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Fallen Angels, False Doctrines, and Sexual Lust

Posted on 10/29/2002 2:13:47 AM PST by GoldenEagles


Fallen Angels, False Doctrines, and Sexual Lust

By Steven S. Showers

     I wanted to give the readers of FreeRepublic another example of how the reasoning power of the mind can be used by the Children of God to identify the threads of Darkness that the fallen angels have woven into Christian theology. As these threads are identified, and discarded, the Children of God will begin to get a better sense of what the Master Jesus originally intended.

     We begin with the doctrine that originated in the minds of the fallen angels, that all a person needs to do is to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and that they are thereby guaranteed eternal life. We hear this false doctrine preached from thousands of pulpits across America every Sunday morning.

     Now, many might be surprised to find out that the words of the Master Jesus himself directly contradicts this doctrine. We read, from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 19, Verses (16-21):

     And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
     The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?
     Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

     In this statement the Master has clearly put conditions on the soul’s access to eternal life. And that makes perfect sense. How is a soul supposed to be given access to an eternal life in heaven, if the soul clings to rebellious habit patterns? That’s like a stream of sewage wanting instant access to a pristine mountain lake, before it’s been purified. The pristine mountain lake will not allow it.

     And in the following passage, from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 27-28, the Master Jesus tells us how difficult it really is to keep at least one of these commandments:

     Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

     Now, for the males in this society, wherein we have images of scantily dressed sex goddesses paraded around in front of our eyes through the mass media, and sometimes within our work places, and many times within our recreation areas, we are clearly aware that we are not meeting this standard. When these images come before on the t.v. screen, or they are paraded in front of us on the pages of magazines and newspapers, and increasingly on our computer screens, every male in this country can accurately report that they experience all the inner sensations associated with sex-oriented lust. Talk about a knee-jerk reaction. And it does not matter what a person thinks his or her relationship with Jesus Christ is. The Master has said, in words most plain, that the gift of eternal life is predicated on keeping the commandments, one of them having to do with a prohibition on adultery, and the Master again, in words most plain, lets us know, that this commandment is not limited to the physical act, but it encompasses the orientation of the inner thoughts and feelings as well.

     Therefore, knowing this all too well, let each one of us recognize, that when any minister stands before the congregation, and tells them that all they need to do, to get their gift of eternal life, is to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, that that minister, pastor, or priest, is simply regurgitating, in an uncritical manner, a blatant falsehood that was first created by the minds of the fallen angels many centuries before. It directly contradicts the plain words of the Master.

     The implications of this are very striking. This means that a man, who finds himself on his death bed, who has not overcome this propensity to lust after the female form, will not be given the gift of eternal life, no matter what any minister, priest, or pastor might say to the contrary. And the question then arises, what happens to that soul who has not met the requirements for eternal life that Jesus Christ has set before us? What happens to that soul when it passes beyond the veil of death?

     Here, the theology of the fallen angels gives us no answer, and as I noted above, they have actually closed off the most obvious answer when they made the concept of reincarnation anathema within the Church. But, the fact of the matter is, being absolutely congruent with what we know about the nature of God, in terms of His mercy, His forgiveness, and His compassion, that God will give this soul another chance to come into physical embodiment and try again. And, as we will see below, it is most assuredly possible to meet this standard. The soul simply needs to find out how to do it, and then to actually do it.

     Now, it is important to understand, that these standards which were set forth by Jesus Christ, in regards to what is required for the soul to earn eternal life, are timeless standards. The soul must meet those standards. And the soul will be denied entry into that eternal paradise, until the soul meets them.

     Of course, God and the Master Jesus, clearly understand the difficulty faced by men, in this age especially, in as much as the mass media is used to feed, and feed, and feed their sexual lusts day after day after day. So, God, and the Master, does not condemn the soul for its failure to meet this standard. But, neither will the standard be set aside. The soul will be assigned to an intermediate region of existence which is tailored to accommodate the soul’s current state of mind and spiritual evolution, and after a certain period of time has passed, a new opportunity for physical embodiment will be scheduled for that soul when the circumstances and the environment within the physical realm would again be optimum for this soul to make further progress.

     Now, does the Master Jesus consider this to be a standard that is impossible to meet? No. He sets forth the admonishment for the Children of God to be perfect, as God the Father is perfect, from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 48:

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

     This means that the Master fully expects the soul to meet the standards that he has set forth, and that he expects us to meet those standards by attaining to the condition of perfection.

