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The American Dream vs. The American Nightmare
J.R. ^ | 26 March 2001 | Anthony C. LoBaido

Posted on 06/09/2002 6:58:56 PM PDT by bat-boy

The American Dream vs. The American Nightmare a.k.a. “The Devil, Daniel Webster and Professional Wrestling”

By Anthony C. LoBaido

In the Christian worldview, Satan and his demons are ancient -- as old as mankind. More accurately, older than man. Since demons never die, and humans of course do return to dust, the demonic world has had many a millennia to analyze human nature. Eventually, Satan and his legions have become experts at influencing human beings, the leaders of nations and thus the course of history.

If there is a Satan, then he may work through the following modus operandi – a technological pitchfork so to speak. It reminds one of the film Omen III, in which the Antichrist, played devilishly by Sam Neil, wants to take control of the minds of the young people of the Earth through the United Nations Youth Council. Take for example the Sunday, March 10th, 2001, New York Post story about WWF wrestling and how women are treated on their programming. The article gives an interesting look at what kind of forces are shaping the minds of the future generation of Americans. The Post Reported: Monday on his WWF cable show on TNN - a network owned by CBS/Viacom, another TV entity that's eager to do business with [Vince] McMahon - McMahon stood in the center of the ring at the sold-out MCI Center in Landover, Md. In the house were roughly 22,000 people, almost all of them children, teens and young adults. And most of them male. One of his full-breasted female performers, who goes by the name Trish Stratus, stood in front of McMahon. He then began to scream at her as if he'd gone berserk. He began to verbally degrade and humiliate her, hollering that she needed even more punishment. And this, apparently, was what the young males in the audience had been waiting for because they stopped giving the finger to the TV cameras (one of the WWF's, and now the XFL's, encouraged images) and exploded in delight. McMahon's verbal abuse held the promise of sexual and physical abuse. And McMahon rarely disappoints. McMahon waited for his desensitized disciples to calm down. Then he demanded that Stratus remove her shirt. And McMahon's constituency again roared its approval. Stratus, feigning fear and reluctance, removed her shirt to reveal an inadequate bra. Again, McMahon's audience went wild as he gazed out with his practiced, self-satisfied, professional creep look. But McMahon wasn't done with Stratus nor with entertaining the kids who comprise his power base and which also explains his popularity among unconscionable TV executives. The nationally televised, primetime verbal and sexual abuse of one of McMahon's female performers - "ho's," as McMahon's characters have taught little boys to call little girls - would continue.

McMahon, the same fellow who the Governor of Minnesota reports to, next demanded that Stratus remove her skirt. Again the boys in the MCI Center erupted with approval. Stratus then removed her skirt. She now stood in front of a national TV audience, whimpering, dressed only in a feckless bra and thong panties. And the little boys and the bigger boys in the MCI Center absolutely loved it. McMahon then teased the audience that whatever was left on Stratus would be coming off. The crowd jumped for joy. Then boos were heard, as McMahon in the role of the merciful pervert, removed his own jacket and draped it over Stratus.

Girls are still called "ho's" and are told to "suck it" by boys pointing to their crotches - acts taken directly from McMahon programming. Backyard pro wrestling shows - kids being smashed against tables until they break while another kid captures the action on the family camcorder - have become a standardized after-school activity. There's no running from an entertainment media that so directly targets kids for shock treatments until their pliable senses, with little time to develop, are numbed.

Vigilant parents can't hide their kids from the Vince McMahons because they're pervasive. Meanwhile, the kids closest to the edges are pushed closer and closer. To know McMahon is to know that he might've saved Monday's sexual degradation act for the MCI Center. That's his kind of inside joke - the kind that Jesse Ventura, the Governor of Minnesota but still in McMahon's employ, used to crack on WWF shows about the sexual deviance that went on behind closed doors in the WWF. And to know McMahon is to know that he would extend Monday's sickness into Thursday's "Smackdown" on UPN, a network so desperate and bereft of virtue that its newscasts are loaded with WWF promotions that are presented as news.

Thus Thursday's show, starting at 8 p.m., picked up where the Stratus angle ended, with McMahon suggesting that another sex kitten be targeted for the same sexual degradation and humiliation. Wrestling, after all, is as relevant to the WWF as football is to the XFL. And, because shamelessness is McMahon's stock in trade, he proudly stressed the words "humiliation" and "degradation" while promising that this one would be worse (better) than the last. Linda McMahon, Vince's shameless wife, was in on this one. As McMahon prepared to abuse another female performer, Mrs. McMahon was rolled out in a wheelchair - so McMahon could do it right in front of her. She played the role of a woman who had become immobilized and catatonic due to the sordid behavior of her husband, who was happy to entertain little boys, teens and young adults by rubbing it in her face. And the kids in the audience loved it. Mrs. McMahon, it's worth noting, this past summer accepted an invitation to address a luncheon held by the Republican Party at its presidential convention in Philadelphia. Topic: The American Dream. And although McMahon also includes his son and his daughter in his desensitizing low-life WWF skits, NBC Sports President Dick Ebersol proudly stated that should death suddenly strike him, he'd have McMahon serve as his kids' "guardian.”

