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To: attagirl
Here is an interview with Malachi Martin regarding Fatima - it's pretty long, but very interesting, and a little bit scary, I think.

April 18, 1996 Interview
Part II of II

Malachi Martin:

There is a place in Portugal called Fatima, after the eldest daughter of Mohammed, who converted, at least the person who carried her name was a Moorish princess who converted, and she was called Fatima, and the town is called Fatima. There in 1917 three children claimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to them and gave them special messages for Catholics and for the Pope and the messages were very, very dire and were very chastising. They threatened the world with great punishment if the world didn't stop committing sin. There were three secrets mainly, and there was a third secret which hasn't been revealed yet, and the Pope in Rome has the third secret written down on a sheet of paper in a box on a mantelpiece in his private apartments and it has not been revealed.

Fatima has become very important because the Virgin apparently made promises that affect the well-being of the Papacy and of the Catholic Church. John Paul II used to be very devoted to Fatima and he had a great devotion to Our Lady of Fatima as they speak about the Virgin who appeared there. He started off very devoted to Our Lady, very devoted to Fatima and to propagating the message of Fatima which was repent from sin and convert to God. Of late he has swung away from Fatima. He is not very much in favor of Fatima. He still believes it happened but he believes that it is not of great importance, and he has given permission for Vatican officials to more or less limit Fatima and limit devotions at Fatima to the Virgin, which has displeased a lot of people.

So John Paul II has changed in this regard, because Fatima is a very apocalyptic message. It says that no matter what happens there are going to be terrible wars, there are going to be diseases, whole nations are going to be wiped out, there are going to be 3 days darkness, there are going to be epidemics that will wipe out whole nations overnight, parts of the earth will be washed away at sea and violent tornadoes and storms. It's not a nice message at all, and John Paul II is not inclined to think like that, so he has dropped emphasis on Fatima's message, and that fits in with his Globalist outlook, because his outlook is that man has been blessed and man is going to succeed and man must be helped to build his human habitat. It's an entirely different philosophy and outlook from what Catholicism used to be.


What's Russia's role in the Vision of Fatima?

Malachi Martin:

Russia's role in the Vision of Fatima is very important because if we're to believe the Vision of Fatima, salvation for the world, the cure for the world ills, will start in the Ukraine and in Russia, and that was why the Virgin in the Fatima vision of 1917 was supposed to have spoken actively about Russia and that Russia first of all has to be cured of her errors and then she will help the entire world to get better and to cure itself of its sins. It's a very bizarre message in that sense because one would have said that salvation was going to come from the West as we always think because we are Westerners, but no, according to the message of Fatima, salvation will come from the East, and particularly, from Ukraine and from the State of Russia itself, which is extraordinary.


What state is Russian in today?

Malachi Martin:

Russia at the present moment is in the most extraordinary position that any nation has ever been put in. Remember there are approximately 240 million, I'm subject to correction. It is totally disorganized, there is no banking system, there is no trading system, there is no social system any longer, it is run by tribal families of Mafia kings and it is wholly dependent on the money that is supplied by mainly the United States. Remember every morning a Delta airline takes off from JFK carrying exactly $1 million in hundred dollar bills for Russia, it goes to Moscow, and in Russia you can't get anywhere without $100 bills. Everything is done with it. The dollarization of Russia is complete. There is no national feeling in Russia any longer. People live in communal groups.

The idea of Russia has been bastardized by the Stalinists for 75 years; there's no morality, really; no ethical sense whatever. The orthodox church, which terribly weak. They've opened about 6,000 churches since Gorbachev left, but there's no practice of religion really extensively. Religion is very, very weak, and we know that Russia is being kept alive by artificial means and we're going to have the elections with Yeltsin in June and either Yeltsin or Zyuganov will become the boss of Russia, but it doesn't make any difference. Russia is now a vassal state to the New World Order and Russia's not the question any longer. The one question torturing everybody is China. What to do about China. Over one billion of population, catching up on all of us electronically; we invent something over here and they perfect it, and they work like dogs, if dogs work.

They are utterly ruthless; they have no religion, there are convinced Marxists in charge and the mass of the population is materialistic, and they're increasing every day, and they work and the perfect everything we have and they have no morality that we can recognize as morality, and they have thermonuclear bombs and they have the means of delivering it. We gave them the means, we build their planes for them and what they didn't have, they stole, and what they didn't steal they were given by the Soviets in their day, so we have a very big problem with China. Russia has no problem with China. Russia is helpless in the face of China, but remember, the Russia of today has still got its nuclear force with the missiles still pointing at the United States; it's still got its navy. Its army is something else, its army is in disarray; it has got its special forces, and remember that it still has ten secret cities never appearing on any map where they continue to manufacture nuclear weapons.