     And how does one attain to a condition of perfection? It is by walking the Path of Initiation, sponsored by Jesus Christ (and other Ascended Masters) as I have already mentioned above, a path that is described in more detail in the following article:

Let the Bells Ring Out the Good News

     It is important for every American male, who considers himself to be a Christian, to remember these principles. Every time you feel lust towards a woman, you have a clear piece of evidence that tells you that you have not met the standard for eternal life set forth by the Master Jesus Christ. And as the years go by, as your time of death approaches closer and closer, every time you feel lust towards a woman, you have a clear piece of evidence that tells you that the false doctrines hatched in the minds of fallen angels which you continue to cling to as gospel, are proving to be totally inadequate to the task of helping you to meet the standards set forth by the Master Jesus Christ.

     And therefore, every time you feel lust towards a woman, and you contemplate the fact that this will bar you from gaining entry into the realms of paradise at the end of this life, you will have a reminder, that you need to look elsewhere for a methodology that will actually work, that will actually be able to set you free from that lust. And again, I am talking about the Path of Initiation sponsored by the Ascended Masters.

     Now, one might well wonder how the Path of Initiation can achieve this. Well, I will tell you.

     Each and every spiritual being who lives in the eternal realms of paradise at this moment, has one thing in common. And that is, that they can all see God face to face. Therefore, it follows from this fact, that to earn the gift of eternal life in paradise, that the perception faculties of the soul must be spiritualized. And that is what the Path of Initiation is all about.

     As the soul walks the Path, and does the necessary work of purification, the sponsoring Master will periodically open the spiritual vision of the soul, whereby the soul is given to actually see the beauty of God. And we are talking about experiences of great power here. What does this do? This will bring about a reorientation of the soul’s interests. The interests of the soul, and the desires of the soul, which start out being nearly completely material, are gradually turned towards God. It does not happen all at once. It happens gradually over time.

     With each vision that the Master gives to the soul, the soul will have a corresponding responsibility to take action on that vision. Each vision will tell the soul something about the nature of God. The soul then looks at the quality of its own character, and identifies what is not in alignment with the particular quality of God that was revealed, and it must then make its best effort to bring its thoughts, and feelings, and memories, and activities, into alignment with what has been revealed. This represents the exercise of the soul’s freewill. The Master has done all that he can do at that particular point. Once the vision is given, the ball is in the soul’s court, and the soul has the responsibility to act.

     Now, as the soul makes these very specific efforts associated with each specific vision it receives, and continues to do the purification work on a daily basis, the groundwork is laid for the Master to give to the soul another powerful vision of God’s beauty. When the groundwork has been laid, another vision is given by the Master, and the soul then begins the process of integrating itself with the qualities associated with that vision, using its former efforts as a foundation upon which it can build this new layer of integration. And this process continues, incrementally building up what you would call the pyramid of being.

     Look at the depiction of the Great Seal of the United States on the back side of the One Dollar Bill. This is the symbol for this process of initiation that we are talking about. Each of the four sides of the pyramid correspond to one of the four lower bodies of man: mental, emotional, memory, and physical. The upward sloping sides correspond to the process of raising the vibration of each of these four lower bodies in tandem, to the single point, at the capstone of the pyramid, where the soul can now see God face to face. That’s why there’s one eye depicted there. The eye of the soul has been made single, and it has been made single by the ever increasing power of love. And this is very important point.

     The one thing that keeps the soul going forward on this Path, is the every increasing love that the soul has for God. Now, when the soul starts out on the Path, it doesn’t have any real tangible sense of love for God. The soul does not actually know God. But, each vision of God that the Master gives to the soul, will increase the soul’s knowledge of God, the soul’s interest in God, the soul’s appreciation of God, and ultimately the soul’s love for God.

     And this is where the soul can finally expect to receive the gift of freedom from sexual lust.

     At a certain point on the Path, having had its attention and its perceptions raised to a particular crescendo of awareness, wherein the soul can sustain a certain level of communion with God, by virtue of the solid foundation layers it has built over the years, the soul’s relationship with God will finally become an actual, ongoing, and never-ending love relationship. The soul becomes directly aware of the flood tides of love that God is extending to the soul. This love exalts the soul to such an extent, that words are not sufficient to describe it. Think about the fact that every person who ever gets a chance to be in the presence of the President of the United States, reports a certain awe related to the power of the office. I mean, people feel really privileged to be in his presence. They glow all over with a certain kind of personal exaltation. Well, multiply that by a billion to get a sense of the level and intensity of awe and exaltation the soul experiences in the presence of God, who is all powerful, and who reveals that power in the form of an all encompassing love that enfolds the soul. And herein, the soul finally discovers love, real love, within the fabric of its own being. As the soul receives the exalting love of God, the entire fabric of its being remains constantly on fire with the most precious love for God.