Ask yourself: Is this not quite sick? It is certainly not sexy or erotic, it is violent and revolting and evil. And the wife of the head of the WWF was brought to speak to the Republican Convention on the "American Dream?" Well, if so, then we know that the American Dream is dead, and has been for a long time. What do we have in its place? We have the American Nightmare. Just read the headlines: Aids, divorce, gangs, debt, shootings, crime, political correctness, drugs, abortion, eugenics, euthanasia on and on ad nauseum.

What is more depressing? The news itself or the liberal media’s spin about the meltdown? If there is a Satan, then we must presume there is also a God. If there is God and He is righteous, then judgment is bound to follow. And if so, what form might this judgment take?

A quick perusal might include race riots, (who could possibly hand in their guns with the L.A. riots, which spread to many other cities back in 1992, firmly in our recent and collective memory as Americans). What about financial collapse?

Wicked leaders - the return of Hillary Clinton and Al Gore in 2004 - might come to power on the heels of a Wall Street meltdown? Islamic terror from Libya, Iran, Iraq or Algeria? Russian and Chinese missiles? More massive Third World Immigration? Perhaps biological warfare? What about natural disasters? Has anyone considered famine with our food crops? We know that the Russians tried to infect some of America’s food crops with biological toxins in the mid 1990's.

Some friends, huh?

This story was published in the Associated Press, then strangely disappeared. The elites don’t want to scare people I suppose. The stock market is way down. The Nasdaq climbed to 5000 last year, now it has fallen below to 2000. Remember when the idiot meat puppets on the idiot box were crowing how we had “entered a new era” and that the “market would climb forever?” Their forerunners were also parroting this line back in the 1920’s about RCA and the “new technology” of radio in that era.

Will you be sad to watch the market crash?

Especially when you know China is the largest owner of U.S. Treasury Bills of Debt? Or that China has invested heavily in our stock market? And that we buy and invest in China when they use slave labor of Christians in their factories?

I say fine. Let it crash. Wall Street greed has blinded this nation to the point where we cover our eyes like children and believe we can some how change reality by participating in a mass delusion. Lord, I plead with you to let Wall Street melt. Sure other nations are more “evil” than America. None however are more flooded with the Gospel, which has been rejected overall. But would such a meltdown produce a revival among the American people, or more statist controls like America saw in the 1930’s under FDR? Would not the average American be clamoring for any one, even a dictator to “bring back the prosperity and false idols” after the next big crash hits the financial markets?

To be honest, after living most of the 1990’s abroad, I don’t understand America anymore. I have expectations for America, as opposed to Thailand or Jordan. So when America is dying, it upsets me. Is there hope? Sure. The namby pamby Christians will say, “Oh things will just get worse, the Bible says so, lets not get too upset about it and just focus on the positive.”

This while millions are led into hell by the government-banking-media-entertainment complex, as Christians are marginalized from the culture at a level our grandparents would find truly frightening. By now any thinking person can see that Bush Jr. will NOT turn around this country. Political correctness rolled back? Please, the FBI announced it will hire 880 new agents – all must be NON white. So much for the right wing savior John Ashcroft. Stop abortion - even at nine months? Get real. Did you see Ashcroft wimpering before the baby killers in Congress? What would you have given to hear Ashcroft say, “Don’t worry Maxine Waters, you can mutilate and poison all the babies you want.” Let’s face facts. There is no real debate in this nation, no real information. Ralf Nader was removed from even sitting in the Presidential debates. Can you imagine how Nader and Pat Buchanan would have ripped the throats out of Al Gore and Bush, Jr. in a real debate? What about The O’Reilly Factor news show you say? Well, do you see Bill O’Reilly telling people Nelson Mandela is a mass murderer and a communist?

What about Clinton’s treason with the technology transfers to China? And while we are on the subject of all that is wrong with America, why is Bush, Jr. warning Americans about FBI agent Hanssen’s treason vis-a-vis Russia while failing to prosecute Clinton for his blatant treason with Red China? Is it because Clinton still has all those FBI files he stole back in 1993? Or could it be that Clinton has the goods on the Bush family for past misdeeds vis-a-vis the arming of Iraq? Yes, there are enough vis-a-vis here to fill an encyclopedia of the new quid pro quo that drives the Washington political landscape.

So as per usual, we are left with the massive lies of the elites who run this nation. Who are these elites? Start with the networks. There’s ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX. Then the Federal, yet privately owned Reserve Bank. Wall Street and Robert Rubin’s golden boys at Goldman Sachs. Madison Avenue. The United Nations. Certain select Senate and Congressional Committees. The New York Times and Washington Post. What is the difference between the “Ministry of Truth” in Orwell’s 1984 and a handful of like-minded men named Michael Eisner, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner who control most of the media in 2001? How very sad it is to see the American people caught in this web.

