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"I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants."--HILLARY "YOU KNOW" CLINTON
2-11-03 | Mia T

Posted on 02/11/2003 8:10:58 PM PST by Mia T

"I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants."

Hillary Calls for National ID Card



October 19, 2002 -- IT'S more than a little ironic. On the same day it was announced that Saddam Hussein has been "unanimously" re-elected, the only two senators preventing a unanimous vote in the Senate on the election-reform bill were New York's own Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton.

Why? "This would make it more difficult to vote in New York. It's designed to suppress minority voting participation," said Sen. Clinton.

The "this" Sen. Clinton is referring to is the new anti-fraud provisions in the bill. They require that every person wanting to vote show a driver's license, Social Security number or other approved ID in order to cast a ballot.

Clinton and Schumer preferred a system where a potential voter merely had to sign his or her name.

So who is it exactly that this bill is "suppressing"? U.S. citizens have all the requisite ID - no matter what their ethnicity. Could it be that Clinton and Schumer are "sensitive" to some of the leftist fringe groups in this country who are clamoring for the right of illegal aliens to vote?

It is no secret that New York is home to thousands of undocumented "residents" - who would vote overwhelmingly Democratic if they could just get past these darn ID requirements.

New York's dynamic duo have a lot more 'splainin' to do on this one.




YOO-HOO Mrs. clinton!

If you want to find the cause of our national insecurity. . .

look in the mirror. . .


Hillary Clinton made headlines a few weeks ago with her macho talk about national security. Watch her lips move:

"Our people remain vulnerable," she complained at a Manhattan conference on homeland defense, "nearly as vulnerable as we were before" the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Clinton -- just call her "Border Hawk Hillary" -- further asserted that "our approach to securing our nation is haphazard at best . . . Somewhere along the line, we lost our edge. We let our guard down."

The Hillary amendment
2/07/03 | Michelle Malkin

For aliens to obtain citizenship, federal regulations require that their application be accompanied by a complete set of determine if the applicant has a criminal or arrest record...It was in this area that Mr. Gore's pressure caused the biggest breakdown...

In the end, the [Clinton] White House got their one million voters and re-election. The U.S. got 75,000 new citizens who had arrest records when they applied; an additional 115,000 citizens whose fingerprints were unclassifiable and were never resubmitted; and a final 61,000 who were given citizenship without even having their fingerprints submitted so that no check was possible...

In June 1998, we undertook to again pick up the investigation of the program. Our interest intensified when we heard that a similar plan may be in the works for the 2000 presidential election. Among other things, we wanted to find out if the criminals who were given citizenship in 1996 were continuing their criminal activity in the two years since. My staff pulled out about 100 of the most violent or serious crimes that were committed by aliens prior to naturalization and documented by arrest records...

Of those 100 records, some 20% showed arrests for serious crimes after the subject was given citizenship. The charges included murder, rape and child sexual abuse. Based on those results, we resolved to ask for updates on every arrest record. Had we been given enough time to put together evidence and witnesses, Citizenship USA might even have figured in Mr. Clinton's impeachment trial.

 David Schippers
Abusing the INS,
The Wall Street Journal

Voter fraud, again!

© 2000

Stop the presses! I mean it. Stop the election!

Something is going on in Washington and California that will have a great impact on tomorrow's election -- and it stinks to high heaven.

Let me start by telling you how I found out about it.

A very good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, has a long-time live-in housekeeper from Guatemala. The housekeeper has a daughter who just turned 18. The immigration status of both mother and daughter has been pending for years. Papers have been filed with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Hearings have been held. But they are not citizens.

This is very important: The daughter has not registered to vote.

But, a few days ago, the 18-year-old got a very attractively packaged "Dear friend" letter from Bill Clinton, paid for by the California Democratic Party.

Here's what it said (on one side in Spanish and on the other side in English): "While every election is important, the November 7th election will determine our future for the next decade, and beyond. The stakes are high for America's Latino families. And California is the critical battleground.

"That's why I'm writing. We need your help to elect a Democratic Congress.

"Despite our strong economy, many hard-working people still struggle to make ends meet. Quality, affordable health care, a world-class education, aging with dignity, and well-paid jobs are part of the American dream -- rather than an American reality -- for too many people.

"Electing a Democratic Congress is essential for our 'Families First' legislative agenda.

"Congratulations on your decision to register. Registering to vote is a basic responsibility of citizenship that far too many people ignore.

"Now that you are registered ...


  • "Can I count on you to vote Democratic on November 7th?


  • "Will you make an extra effort to elect Democrats to Congress -- and to your State Legislature -- by talking to your family, friends and neighbors?

"Remember: Your Vote is Your Voice.

"Su Voz, Es Su Voto. Make your voice heard on Election Day.

"Sincerely, President Bill Clinton"

Clinton letter in English. Click for full size.

Below that letter is a P.S. that explains: "Here is your personal Voter Identification Card. Sign your name, then detach your card. Bring your card with you to your polling place on Election Day. It will help your voting go more smoothly."