     Within the fires of love, the soul has its clearest vision of God’s plan, in all of its vastness, and in all of its majesty, and in all of its indescribable nobility. And the soul has only one interest here, and that is to be a part of that plan. This is why the symbol of the single eye is so important. It represents the fact that the power of God, the reality of God presses itself upon all the sensibilities of the soul, and all at once. The soul is experiencing only one thing, and that one thing is God. Though, don’t be tempted into thinking that this is any kind of limitation. God is infinite. By experiencing only God, the soul has actually opened itself up to the experience of the infinity of the cosmos. How about that.

     Now, while it is true that the phenomena of sexual lust will remain with the soul over a very considerable length of time, even spanning years, even as the soul is making progress on the Path of Initiation, the soul will nevertheless reach that point we have described, where the fires of love are constantly burning, and the vision of the soul is locked into an awareness of the glorious plan of God. And these energies, taken together, make it impossible for a condition of lust to take hold of the soul. When a male, who resides in this conflagration of love for God, confronts a woman on the street, what is before the vision of this soul, is the divine plan for that woman. God is showing the soul what it can do to help that woman in her own process of building that pyramid of being. Whether its just saying a silent prayer for her, or whether its something in the form of words, or actions that are required, the soul’s only interest is in uplifting that woman.

     So, when Jesus says, “Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect,” this is what he is talking about. And he expects us to achieve this level of perfection. This level of perfection represents our passport into eternal life.

     Now, it may seem that such a condition is beyond the reach of the average American male, and if you have in mind one bold leap into that condition, you would be right. It is impossible to make one bold leap into that condition. But with the Path of Initiation, where the reality of God is revealed to the soul incrementally, and the soul is given time to integrate each vision, then, in the fullness of time, the Masters guarantee that the soul will achieve that condition of direct communion with the reality of God’s love, thereby becoming a veritable torch of divine love itself, while still in physical embodiment.

     This is exactly how Jesus Christ overcame death itself. And this is exactly the way each one of us will overcome death.

     This is the place wherein Jesus Christ resides today. This is the place from which he had access to all the powers which manifested as his many wondrous works of healing, raising the dead, casting out demons, walking on water, making himself invisible to his enemies, feeding the multitudes, make water in wine, etc. And because Jesus Christ knew that every soul had the capability of rising into that condition of perfect love, he could say with confidence, that the works the he did, that we would do also, and greater works would we do. And I think we can understand why he believed that we would do greater works, and that would be because he envisioned millions of people achieving that condition of perfect love.

     As we consider all of these things, it is also important to remember that the Masters teach us that the fallen angels are behind all mass movements of darkness and evil on this planet. And in this respect, you can be certain that they are at the hub of every effort to force more and more sex out into the open and into the eyeballs of God’s Children. And why precisely are they doing that?

     Why do the fallen angels sponsor the amplification of sexual lust in our culture? Why are they so insistent on breaking one moral barrier after another when it comes to showing the female form in more and more venues throughout our culture. Why are they pushing sex, sex, sex, at the Children of God through every form of mass media? Why are they pushing sex, sex, sex, and more sex, through every possible advertising medium? Why are they pushing and pushing and pushing the pornography industry to expand, expand, and expand?

     They are doing this, because they believe what Jesus Christ said. They took Jesus Christ at his word, and they are using that word against the Children of God. Jesus made it clear what it is that would keep the children of God from entering into the eternal paradise of God’s Kingdom. And they set about amplifying those exact failure factors throughout the culture. If they can keep the Children of God from meeting this adultery related standard, they will be able to deny them their eternal life, and force them to return again and again into the physical realm where they (the fallen angels) can continue their agenda of exploitation.

TOPICS: Theology
KEYWORDS: newagetheobabble
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To: Catholicguy
Re the Transfiguration ---right on!

Always have enjoyed the down to earth humor and wisdom in the lyrics of Roger Miller.

21 posted on 10/30/2002 5:53:17 AM PST by IGNATIUS
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To: GoldenEagles
"And in this respect, this false doctrine, which the fallen angels have woven over the original teachings of Jesus Christ, which proclaims that each human being is a miserable and wretched sinner, worthy of eternal damnation..."

Simply put, you are a blasphemer, no question about it. Everything you have written has been recycled from ancient pagan belief systems. You are the perfect example of someone who knows just enough scripture to be dangerous--selecting key passages out of context and putting your own spin on them to support your claim.

The fact is that we human beings are miserable and wretched sinners who deserve condemnation.

"Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned" (Rom. 5:12).

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 6:23).

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23).

Only by the grace of God can we hope to be saved.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Eph. 2:8-9).

"Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life" (Rom. 5:18).

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5).

We are not righteous apart from Christ.
"There is none righteous, no, not one" (Rom. 3:10).

"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous" (Rom. 5:19).