Yes, we traded in our traditional values for a bowl of debt-ridden globalist porridge. Perhaps the only sanity we can find is when the elites must attack even those they have co-opted for various, yet important Cardinal Sins. Examples you want? Puff Daddy, a.k.a. Sean Combs is on trial in New York for the sin of carrying around a gun. I live not far from Puffy’s mansion in New York and I can tell you the elite socialites in New York love to come to his house parties. Yet don’t forget that New York is one of the gun control freakazoid states. Though Puffy debases the morals of the youth with his puffed yet empty black gangland anarchy lyrics, he must be crushed for the ultimate sin of “self defense” with a gun.

Bill Gates is another elite totally co-opted. Gates gives tons of money for abortion and birth control services – a primary goal of the new age occult elite. Yet Gate also invented the internet, which allows the masses the chance to exchange information the elite would rather control themselves. And look what they did to poor NFL great Reggie White for daring to speak out against the Sodomite agenda and abortion. Forget affirmative action, the Bible-toting black preacher is public enemy number one with all due apologies of Puff Daddy. As for the ordinary citizens of the United States? Well, until the "ELITE" who run the country require a real sacrifice - lets say a real land war in Iran, India, Pakistan, Colombia, Panama, Egypt, Sudan – the sites of possible future battlefields, they there will be no turn around. All elites require sacrifice of the masses at some point. So a war will come, eventually. A war where women will be coming home in body bags, after being raped and mutilated in Muslim concentration camps.

And when these future wars come, what will Americans be fighting and dying for? I predict it will be over the poison fruits of Clinton's treason with regard to China and Russia. Who will fight along side America in the future? To be sure, we have lost all of our allies. When Bush speaks of Allies I cringe. Laos, Cambodia, Burma, South Africa, Rhodesia, Sudan, Angola, the Kurds, South Lebanon...they are all gone. They were rooks on the chessboard and America and Europe the ultimate target. If the new anti-American “axis” cements its alliance - China, Russia, India, the transnational drug lords, Marxist South Africa and radical Shiite Islam - then the West will surely fall. I wonder behind it all, are there dark and demonic forces at work? I wonder if the agricultural diseases in the UK are man-made, perhaps by the Iraqis? Or maybe Russia? They have certainly proven capable. Or rather is it a judgment of sorts or merely a foreshadowing of one that is to come?

Some readers have told this writer that they can actually feel the tentacles of these dark forces. Many wonder if we are in the times, and that the Kingdom of the Antichrist is emerging. Who can say for sure? Perhaps Vince and Linda McMahon have the answers. If not, they have presented us with perhaps the most important question of our time: Who is controlling the minds of our children, and to what end?

There is another type of perversion going on in America that is perhaps darker than McMahon's show. It is the recently implemented law that children can be removed from their parents' care by the government if their parents do not medicate them with Ritalin. Add to this is the sick world of psychiatry that brainwashes parents by telling them that their teenage children are suffering from “Bipolar disorder” and must be fed lithium and prozac. What child doesn’t let his attention wander? What teenager doesn’t seem out of sorts and confused at times?

Now the medical establishment even wants to proscribe prozac for babies. How positively mad! These drugs have a terrible effect on the mind and spirit and I was shocked to learn very recently, how many parents are following the Doctor's orders. The underlying perversion plot may be a new generation of drugged, subdued and indiscriminate American adults, who will accept everything that is evil. Surely, that is a more frightening scenario than World War III. And of course, the South Park series fits well with a brain suffering the effects of hallucinatory cocktails. It's not what they're doing for all to see publicly that is scariest. It's that they've infiltrated the family home and family doctor's practice. And now they've made it law - the American children are owned by the American government, when comes crunch time. May God help us all. We not only believe these lies, but as my associate J.R. Nyquist has said, “We have made love to them.”

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous

1 posted on 06/09/2002 6:58:57 PM PDT by bat-boy
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To: bat-boy
Quite a rant with a lot of truth weaved into it. Is there a Satan? Do demons and devils really exist? You bet your a** there is and are. You read about them everyday right here, working their hatred into the fabric of the life of men.
2 posted on 06/09/2002 7:49:00 PM PDT by thegreatbeast
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To: bat-boy
Bill Gates did not invent the internet. Not even close. The internet, more or less, started as a project at MIT and was implemented on Unix, not Windows originally.
3 posted on 06/09/2002 10:32:49 PM PDT by Jack Black
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To: Jack Black
Unix! Don't mention uses daemon processes, and also has zombies.
4 posted on 06/10/2002 7:12:30 AM PDT by proxy_user
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To: Jack Black
You're right. I noticed that also. He was definitely off-based on that. Unless he was speaking of Windows allowing the normal Joe who is not a computer guru and does not know Unix to access the Internet.

If that was what he meant, he should have been more clear because as it reads it's incorrect.

That doesn't take away from the overall message though (IMHO)

5 posted on 06/10/2002 7:55:20 AM PDT by bat-boy
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