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The Public And The Elite Are At Odds On Immigration.
The Washington Dispatch ^ | 12-28-02 | Thomas D. Segel

Posted on 12/29/2002 12:18:51 AM PST by DWar

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Who will speak out for America? Not the politicians. Power corrupts and absolute power.....
1 posted on 12/29/2002 12:18:51 AM PST by DWar
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To: DWar
The White House also wants amnesty, but only for about 4 to 5 million illegal aliens from Mexico.

Who wrote this garbage?

The White House is a building. It has no wants or feelings or policy position.

And the position of the Republican party is not in favor of amnesty, nor continued illegal immigration. The current thinking is to make a guest worker program with computer ID tracking that makes sure the immigrant worker goes home after a couple years.

2 posted on 12/29/2002 12:27:29 AM PST by patriciaruth
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To: *immigrant_list; madfly; Tancredo Fan; Marine Inspector; Joe Hadenuf; Tailgunner Joe; ...
3 posted on 12/29/2002 12:46:03 AM PST by gubamyster
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To: patriciaruth; Marine Inspector; madfly; Sabertooth; Drill Alaska; FreedomFriend
And if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you. As *if* they EVER go home!

After inputting government data all last week I am still seething. They live in better places than I do (and I WORK) and they get it ALL! Bilingual Ed, free lunch, free housing, welfare, food stamps YOU NAME IT!

Marine Inspector knows how insanely disgusted and angry I am as I was speaking to him about it.

Oh and don't forget FREE HEALTH CARE and SOCIAL SECURITY for the elders that don't work a day here!

And on and on...

Oh and I forgot! Mexican ID cards! YES'm BOSS WE'LL TAKE IT!

4 posted on 12/29/2002 12:46:10 AM PST by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: patriciaruth
And the position of the Republican party is not in favor of amnesty

And what is the Bush administration position on 245(i)?

5 posted on 12/29/2002 1:00:27 AM PST by sarcasm
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To: patriciaruth
The White House is a building. It has no wants or feelings or policy position.

That is a real effective arguement there.(/sarcasm)

And the position of the Republican party is not in favor of amnesty, nor continued illegal immigration.

The Republican party is indeed in favor of granting 245(i), in effect, giving amnesty to millions of illegals here. The talk has bee quelled due to fall out from 9-11. The White House, or for you, the Republican party recently came out in favor of extending social security benefits to illegals. In a discussion of this issue on FoxNews this tonight, even Michelle Malkin conceded (strongly against her wishes) that this is pretty much a done deal.

The current thinking is to make a guest worker program with computer ID tracking that makes sure the immigrant worker goes home after a couple years.

You are correct that there has been much talk of and support for a guest worker program to deal with the illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico. I do not support any amnesty or a guest worker program. It seems you support such a program, so I have a few questions on how the program would be administered.

It is said a national ID or guest worker card would be issued to control the “participants” in the program. I would like to know how would this ID work? After all, we currently have a SS system, birth certificates, drivers licenses and other identifiers. These forms of identification are routinely disregarded by government and law enforcement (LE) agencies when illegals approach and utilize government services. If government and LE agencies today are accepting the Mexican ID, giving out benefits and catching and releasing known illegals, what is to make us believe this policy will not continue if an illegal does not have his new guest worker papers or ID? If drivers licenses, birth certificates & SS numbers are being forged and stolen today, what is to make us believe these practices will stop with a guest worker ID?

What is so magical about the guest worker program that will change government and LE practices as well as eliminate all these illegal practices that are currently going on? Nothing! They are not going to change. Can you promise that the IRS will stop issuing TIN to illegals, and other government agencies will stop providing services, including education to illegals who do not have a guest worker ID? Will the government revoke FDIC insurance to banks accepting the Matricula card? Will LE agencies begin coordinating with the INS to deport known illegals they have detained?