I could go on, but I would suggest that you actually take the time to sit down and read the Bible. If you are indeed interested in seeking truth, go straight to the source.
22 posted on 10/30/2002 7:22:24 AM PST by sheltonmac
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To: GoldenEagles
IN today's society, Jesus' teachings on lust and sexual morality are routinely ignored by a great many American Christian males. There's danger lurking there...
23 posted on 10/30/2002 9:28:06 PM PST by yendu bwam
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To: All

To Sincere Christian Hearts
Another Collective Response to
All the Participants in this Thread

By Steven S. Showers, Editor

     The fallen angels have woven false doctrines in, through, and around the original teachings of Jesus Christ, having the effect of neutralizing all points of here-and-now personal spiritual empowerment (which Jesus intended his teaching to convey), leaving the Children of God helpless, and defenseless against the onslaught of the culture-destroying strategies of the fallen angels.

     There is a wide range of examples wherein this impotence can be observed.

     Take the question of abortion. Christians, because their spiritual identities have been literally lobotomized by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, stand helpless to stop the murder of more than 4,000 unborn children every day, and more than a million every year. They have practiced, with great zealotry, this polluted version of the Teachings of Jesus Christ, and what has been the result? They have watched the number of abortions in America rise to more than 40 million, and with no end in sight. At this writing, the practice of abortion is "settled law" even in the minds of those who are supposed to represent the vanguard of pro-life sentiment in the ranks of public office holders.

     Christians, who purport to be the followers of Jesus Christ, have been so thoroughly brain washed by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, that they look on the words of Jesus Christ himself, as some kind of alien language that they neither relate to, nor understand: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) Herein is the promise of the power that would turn back the tide of abortion. But why aren't they wielding that power? The false doctrines of the fallen angels have robbed them of the capacity to accept this promise of Jesus Christ at face value. Instead, they have their vision fixed on this self-serving false promise of eternal life somewhere, sometime, in the indeterminable future, while their culture, in the here and now, goes to hell in a hand-basket. [author's note: the term "hell" is used here, and elsewhere in this document, in its theological sense only]

     Take the question of homosexuality. Christians, because their spiritual identities have been literally lobotomized by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, stand helpless to stop the ever-increasing encroachment of pro- homosexual measures in every aspect of our culture. Can they stop the infiltration of the homosexual agenda into the U.S. military? No. Can they stop the infiltration of the homosexual agenda into the public schools of America? No. Can they stop the infiltration of the homosexual agenda into the police and fire departments of their cities? No. Can they stop the every increasing trend towards the legitimization of the homosexual lifestyle through the mass media? No. Can they stop the infiltration of the homosexual agenda into the very political parties that they hold dear? No. Can they stop the infiltration of the homosexual agenda into the very Churches of America? No. They have practiced, with great zealotry, their polluted version of the Teachings of Jesus Christ, and what has been the result? They have watched the homosexual agenda penetrate into every nook and cranny of our national life.

     Christians, who purport to be the followers of Jesus Christ, have been so thoroughly brain washed, that they look on the words of Jesus Christ himself, as some kind of alien language that they neither relate to, nor understand: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) Herein is the promise of the power that would turn back the tide of homosexuality. But why aren't they wielding that power? The false doctrines of the fallen angels have robbed them of the capacity to accept this promise of Jesus Christ at face value. Instead, they have their vision fixed on this self-serving false promise of eternal life somewhere, sometime, in the indeterminable future, while their culture, in the here and now, goes to hell in a hand-basket.

     Take the question of pornography. Christians, because their spiritual identities have been literally lobotomized by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, stand helpless to stop the ever-expanding infiltration of pornography throughout the entire warp and woof of American culture. Over the last several decades, what have Christians been able to do to stop the publication of magazines, tabloids, films, and video tapes, depicting every manner of sexual perversion? While they have exhorted mightily, they have not made the slightest dent in this flood of sewage. What have Christians been able to do to stop the explosion of pornography over the Internet? They stand by powerless to effect this trend of ever greater destructive power. Pornography sites on the Internet are multiplying faster than a colony of rabbits. Children are being introduced to this material at every earlier ages. Yet the steam roller, rolls on, and it rolls right over the Christian community.

     Christians, who purport to be the followers of Jesus Christ, have been so thoroughly brain washed, that they look on the words of Jesus Christ himself, as some kind of alien language that they neither relate to, nor understand: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) Herein is the promise of the power that would turn back the tide of pornography. But why aren't they wielding that power? The false doctrines of the fallen angels have robbed them of the capacity to accept this promise of Jesus Christ at face value. Instead, they have their vision fixed on this self-serving false promise of eternal life somewhere, sometime, in the indeterminable future, while their culture, in the here and now, goes to hell in a hand-basket.