Apparently all the recipient needs to do with this Voter Identification Card is sign it to be eligible to vote. Keep in mind, this was sent to a previously unregistered voter.

Clinton letter in Spanish. Click for full size.

As my friend points out, only the U.S. government knows her age and pending residency status, and, obviously her Latino background. How did this information wind up in the partisan political hands of the California Democratic Party? And what kind of impact will a mailing like this -- obviously utilizing a government database for political purposes -- have on the California legislative races? How widespread is this fraud?

This is making my head spin. The recipient of this letter happens to live in congressional and state legislative districts that are very hotly contested in Southern California. But this appears to be a statewide mailing from the Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento.

It's mind-boggling. The fraud is so blatant. Yet, not a peep out of the Republicans. They apparently won't even know what hit them. The polls in recent days show them making big gains in this once-invulnerable Al Gore stronghold state. A mass mailing like this effectively registering tens of thousands of potential Democratic voters days before the election is a secret weapon held back deliberately to avoid detection, scrutiny and publicity. After the election, the party will be happy to pay a fine for any illegalities involved. Clinton will be out of office and untouchable as always. There will be a new regime in at the INS. And it will all be swept under the rug.

And who knows if this technique is not being deployed by other state Democratic Party units? I don't doubt it for a minute.

This is voter fraud, pure and simple. And those responsible include the president of the United States, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, possibly the Census Bureau and certainly the California Democratic Party.

I'm outraged. Are you?

While her lips moved, her hands were busy helping Sen. Jon Corzine, D-N.J., craft an amendment to subvert federal immigration laws. It's buried in the Congressional Record of Jan. 21 and was passed successfully as part of the Senate omnibus appropriations bill. Senate Amendment 233 forbids any federal funds appropriated under the act from being used to remove, deport or detain illegal aliens who happen to be related to victims of Sept. 11.

The amendment does not apply to illegal alien family members who have felony records or are terrorists (how thoughtful). But it's the laundry list of illegal alien categories that Clinton and Corzine protect from deportation that is most revealing.

The Hillary amendment will prevent the Department of Homeland Security from taking any action to deport spouses or children of Sept. 11 victims who: crossed the border illegally; overstayed visas illegally; evaded prior deportation orders illegally; stowed away on a ship illegally; smuggled other illegal aliens; used fraudulent documents; falsely claimed U.S. citizenship; voted illegally; have a communicable disease or who failed to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases; have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others; or are likely at any time to become a public charge.

The Hillary amendment
2/07/03 | Michelle Malkin


It's time to throw out the trash...

A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE...

NEW AUDIO! Hear the Bill Bennett epilogue.



hillary clinton A SECURITY RISK: Removal Calls Begin


Another mistaken 'conceptzia'


THE CLINTONS--AMERICA'S BIGGEST BLUNDER: Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992


How to get rid of the clintons in 3 easy steps


Mrs. clinton's REAL virtual office -- 02.11.03 update

The only way they can win is to convince people that we're space aliens.

--bill clinton

Although Act I had no rating, the new clinton soccer-mom directive will require a photo ID for any viewer without independent proof of illegal alien DNC <-> DNA sequencing.

In Act II, rabid anti-clinton voters, roughly 33% of the U.S. populace according to as-yet-unpodded pollsters, become increasingly aware that they are disappearing in droves and being replaced by alien pod replicas which have their physical attributes but lack all anti-clinton affect.

If Act I was a thinly veiled allegory about naked clintonism, then Act II is a parable about the plan for world domination by the Establishment, aged hippies in pinstripes all, with their infantile, solipsistic world view amazingly untouched by time.











June 9, 1999


Peggy Noonan's excellent piece in yesterday's Wall Street Journal is really the story of the death of democracy. At its core it is the description of the human double helix gone terribly awry, of a denatured protein grotesquely twisted, of two mutant, tangled strands of DNA, the basest imaginable of base pairs linked permanently, as firmly as guanine to cytosine, bill inexorably to hillary and conversely, doing what they do best, and doing it relentlessly.


Killing insidiously.

Killing as they pose and pander and feel our pain.

My only complaint is with Peggy Noonan's title.

The Mad Boomer, doesn't begin to capture candidate clinton considered separately or even taken as the self-anointed "twofer," permanently conjoined at that cavity conspicuously empty except for ego, that place where brain and soul and guts and heart normally reside.

This is not to say that she -- that they -- are not both quite mad and of that self-indulgent, arrogantly, ignorantly solipsistic age sandwiched flatly between yesterday's innocence and tomorrow's insouciance. Rather, it is that their madness and their boomerism don't even begin to explain their noxious influence: The cloying, internally inconsistent clinton calculus. The unspoken clinton threats. They permeate the atmosphere like a coiling miasma, choking off all freedom.

Even in New York.

Especially in New York.

When she wrote "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus hardly had in mind this pair of mutant, deadly, twisted aliens.

So forget Arkansas-Illinois carpetbaggery and standard issue muckraking. The clintons are aliens of quite another sort. They are extrinsic, not of this world. They are inhuman. They are dehumanizing.