Russia itself militarily is in a very prime condition. It still has its nuclear force, it still has its special forces, the Speznats(?), it still has its navy, it's submarine force; it still has its missiles aimed at the United States and aimed at the West if we can call the West the West any longer. It still has the ten secret cities never appearing on any map. We now know of one or two or three of them where they do nothing but nuclear weapons, and they're beautiful cities, by the way, but you can't get in or out without special government permission. The KGB has changed its name, but it is still operating, spying abroad and at home; the Gulag is still there, there are still death camps in Russia, but we don't speak about that any longer because now we are in partnership with the Russians, so the condition of the former Soviet Union, that is, Russia and the C.I.S., the Confederation of Independent States, and they're not independent at all, but it's a nice name anyway, is a very peculiar one in history. It never existed before where a huge nation is being kept alive artificially to serve a Globalist purpose.


Who is in control of the Russian military?

Malachi Martin:

The people who decided that the Soviet Union should be liquidated. The Globalists, because the Soviet had one purpose and one purpose only, and that was to de-Christianize and de-Westernize a whole people. The population of the Soviet Union now distributed in the various states has been mongrelized and bastardized and demoralized in a way that will take a minimum of three generations to repair, if ever it's repaired, because they were made to live the big lie, and they were made to believe falsehood as truth, and they were made to live on horrible rations of food and have no ambitions and accept `big brother' as the boss of everything, including their life and their death and their marriage and their work, and everything about their families. They've been thoroughly bastardized and there is no way outside of 2 or 3 generations of freedom which they yet haven't got, that they can restore themselves to what they were originally before the plague of Stalinism and Leninism hit them in 1917.


Could you briefly describe the lot of the average Russian?

Malachi Martin:

Today the lot of the average Russian is to survive by some means or other, generally illegal as far as the government goes. Everything is a question of who you know and who are your friends. People live in small groups, one on one; there's no community feeling, there's no national feeling of Russians for Russia any longer except poetically or abstractly, but in the concrete, no, and they are totally dependent on the government and the government is unsatisfactory because it is not moving forward. There's no improvement in social conditions, there's no improvement in health conditions. Don't get ill in Russia, don't get a sudden appendicitis in Kiev or in Leningrad because you're in danger of dying, and the average woman in Russia has 9 abortions in her life, however she can't function.

An abortion is very easy to get, in fact there is a special culture or trade in Russia now for hard dollars. Several American companies have set up baby producing companies that produce babies and then kill them, abort them, and then pack them up, their various parts, for medical uses in Europe and in America. The difficulty is that the Russian Orthodox Church, stationed in Moscow with the Patriarch, has been officially an assistant, an aide, to the KGB and to the Government. The present Patriarch we know even his code name and of the 15,000 priests in the Russian Church at the time of Gorbachev's departure, certainly 10,000 were KGB active members; they had to be, otherwise they would be sent to a Gulag. So the condition over there of religion is pretty bad.


How does China fit in with the global agenda?

Malachi Martin:

The connection between China and the Leninists in the Soviet Union has never been broken. We in the West were duped into thinking that there was a huge rift between China and the Soviet Union. There was never a rift. There was a separation for strategic purposes, but the same people that decide on where China is going to go next are the people that decide where Russia is going to go next and where the Soviet Union states are going to go next, because they have the money and eventually everybody depends on the flow of capital and the flow of capital goods. You can't survive today as a country unless you belong. They will choke you.


It seems to always come back to money.

Malachi Martin:

Yes, always money.


Who is in control of this money?

Malachi Martin:

No, no, no, it is the very rich. Those who have the huge wealth. There are very few people who have that wealth, but there are a few, and they're looking after their own interests, and they have huge interests. It's not a plot or a conspiracy. They've got to make sure that proper governments are in and the proper men get into government and they contribute at their election or they contribute to install them. What is very hard for you and me and the normal John Citizen to realize is that there are men who are so detached from any nationality, any form of religion, any language in particular, like English or French or Japanese or Chinese, they are Universalists, they're Globalists.

They are so independent of that that they march on a plane which is global and they do believe in one thing and one thing only. They believe in the presence of an intelligence in this universe, because there's an intelligence arranging everything. It's not God. The preferred name they have for it is Lucifer, but Lucifer for them is not a devil with large ears, cloven feet, yellow eyes and dirty books under his arm tempting you to commit adultery or fornication or steal. He is the intelligence behind everything, and it's not a personal intelligence, although it's not impersonal either, but it's certainly anti-God, and the sky above is made of bronze and the earth beneath is made of earth and there's nothing above or below but us and our power with money.


What is Russia's connection with the Middle East peace process?