Our borders are not secure now. Once we get a guest worker program will the borders be magically shut & the guest workers will only enter through designated areas? Will all the illegals currently in America be deported and only guest workers allowed back in? Will the guest worker program eliminate the drug dealers, murders, thieves and others who just want to come to America, but want no part of being a guest worker? What steps will be taken to shut our borders to those illegals after the program goes into effect? Will all those illegals without guest worker ID’s be deported and will their property be forfeited (similar to drug absconders)? Will businesses that hire illegals not in the guest worker program be pursued and prosecuted with severe fines, including forfeiture of their assets?

Currently we cannot track & deport visa violators. What makes us think we can track & deport guest workers any better? How will we track guest workers who just don’t show up for work? If we catch them will they be immediately deported? Will guest worker’s families be allowed to enter with the worker who is in the program? Will they also be tracked & deported if the guest worker is in violation of the program or commits a crime in America?

Currently the pro-immigration people (and it seems the government too) are unwilling to deport known illegals. When there is a work slowdown &/or the picking season has ended will these guest workers be shipped back to their country? At who’s cost? Why would we think that those who currently do not want to deport known illegals, those who want to put water & beacons out in the desert, will just turn around after the guest worker program is implemented and say “OK your work is done, go back home now”? What makes you believe they will be willing to deport the millions of illegals currently in the country who do no qualify or who are not needed as guest workers? It is not going to happen. These feel-good liberals will then start crying that the worker’s kids are in schools, they have ties in the community…anything to keep the guest workers here. The leftists will argue for unemployment compensation, not returning to Mexico.

What happens if the guest worker has a baby in America, then will the kid automatically be an American? You know the parent(s) then won’t be sent back home when their work is done. Will guest workers &/or their family be given access to social services?

What wages will the guest workers receive? Will they qualify for minimum wage, health insurance, workers comp., be eligible to join a union…? If so isn’t this defeating the purpose of the Republicans & “big business” who are in favor of illegals because they drive down wages? I can’t imagine these guest workers will be able to work for less than minimum wage & be paid cash under the table as illegals currently are paid. Their wages will go up and be competitive with American citizens who “wouldn’t do the jobs these illegals are doing”. Won’t the increase in wages make these jobs much more attractive to Americans? Won’t the increase in wages & benefits increase the cost of goods, further defeating the “business purpose” of allowing illegals into the country? Can anybody say “capital market force at work”?

Who pays to send them home when their work is done, or do they remain in the country when "between jobs"? Will they qualify for unemployment compensation?

Knowing that 70% of Americans want immigration reform and the Republican sweep in the last elections should have given the President the support to make significant improving changes. I don't see a move in this direction.

We need to close the borders, overhaul the current INS and immigration policy, fine businesses that hire illegls and eliminate the incentives for illegals to come to America. Now!

Will this administration guarantee these changes before or in conjunction with implementing the guest worker program?

I’ll believe it when I see it.

6 posted on 12/29/2002 1:03:05 AM PST by gubamyster
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To: gubamyster
arguement = argument
7 posted on 12/29/2002 1:05:34 AM PST by gubamyster
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To: patriciaruth
IN THIS AREA, the president either has a blind spot, or chooses to put political expediency ahead of national security. IMHO it is the latter. He is too intelligent to have missed the genesis and implications of the creeping Balkanization. If the Mexicans can have a militarized southern border with Guatemala then we can as well. Political Correctness be damned. The preamble of the constitution articulates one justification for its ordination as being to "provide for the common defense". This is impossible without secure borders. One may argue that secure borders will never guarantee national security but the rejoinder must be that we can be sure that we will never have it without them. Militarization of our borders may not be the solution but it is its beginning.

“...We keep the wall between us as we go…
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, "Good fences make good neighbors”…

Mending Wall by Robert Frost

8 posted on 12/29/2002 1:20:58 AM PST by DWar
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To: All
I went into all this before Christmas on another thread. You all and many more can keep your blood pressure up and be angry all the time, but I prefer to watch now. The President has only the beginnings of control over the INS by virtue of its moving to the new Dept of Homeland Security.

The first chores are to split off the border patrol from INS so it can be more effective and to get modern computers that can track immigrants. Until these things are done, there is no way to enforce any changes.

