated in order to restore Title 49 to the status intended by Congress.  Allowing the Sander's and Stacey convictions to stand would set Judicial precedent subjecting Title 49 aircrash experts to the whimsy of the Justice Department and would render Title 49 authority moot.

This precedent is dangerous to public safety.  Flight 800 was the first American Flag transport shootdown by shoulder fired missiles, but the 27th such shootdown worldwide.  Masking the true cause of any aircraft loss is a compound hazard.  In this case, failing to publicly identify the true cause allows the administration to avoid politically risky national defense responsibilities, leaving the threat in place.  A second hazard occurs if operational or engineering changes are made based on false assumptions.  These types of changes may actually degrade air safety margins.

The Sanders' conviction should be vacated to restore their 1st Amendment rights of free speech and free press.

Although the Sanders' were charged under a statute, Title 18, intended to protect physical property, the Administrations actions in this prosecution clearly portray a different intent, suppression of information that by law should be in the public domain.

Sanders, a published investigative journalist, was given this material by a legitimate crash investigator with the express purpose of conveying vital information to the general public.  As agreed, Sanders then analyzed and published the data gleaned from these worthless swatches of seat fabric.  If the government is right and this seat fabric bears no evidence of a criminal act, then it is worthless to the investigation and its removal has caused no harm to the investigation.  Their actions however, portray that the seat fabric was very important to the investigation, either because it did contain real evidence of a crime that they wanted suppressed or because Sanders embarrassed the government.  Neither of these reasons warrants prosecution under Title 18.

Regardless of whether Sanders laboratory analysis was correct or if his published information was accurate or not the Government has no standing to punish him or anyone else exercising free speech or free press.  Indeed, government agencies operating within constitutional constraints should be deaf to what private citizens say or publish.

The Sanders' conviction should be vacated to right the injustice of selective and prejudicial prosecution.  Regardless of the outcome of the Sanders' case, an irrevocable punishment process began with the indictment.  Defense costs, stress, loss of jobs and ultimately bankruptcy are imposed immediately.

Since the demise of the Jim Crow laws in the South, Americans have grown accustomed to equal treatment under the law.  They do not expect to be selectively prosecuted for things other citizens are openly doing on a routine basis.  This case is particularly egregious because the other citizens were the FBI.  Agents routinely removed debris without following any semblance of protocol.  Recent Senate testimony established that agents were actually caught by security in the act during early morning hours at Calverton.

The Deputy FBI Director who ordered the arrest of Captain Stacey and the Sanders' thought nothing of helping himself to debris for a public relations souvenir giveaway that was televised nationally.

 Your Honor, you alone have the ability to right these wrongs.  Regardless of what you believe about the fate of TWA Flight 800, you have to ask yourself, "why did the Justice Department go after these two people so rabidly?"  Was it because they did real harm to the investigation or because they embarrassed the government?  The government's actions in this case are completely out of proportion to the act committed by the Sanders and committed by others without penalty.  I urge you to set aside this verdict and rebalance the scales of justice.


William S. Donaldson, III

The Honorable John J. Duncan, Jr.
U. S. House of Representatives 

The Honorable Lamar J. Smith
U.S. House of Representatives

District Attorney James M. Catterson, Jr. 
Suffolk County Office of the District Attorney Mr. Philip M. Condit 
The Boeing Company

Mr. Jerry L. Gitner 
Trans World Airlines 

J. Bruce Maffeo 
Attorney at Law 

59 posted on 06/06/2002 6:39:45 PM PDT by Asmodeus
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