Malachi Martin:

They have a token interest. They can't really influence the Middle East any longer, except insofar as we allow them, `we' being the United States. We are at the present moment the brokers, and if we decide, we have decided, President Clinton and his advisors did decide, to let the Russians interfere in Bosnia and to let the Russians interfere in the Middle East, but only at our sufferance, we can close that faucet off when we want to, but it does help us because some of the Arabs prefer the Russians to the Americans because some of the Arabs are very anti-Israel and America is pro- Israel, so they balance the act very nicely.


How does the New World Order look upon the Middle East peace process?

Malachi Martin:

The Middle East is for one thing, and one thing only - oil. Remember, the United States has built a new empire in the Middle East. We have invested more military equipment in the Middle East than we ever did in any part of the world. We now hold the Middle East. Nobody can take it from us, except China, and we need oil, until we discover a new form of energy which we will discover, which we are on the way to discovering, due to space flight, but we haven't got that commercialized yet, so we can't bring it into our cities; we can't drive our automobiles with it, we can't drive our engines with it, we can't go to the moon with it or to Mars, but we will. When we no longer need the Middle East oil we'll drop it like a hotcake or like an old cake. All our military logistics are geared to the Middle East at the present moment. We're going to hold it, despite anybody. We are going to hold it.


Some have argued that some of Russia's greatest minds, who happen to be Jewish, have left, or are currently leaving and returning to Israel...

Malachi Martin:

Yes, a lot of them have. There was a big brain drain and I have friends who worked in Kiev in Ukraine and they could employ brilliant Russia/Ukrainian scientists for nothing; computer experts, electronics experts, technocratic experts; fantastic inventors with fantastic knowledge, for nothing because the country is so poor and the dollarization makes it necessary to earn dollars, and they will do anything for dollars, because that's the only mode of buying any food, buying clothes, buying your way out of the place. There still is, of course, the Russian state police; the military espionage and KGB which is now another name, which is still the other form of espionage, they're still working and still spying, but there's greater co-operation now between us and them because we have a common enemy - China.

We don't know what to do about China. Nobody does. And the present administration in America is trying the carrot. Some people say we should use a stick. We don't know yet. It's just a hot potato for us because what can you do against, as Mao Tse-Tung told Nixon when he went to see him, 'we lose 300 million people in a bomb blast, we still have 600 million left; you lose 300 million, how many have you got left'. It's a terrible message.


How does Turkey, if at all, fit in?

Malachi Martin:

Turkey is an ally of the United States, and will remain an ally of the United States for one reason, and one reason only. There's a thing called Masonry, the Freemasons, the Lodge, and the Turkish Lodge is bound with American and British Lodges, that is a firm, firm, cemented friendship which, until they all perish, if they do perish, will always support each other. Masonry is the bond there. Note: Edit sound. Turkey is very important because it is a key state in the Middle East. It's a linchpin.


What is Russia's relationship with Turkey?

Malachi Martin:

They are not significant. Turkey has lined its borders with listening posts. I lived in Turkey with the U.S. Air Force for a period of my life and simply the only purpose in our being in Turkey was to monitor everything in Russia around the Turkish side of the Black Sea we had all these young men trained in Russian and trained in all the languages just lying on couches all day listening and monitoring their broadcasts, so Turkey is firmly on the Western side. It will never go to anybody else's side, and the Turks are marvelous fighters, as you know. Never go up against a Turkish regiment. They are terrible; great fighters, and they're firmly in the Western camp and they're pro-Israel. They're Islam, Muslim, there's a fundamentalist Muslim movement there but they won't let it get out of hand. Turkish authorities are terribly strict. They don't stand any nonsense. They hang you by the neck in public on a tripod on a public bridge. They have rough methods.


Reports continually surface about smuggling of nuclear weapons from the Russian military because it is in such disarray. Can you comment on this?

Malachi Martin:

Yes, there's the constant danger - the security forces in America and in all European countries, especially Germany and France, and the Nordic countries, are studying this and the FBI has offices in Moscow. They have to, because there's no doubt about it that you can now have a nuclear bomb in a very small package.

There are nuclear materials, fissionable materials being sold and transported. The difficulty is that the surveillance is very tight. People don't know it, but the surveillance is very tight, and no Western government would hesitate to liquidate, silently, they would disappear into the city incinerators, they wouldn't give you a trial, they're not going to risk that. There is a danger, though, that if the clash between Arabs and Israel grew very acute and if the Israelis and their allies, namely the United States and France, cannot deal with it, that terrorists would succeed in detonating a nuclear device in the United States. There's no doubt about that. We expect that. We think it can happen, and there's no guarantee it can't happen. We're doing our best, but the security forces are alive to that, and as I say, they have no mercy, they have to act very fast, but it is a possibility which we all envisage as one day taking place.