     Take the question of school prayer. Christians, because their spiritual identities have been literally lobotomized by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, stand helpless to restore one of America's most precious spiritual institutions. They did not have the power to stop the fallen angels from outlawing school prayer in the first place, nor did they have the power to get it restored, even though they had on their side, the fact that this was an honored tradition in American public life from the onset of our Republic. Again, while they exhort mightily, they stand powerless, and impotent to effect a change in this area as well.

     Christians, who purport to be the followers of Jesus Christ, have been so thoroughly brain washed, that they look on the words of Jesus Christ himself, as some kind of alien language that they neither relate to, nor understand: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) Herein is the promise of the power that would bring prayer back to the public schools. But why aren't they wielding that power? The false doctrines of the fallen angels have robbed them of the capacity to accept this promise of Jesus Christ at face value. Instead, they have their vision fixed on this self-serving false promise of eternal life somewhere, sometime, in the indeterminable future, while their culture, in the here and now, goes to hell in a hand-basket.

     Take the question of violence on television. Christians, because their spiritual identities have been literally lobotomized by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, stand helpless to turn back the ever-increasing depiction of violence through the television sets of America. Even though they clearly understand the destructive, and desensitizing impact that this has on the children of America, and that they exhort mightily on this subject, they stand powerless, and impotent when it comes to reversing it. Every year, the problem gets worse, not better. Prayers leave their lips like so many Fourth of July firework explosions, yet, nothing changes.

     Christians, who purport to be the followers of Jesus Christ, have been so thoroughly brain washed, that they look on the words of Jesus Christ himself, as some kind of alien language that they neither relate to, nor understand: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) Herein is the promise of the power that would eliminate the depiction of gratuitous violence on American television screens. But why aren't they wielding that power? The false doctrines of the fallen angels have robbed them of the capacity to accept this promise of Jesus Christ at face value. Instead, they have their vision fixed on this self-serving false promise of eternal life somewhere, sometime, in the indeterminable future, while their culture, in the here and now, goes to hell in a hand-basket.

     Take the question of drugs. Christians, because their spiritual identities have been literally lobotomized by the false doctrines of the fallen angels, stand helpless to turn back the ever-increasing use of drugs by the American people. Every year, more and more school children, at younger and younger ages, get pulled into the drug culture. Have Christians been able to stop this? No. Every year, there is an increased flow of marijuana, cocaine, and other hard drugs, over our borders. Have Christians been able to stop this? No. Every year, greater headway is being made towards the legalization of marijuana and other mind altering drugs in this society. Have Christians been able to stop this? No. Huge rivers of American cash flow out of this country and into the pockets of drug cartels who have, because of their wealth and power, become second governments in many South American nations. And these rivers of cash grow larger every year. Have the Christians been able to stop this? No.

     Christians, who purport to be the followers of Jesus Christ, have been so thoroughly brain washed, that they look on the words of Jesus Christ himself, as some kind of alien language that they neither relate to, nor understand: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) Herein is the promise of the power that would eliminate the use of mind and mood altering drugs in America, and thereby set a host of other nations free from the oppression inflicted by the presence of powerful drug cartels. But why aren't the Christians wielding that power? The false doctrines of the fallen angels have robbed them of the capacity to accept this promise of Jesus Christ at face value. Instead, they have their vision fixed on this self-serving false promise of eternal life somewhere, sometime, in the indeterminable future, while their culture, in the here and now, goes to hell in a hand-basket.

     Take the question of teen pregnancy. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of rape of American woman. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of murder of American citizens. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of robbery. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of crime of every type. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of child abuse. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of domestic abuse. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of assaults on our police officers. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of poverty in our inner cities. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of hatred between various racial groups. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of environmental pollution. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of terrorism. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Take the question of threats to our national security. The exact same observations can be made about this question, as have been made above, concerning the foregoing questions.

     Every year, surveys show that these pathologies have the same level of penetration into the Christian community, as they do into the society at large. What that means is that the followers of Jesus Christ, in this day and age, are so powerless, and so impotent, that they cannot even stop their own people from being pulled into this vortex of social decay.

     As society is literally collapsing around them, their eyes are fixed on the reward of salvation to come. Their minds are fixed on escape. And this is exactly where the fallen angels want their attention directed. They don't want their attention focused on the promise of personal empowerment made by Jesus Christ that is supposed to empower them in the here and now. They want them to completely overlook and ignore that potential of personal empowerment, because that personal empowerment is the only thing that can dislodge the fallen angels from their positions of power in this world.

     And how is it that the fallen angels can so successfully turn the minds of the Children of God away from the actual words of Jesus Christ? You would think that these words of the Master, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12) would bring forth a great joyful expectation in the heart of every Christian. But no. They turn away from it in disgust, and find every possible twisted rationale for putting it out of their minds. How is that possible?