As these things are going to take a year, there is going to be no way to show you objectively how "the Bush administration" is doing until then. So, you all are just going to have to stomp your feet and scream yourselves hoarse at every demagogueing article until then.

9 posted on 12/29/2002 1:22:06 AM PST by patriciaruth
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To: All
P.S. The Coast Guard is getting a bunch of predator drones, but I don't think they'll be in service until 2006, probably because the army is snatching all the ones coming off the assembly line at the moment.
10 posted on 12/29/2002 1:25:24 AM PST by patriciaruth
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To: patriciaruth
So tell us Patricia Ruth, is he listening or not?

When Karl Rove tells Tancredo "never to darken the door of the White House again" it doesn't bode well and we ARE angry about it.

There's a lot of us here and out in the public and it's with BOTH parties.

Many of us like President Bush but he's not listening to us. And that's what is making our blood boil.
11 posted on 12/29/2002 1:32:31 AM PST by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: patriciaruth
The first chores are to split off the border patrol from INS so it can be more effective and to get modern computers that can track immigrants. Until these things are done, there is no way to enforce any changes.

Reshuffling the chairs on the Titanic isn't going to help solve the problem. Neither is buying another computer system. Michelle Malkin goes into great detail in Invasion regarding the millions of dollars that have been wasted on computer hardware & software over the years. Still no effective immigrant or visa tracking system exists.

As these things are going to take a year, there is going to be no way to show you objectively how "the Bush administration" is doing until then.

Thanks for the reassurance - just sit tight folks. Well he has had 2 years & has done nothing. In fact if it wasn’t for 9-11 we probably would have amnesty by now.

So, you all are just going to have to stomp your feet and scream yourselves hoarse at every demagogueing article until then.

Another effective argument – call us names & equate us to 2-year-olds. How about if I opt out of paying my taxes for the next year until your great system is in place? When every illegal is taking $55K more from the system than he is contributing over his lifetime, I’d rather not pay for another year of freeloading.

12 posted on 12/29/2002 1:34:08 AM PST by gubamyster
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To: DWar
Elites? Hell. This is America and the only"elites" are the ones who have become ones in their own minds.
I do disagree with most of what all politicians believe. And it's not just this country. I have asked peoplee from all over the world what they think of their poloticians and they all say they are crooks.
13 posted on 12/29/2002 1:42:00 AM PST by Joe Boucher
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To: patriciaruth
P.S. The Coast Guard is getting a bunch of predator drones, but I don't think they'll be in service until 2006

The Coast Guard patrols the Arizona-Mexico border?

We have to wait until 2006 for a drone to be able to take images & track illegals coming over the border? Glenn Spencer is doing this now. Should he send some of his videos to the White House?

Sheesh, Wal-Mart was able to catch that Toogood lady beating her kid w/ a surveillance camera. You’d think the gubmint could install the same technology at the border by 2006.

But again what are they going to do with the information? The gubmint, as a willing accomplice, already allows known illegals to go free once detained by police, collect social services, obtain tax Id numbers, and transfer billions of dollars back to their native country. Why do we need a drone to take their picture, they walk right into gubmint offices!?

14 posted on 12/29/2002 1:56:22 AM PST by gubamyster
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To: gubamyster; I_Love_My_Husband; DWar; sarcasm
Happy New Year!
15 posted on 12/29/2002 2:04:04 AM PST by patriciaruth
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To: patriciaruth
"The President has only the beginnings of control over the INS by virtue of its moving to the new Dept of Homeland Security."

Baloney. Rearranging who reports to whom has no effect on an ineffective, bumbling bureaucracy with contradictory goals. First there has to be clarity on what it's supposed to do, and then many heads must roll to get it to do its job. None of this is in the cards.

"The first chores are to split off the border patrol from INS so it can be more effective and to get modern computers that can track immigrants."

Modern computers by themselves don't compel illegals to submit to being tracked. By themselves modern computers don't even allow different agencies to communicate with each other.