You may recall that the first act of this story of two degenerates maintained by iterating idiots, farce of farce ad infinitum, was generated quite by accident by iterated AlGoreRhythm, who, it should be noted, is now himself the object of iterated calculation by said degenerates who want iteration 2004 all for themselves.

And thus the odd bit of bloody Gore in Act II: The ugly sight of a corrupt, bottom-heavy hillary self-impaled on the horns of a Treason-Dilemma- masquerading-as-a-Third-Term-Dilemma-masquerading-as-a-Senate-stampede, for example, or bill's recent unsolicited, underwhelming Times interview on the Gore candidacy.

Act I was called "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover." Ostensibly the tale of the wife of a bloodthirsty crime boss who finds romance with a bland bookseller between courses at her husband's restaurant, it was in fact the Thyestean and moveable -- yet unmoving -- feast of hillary clinton at her husband's sham restitution. (Note the reciprocity. The sham restitution in Act II is all hillary's.)

Food, color coding, sex, murder, torture and cannibalism were the exotic (if mostly horizontal) fare in this beautifully filmed but brutally uncompromising modern memoir which passed as ancient fable about nouveau riche rapacity.

Not for the faint at heart, Purple Hearts or queazy stomachs, this depiction of the gross debasement of America was heavily peppered with irony and dark humor throughout.

Although she baked no cookies, didn't do illicit land or cattle deals and stood by no man, hillary clinton starred in the triple role of the Cook, the Thief and his Wife. Her lover was played at once vaporously and in workmanlike fashion by the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt, with Janet Reno, between her stints rendering intermittent injustice for the Husband, as the reliable stand-in. Sidney Blumenthal was the stand-in for the Cook and Craig Livingstone the stand-in for the Thief. The last-minute addition of Christopher Hitchens as the snitch was a stroke of absolute genius notwithstanding its cerebral accident, its predictable-if-perfect pitch and its facile alliteration.

Although Act I had no rating, the new clinton soccer-mom directive will require a photo ID for any viewer without independent proof of illegal alien DNC <-> DNA sequencing.

In Act II, rabid anti-clinton voters, roughly 33% of the U.S. populace according to as-yet-unpodded pollsters, become increasingly aware that they are disappearing in droves and being replaced by alien pod replicas which have their physical attributes but lack all anti-clinton affect.

If Act I was a thinly veiled allegory about naked clintonism, then Act II is a parable about the plan for world domination by the Establishment, aged hippies in pinstripes all, with their infantile, solipsistic world view amazingly untouched by time.



TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: New York
KEYWORDS: abuseofpower; billclinton; clintoncorruption; clintonfailure; clintonineptitude; clintons911; clintonsterrorism; hillaryclinton; illegalaliens; ins; votefraud; youknow
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To: timestax
bump to the top
21 posted on 02/19/2003 9:42:17 PM PST by timestax
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To: Mia T
Article should have been titled "Senator Clinton of New York Re-Asserts Personal Hatred of Hispanic People."
22 posted on 02/20/2003 10:00:54 AM PST by WaveThatFlag
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To: WaveThatFlag
bumped to the top for newbies to see
23 posted on 02/20/2003 12:09:19 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
24 posted on 02/20/2003 2:55:39 PM PST by timestax
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To: muggs
25 posted on 02/22/2003 9:14:37 AM PST by timestax
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To: muggs
bump to the top
26 posted on 02/23/2003 11:00:06 AM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
27 posted on 02/24/2003 2:40:30 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
28 posted on 02/24/2003 8:52:55 PM PST by timestax
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To: muggs
29 posted on 02/24/2003 8:58:48 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
30 posted on 02/24/2003 11:44:40 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
31 posted on 02/25/2003 9:53:16 AM PST by timestax
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To: muggs
32 posted on 02/26/2003 8:45:17 PM PST by timestax
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To: Mia T
bumped for newbies to see
33 posted on 02/27/2003 9:16:56 PM PST by timestax
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To: muggs
34 posted on 03/02/2003 12:41:44 AM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
35 posted on 03/02/2003 11:25:41 AM PST by timestax
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To: Cannon6
I once read that people with a limited vocabulary use the expression "you know" because they cannot think of any other words.

In Hillary!'s case it means "what I am about to say is a lie. It has no basis in fact, it is part of an agenda to grab power and world dominion."

36 posted on 03/02/2003 11:33:12 AM PST by Aeronaut (Liberals: the other white meat.)
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To: Aeronaut
I once read that people with a limited vocabulary use the expression "you know" because they cannot think of any other words. In Hillary!'s case it means "what I am about to say is a lie. It has no basis in fact, it is part of an agenda to grab power and world dominion." 36 posted on 03/02/2003 11:33 AM PST by Aeronaut (Liberals: the other white meat.) [

DITTO!, man, DITTO !

37 posted on 03/03/2003 4:28:29 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
bump to the top
38 posted on 03/13/2003 5:33:15 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
39 posted on 03/13/2003 11:49:51 PM PST by timestax
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To: timestax
bump to the top for newbies to read
40 posted on 03/15/2003 4:26:39 PM PST by timestax
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