     Look at the solution presented in regards to every social pathology listed above. The solution in every case is personal empowerment, through the realization of the promise of Jesus Christ, to rid society of every evil condition. But most Christians cannot see themselves in that role. They are focused only on this idea: "What's in it for ME? The only thing I'm interested in, is getting my own personal salvation. I'm going to get to live in eternal paradise forever. That's the only thing that really matters for ME".

     It is shear selfishness. A selfishness that the soul has been wrapping around itself, like so many chains, for lifetimes. And that is what the fallen angels use. They weave their false doctrines in, through, and around the original teachings of Jesus Christ, to appeal to this core selfishness. "Boy, do we have a reward for YOU. And you don't have to lift a finger to get it. Nobody has a better deal."

     Those who call themselves Christians, who turn their back on this promise of Jesus Christ, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." thereby robbing the world, in the here and now, of a powerful co-worker with God the Father, ought to feel deeply ashamed. And out of that shame, should be born a new resolve to throw off the self-centered limitations imposed by the fallen angels, and to mine this promise for all its worth.

     For those who look forward to standing with Jesus Christ at the end of this life, and who are sincerely interested in hearing him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant," one thing should be clear, that he will not be able to say that, unless you have taken his promise, and made it a reality, and performed those works, based on the supernatural power of God our Father, that will have made earth more like heaven, and contributed to the unseating of the fallen angels from their positions of worldly power.

     In this respect, in this promise by the Master Jesus Christ, is the power to relieve the world of all of its suffering. And the Master expects his disciples to use that power. Therefore, how can any person, who refuses to honor this promise, and to use that power for the benefit of the suffering masses of this world, consider himself to be a disciple of this Master? Talk about self-delusion.

     In all truth, this promises presents the disciples of Jesus Christ with the most tremendous and stupendous opportunity. If millions of his followers would persistently tug on the garment of Christ Jesus in this respect, and demand that he fulfill this promise in them, so that the suffering of all peoples under the heavy boot of the fallen angels could finally come to an end on earth, what a transformation we would see. We would see the incoming Kingdom of God. And we would play a major part in the achievement of that victory as Jesus Christ intended.

     Why would he make a promise that he did not intend his disciples to grab onto, fulfill, and apply to the victory of God's plan on this earth? His intent is clearly embodied in the promise.

     What a wonderful vision this is. And it is based not on the meanderings of the human mind, but on the promise made, in plain language, by the Master Jesus Christ.

     Why do those who believe themselves to be the followers of Jesus Christ reject this vision? Inside the aforementioned vortex of selfishness, it all gets down the issue of change. They are sorely afraid of the change that would have to come about in them, that they consider it to be a hopeless impossibility.

     But the interesting thing about this is, that they need not fear this change. And they don't need to feel guilty about their selfishness either. The Path of Initiation, sponsored by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, is designed to bring about this change in an orderly process, where the soul exercises its freewill choice at every step.

     As I have already noted. We all place our feet on the path in a mindset of total selfishness. At the onset, our only wonder, is, what will we get out of this? We don't know God, and we don't know what it means to love him. We don't know what it means to know about his plan, nor do we know what it means to be excited about his plan. The only thing that we have ever thought about, lacking the knowledge of God, is ourselves, our own interests, our own needs, our own desires, our own fears, our own worries, etc. But, as the soul walks the Path of Initiation, the Master reveals the reality of God step by step, and we are given an opportunity to choose to integrate ourselves into the geometry of every revelation, or not, as we choose. You see, on the Path of Initiation, the Master can reveal a certain aspect of God to us. But that revelation does not, all of sudden, over power the soul, and automatically become a part of the identity of the soul. After the revelation, the soul is returned to its previous condition of consciousness (selfishness), and with only the memory of the revelation to work with, the soul can then choose to do the work that is necessary to make that revelation a permanent part of its identity, or not, at it chooses. In each one of these choices, we have to make the decision to set aside a little bit of our selfishness, and to serve a little bit of God's purpose. In this manner, and this is one of the reasons for the gradual and incremental progress a soul makes on the path, all fear of change can be set aside.

     Sure, on the path towards the full realization of the promise made by Jesus Christ, on the path towards that condition wherein we can be a real player, a positive player, a constructive player, in the divine plan for the earth, each soul faces an enormous change. Each soul will rightfully wonder, how is it possible for me to ever realize that promise? The soul need not worry. This change, though huge in its total dimension, will be accomplished in small incremental steps, with the soul consciously choosing to cooperate, or not cooperate, with each step as it chooses. That is what the Path of Initiation is all about.