"As these things are going to take a year, there is going to be no way to show you objectively how "the Bush administration" is doing until then."

Designing and implementing intergovernment communications to the extent you dream about would take a decade, not a year. Dream on.

16 posted on 12/29/2002 4:05:31 AM PST by fastdraw
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To: fastdraw
I should add that several attempts have already been made to upgrade federal systems, and most have ended in failure. In the 90's, the FAA wasted a billion dollars or so trying in vain to redesign its air traffic control systems. The IRS still "loses" several billion dollars per year, cannot pass even the most cursory financial audits, and will not be able to for the foreseeable future.

And you expect miracles from the INS?!?!?!? WHY????

17 posted on 12/29/2002 4:10:58 AM PST by fastdraw
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To: gubamyster
"Sheesh, Wal-Mart was able to catch that Toogood lady beating her kid w/ a surveillance camera."

The fiend. I hope she never gets her hands on another surveillance camera. They are hard, blunt instruments.

Probably they should be registered.


18 posted on 12/29/2002 7:57:25 AM PST by boris
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To: patriciaruth; I_Love_My_Husband
The White House is a building. It has no wants or feelings or policy position.

The White House is the GWB or which ever Presidents that currently resides in it.

And the position of the Republican party is not in favor of amnesty, nor continued illegal immigration. The current thinking is to make a guest worker program with computer ID tracking that makes sure the immigrant worker goes home after a couple years.

The position of the Republican party is for what ever GEB wants. He is their golden boy and he wants amnesty and open borders. The fact that that Republican party leadership has ostracized and publicly stated that Congressman Tancredo's opinions of controlling the border, stopping illegal immigration and not giving amnesty to anyone, is not the opinion of the Republican parts, should tell you exactly where the Republican stands on these issues..

Also, as with every guest worker program in the past, if a new one is implemented, it will allow the guest worker to apply for residence and then citizenship. All past guest worker programs have this loop hole and any future guest worker program will also.

GWB wants Amnesty for all Mexicans and will do everything in his power to get it. The Republican leadership in Congress will do exactly wants GWB wants on this issue.

19 posted on 12/29/2002 9:08:44 AM PST by Marine Inspector
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To: patriciaruth
The President has only the beginnings of control over the INS by virtue of its moving to the new Dept of Homeland Security.

Moving the INS into the DHS provides no more control than he had previously. He is the President and already has all the control he needs. His appointment of and open borders libertarian to run the agency was your first clue to how dedicated he is to controlling immigration.

The first chores are to split off the border patrol from INS so it can be more effective and to get modern computers that can track immigrants. Until these things are done, there is no way to enforce any changes.

Splitting the enforcement side (which the border patrol is only 1/5th) from the service side will not make the enforcement side any more effective. They only way you can make enforcement more effective is to change the current policy and laws. You can split the agency into a million parts, but if the policy and laws does not change, nothing changes.

Also, computers can not track immigrants, and immigrants are not who we need to track. We need to track the illegal alien traffic that flows across the border and the visitors that enter the country legally. It takes more than a computer to do that. And any off the shelf computer can run a data base or system software. We need new officers, new policy and some more high tech equipment on the border. Computers we have enough of.

I spend 10 hrs a day enforcing our immigration laws, and believe me, everything Bush and Company has done is smoke and mirrors to make the average citizen believe that he is cleaning up the mess. Nothing has changed to stop terrorist from entering the country.

As these things are going to take a year, there is going to be no way to show you objectively how "the Bush administration" is doing until then.

Bush could change most everything over night if he wanted to. It’s been over 15 months since 9/11. What is he waiting for? Another attack? Policy change is the stroke of a pen. Bush won’t even pick up the pen.

So, you all are just going to have to stomp your feet and scream yourselves hoarse at every demagogueing article until then.

And your going to sit their in front of your computer denying reality until the next attack.

Most of these article were written with the help of people inside the INS, the people that know what is actually going on. It’s time to wake up sir.

20 posted on 12/29/2002 9:32:02 AM PST by Marine Inspector
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