A number of times it seems that Russia is just being used by other countries and other forces for other purposes, that it's basically dead. Are there any powerful forces in Russia?

Malachi Martin:

No. They've been bypassed by events. They are now a pawn in the hands of the Globalists, but that's been decided on. It didn't happen by accident. (Edit) "They" are those that have the money to run this world. Remember that nothing can happen unless somebody finances it.

Russia is a pawn because, in fact we're all pawns to a certain degree, except the United States being the superpower, the current superpower, because we're not going to be a superpower for ever here because China's going to replace us, or we do away with China, but it will replace us, but at the present moment the United States is the superpower and therefore we are not the pawn of anybody really, although we are used because we are run not by the American people and the legislators, but by the Globalists who decide our fate in everything. Finally the decision filters down to our Congress and the White House and to the local legislators. Russia itself is a pawn though in a sense that they can't climb up. They've got their main services intact, their military services and their security services, but those are now at the back and call of those who have the money. Money is the key. There's no doubt about that.


How do Russians feel about Perestroika?

Malachi Martin:

Gorbachev never really sold Perestroika to the normal Russian. I know Russians, I know Romanians, I know Czechs, I know Slovians, who yearn for the time that they had the Soviet Union because life was sure, education was free, hospitalization, as such, it was primitive, but it was free, housing was cheap, there was always a job, you had to have a job.

He never succeeded in selling Perestroika to the Russian people. He didn't intend to. Here's the thing that will make your mind boggle. Perestroika was not destined for the Russians, it was destined for us, because what Gorbachev set out to do in 1988-89, was to tell us `any concept you have of danger from us is over, we're no longer a threat, we're friends, actually, and we're going to open everything up - Perestroika, so don't be afraid'. It was us he was selling it to. He never meant to sell it to the Russians. The Russian's fate is no better than it ever was, and many of them say it's worse because they haven't got `Papa Stalin' and they haven't got the Red Army, they think, and they haven't got assured jobs and assured education, and there's now thuggery and crime in the streets there wasn't before, so they feel insecure. Perestroika wasn't meant for the Russians at all, it was meant for the West, and it succeeded admirably. We suddenly swooned and said, 'Ahhh, the Cold War is over. We're now friends forever'.


One of the examples of this has been religious doors opening, but I have talked to missionaries recently who say now it seems to be closing again.

Malachi Martin:

Nothing has changed. It's a terribly cruel thing to say, but there's no church more corrupt than the Russian Orthodox Church, the 'roc' as they call it. Since 1928 they have been the handmaiden of the Soviet government. They consented to kill off the Ukrainians, 17 million of them, Catholics, and they consented to kill off all the Bishops in the Ukraine and all the Priests, and likewise throughout Russia. Anybody who didn't subscribe to the Communist manifesto and to Communism was killed, and they went along with that. They spied on the Church. They handed the Church over. They were apostles. It's a law in human development that if you do that to two whole generations you can't recover overnight by simply `okay, everybody is free'.

The soul has been corrupted. They have lived a lie. They have accepted a falsehood. They have fought for the worst Dictator the world has ever known, somebody who modestly can claim to have killed by executive order 66 million of his own compatriots. They calculate Stalin did in 66 million, one way or the other, by direct order. How many people can claim to have killed 66 million, and get away with it, and be adored as 'Papa Stalin'.

5 posted on 07/21/2002 10:51:34 AM PDT by american colleen
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To: american colleen
Thanks for posting that interview with Malachi Martin. Would you be able to look up where it appeared and who conducted it?

I thank you ahead of time.

17 posted on 07/21/2002 7:28:55 PM PDT by attagirl
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To: american colleen; MarMema; crazykatz
(To: AmericanColleen, with a ping to the other ladies)

The "Malach Martin" whose interview you excerpted above sounds like an ignorant and biased fool.

Maybe (if he is not too old to fit it in before he leaves this world and meets his Creator -- and learns the TRUTH of the devotion to real Christian principles of the 100,000,000 Russian Orthodox Christians whom he slanders) he could actually visit Russia and let reality overwhelm and replace the wierd cult fiction that masquerades fr thought inside his head.

I have visited Russia 5 times starting the very year after his 1996 interview above, and there is no relation between reality as seen by an honest observer and the sensationalized, shrill, and slanderous assertions he makes.

Ps I am happy to report that all the hundreds of Orthodox churchs in and around Moscow are being or have been restored, and there are lots of people in them. But it takes money and time. Thanks for obsessing for 85 years (starting from the times when Russia was still the largest Christian nation on earth) about some semantic games ("world"/"Russia"). I'm sure it helped.

46 posted on 07/24/2002 6:03:39 AM PDT by wildandcrazyrussian
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