     And parenthetically, this underscores how important our freewill is to God. This is something that the fallen angels have completely ignored within their false doctrines. The most important thing we have is our freewill. Every soul should meditate deeply on the value of its own freewill. This is the core of our divine identity. And therefore, you can be certain that God will never ever change us against our free will. This idea, that all of sudden, people will be made totally pure in some kind of rapture, is a good example of another bold and audacious lie that the fallen angels have woven into the original teachings of Jesus Christ. The rapture spoken of in the Bible, is probably a very significant event, but the rapture will not transform people all of sudden. Those who are caught up in the rapture, will already have made the long series of freewill choices that go into the process of change. If we are going to be made pure, it will be by our free will choice. This is an absolute divine guarantee.

     And this principle is of course perfectly congruent with what we know about freedom in our daily lives. Think about this. Why is freedom so important in the structure of life that God has made for us here. Isn't there an important message in the fact that we are living in the one nation on earth that is know as a citadel of Liberty? But for some reason, according to the fallen angels, freedom is not supposed to be any kind of a factor when it comes to entering into the eternal Kingdom of God. According to that false doctrine, all of sudden, whether you have made the choice or not, God will snap his fingers, and you will be playing a harp in heaven forevermore. Sorry, that's not the way it works. The value of freedom is a divine principle that is operative in our affairs now. That principle will never become less important. It will always be of paramount importance. Therefore, you can be sure, that there will never come a time, wherein God will come down, even in the person of Jesus Christ, and simply change everyone to suit his idea of what they should be. We have a destiny to enter into the Kingdom of God, but that entry will be made through the process of incremental freewill change that is part and parcel of the Path of Initiation.

     Now, there will be many who will remain wedded to their own personal vortex of selfishness, and their own personal vortex of fear, when it comes to the issue of change, making it impossible for them to personally relate to the vision of victory that is embodied in the promise that Jesus made 2000 years ago, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father," and these people will cling for dear life to the false doctrines that the fallen angels have woven in, around, and through, the original teachings of Jesus Christ that were designed to block the souls capacity to so identify. In all likelihood, their minds cannot be changed.

     For these individuals to accept the Path of Initiation, they will have to re-embody in a future life, coming back into this culture at a time when the Path of Initiation has been accepted by the whole culture. At that point, they will be given an opportunity to embody into a family, and have parents who will teach them what the Path of Initiation is all about. And all of their experiences in church, and in school will support that. In that way, they will finally be able to get past their selfishness and fear, and they will have the opportunity to make progress on the path of incremental change, by freewill, that will allow them to realize for themselves that promise made by the Master Jesus Christ.

     But in the here and now, there are many in the Christian Church, whose hearts are clearly tuned into the heart of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, as that heart exists today, with its great passion for the relief of the suffering of the teeming masses of this planet, and who have thereby the genuine desire to honor his word, and his promise, and who will look with a very favorable sentiment on the real possibility of realizing the fulness of that promise, and playing that wondrous role, again, in the here and now, that will set so many millions of people free from the current paradigm of suffering that obtains on this planet.

     It is to these hearts that I speak.

     Those wedded to the false doctrines of the fallen angels (because of their selfishness and fear) are the ones that will loudly proclaim the heresy they see in these words. They will be the ones to level the accusation of blasphemy so loudly, and with such passion. But I ask you, what is more blasphemous, and heretical, than to deny the words of the Master Jesus Christ, to refuse to honor the promise he made, and more importantly, to deny to the masses of humanity, the fruit of that promise realized by millions of true disciples, here and now?

     The current structure of Christian theology, woven in large measure by the fallen angels, denies to you the possibility of realizing the promise of Jesus Christ, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." It pains all of the hosts of heaven to observe, that within that Church, you will find no mentors, you will find no encouragement, when it comes to fulfilling this promise of Jesus Christ. The tradition of denial is too entrenched to allow for the emergence of a truly enlightened leadership. If any pastor voiced the thoughts that you read here, he would be kicked out of the Church faster than you can say, Heresy.

     But, the Path of Initiation, sponsored by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ, and the other Ascended Masters who work with him, is open to you now, fully anchored within a well established organization. That Path provides you with the guarantee that you can realize the fulness of that promise, in this life. All you have to do, is to step onto the Path, and begin the process of incremental change, leaving to the heart of the sponsoring Master, the amplification of the determination that you will need to stay with the Path, until the change is complete. (That determination is built upon strategic spiritual revelations from the very beginning). Devote your life to the realization of this possibility, and truly, the Master will be able to say to you at the end of this life's mission, and sincerely so, Well done, good and faithful servant.

     Don't be intimidated by the loud voices who cry blasphemy and heresy. Simply focus on your hearts desire to fulfill the promise Jesus Christ has made to you, to me, and to all of God's Children, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." And follow that desire. That desire is the true golden pathway back into the arms of God.

     More information about the Path of Initiation can be found here:

Let the Bells Ring Out the Good News

24 posted on 10/31/2002 1:56:52 AM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: GoldenEagles
I wanted to give the readers of FreeRepublic another example of how the reasoning power of the mind can be used by the Children of God to identify the threads of Darkness that the fallen angels have woven into Christian theology. As these threads are identified, and discarded, the Children of God will begin to get a better sense of what the Master Jesus originally intended.

Sorry, you lost me at hello. Exactly what is the standard, the plumbline, the objective source of measurement that your mind is using to identify what is truth and what is error in the Scriptures? And where can we unenlightened peoples get a copy of it?

I ask because my reasoning powers of the mind seem to disagree with your reasoning powers of the mind, and I'd like to appeal. I believe in a God who is not only not silent, but is fully capable of keeping His message intact despite the deceitful obfuscations of "reasoning powers of the mind."

25 posted on 11/01/2002 1:12:33 PM PST by Alex Murphy
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To: Alex Murphy
I am working on a response that will make this very clear.
26 posted on 11/01/2002 1:49:03 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: Alex Murphy
In the mean time, perhaps you would take a few moments to let me know, what it is about this statement made by Jesus Christ that you do not understand:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14-12)

If you don't believe that we should take this statement literally, then, how, in your view, should it be interpreted, and why?

27 posted on 11/01/2002 1:58:40 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: GoldenEagles
If you don't believe that we should take this statement literally, then, how, in your view, should it be interpreted, and why?

On the contrary, I think it should be taken literally. Just as I do of these sayings, found in the very same exchange between Jesus (the speaker) and his disciples (the audience to whom He was speaking, and directly promised that they would do more than He):

John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Note that he isn't talking about a Christ consciousness, or some previously existing entity, or some procedure or practice - he was talking about himself. Your website makes mention of a number of other "Ascended Masters" who have to interpret Jesus' words for you, as if Jesus has gone deaf and dumb to the common man since his Ascension.

Luke 14:23-24 "Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Look, you and I both know it isn't "The Ascended Master Jesus" you're talking to directly, but some other "Ascended Master" who's telling you that this or that verse is enlightened, and these and those other verses aren't. I believe in a God who isn't limited by the failures and treachery of the common man. I believe in a God who is capable of keeping His word intact. Why is your God so clumsy?

28 posted on 11/01/2002 2:37:22 PM PST by Alex Murphy
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Comment #29 Removed by Moderator

To: Alex Murphy
I am very happy to hear you say that you take these works literally:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."(John 14-12)

If you think that this passage should be taken literally, then please give me your ideas on why there is not a single example in the Christian Church today, of someone that has actually done the works that Jesus Christ did, and even greater works as he promised. For example, I have not heard of a single example of a Christian leader, or lay person, who has publically fed the multitudes, or walked on water, or changed the water into wine. Please give me your ideas on why that is.

Using the statement of Jesus in Luke 14:23-24 "Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words ..." Please give me your ideas on why the members of the Christian church have not kept those words.

30 posted on 11/01/2002 9:04:47 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: Alex Murphy
And after you finish answering the question above, here are some additional things to think about.

First, the passage you quoted, which comes from the Book of John, and not the Book of Luke, does not undermine my thesis. It supports my thesis.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me." (John 14:23-24)

The implication of these words are clear. Those who do not do the works of Jesus Christ, and greater works, do not love him. It's that simple. They feign love. But Jesus gave us the standard by which we could tell whether a professed follower of Jesus actual loves him. And that is, if they keep his words.

Now, the single most important set of words to keep, are the words that I have quoted, because those are the words, if kept, that would have the greatest impact for the good of the whole world. And I don't think that you can gainsay that. Here, let's look at them again:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."(John 14-12)

If you think you can find a set of sayings of Jesus Christ, that would have a greater impact on the transformation of the conditions of the world here and now, please find them, and share them with us here.

One person expressed an objection to my writing, based on my reliance on one quotation. But now you understand why I chose that quotation. It is the single most important saying that came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ, in terms of transforming the conditions of the world in the here and now.

31 posted on 11/01/2002 9:42:49 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: sheltonmac
Jesus was simply making a point. If we try to earn salvation through works--i.e. keeping the law--we will never attain it. There will always be something standing in our way.

The lesson here was that the man's real lord was money, not God. It's made clear by Jesus's comments in verses 23 and 24.

32 posted on 11/01/2002 10:01:06 PM PST by DouglasKC
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To: GoldenEagles
The passage states, It is appointed unto all men once to die ... but the increasing evidence associated with what is known as "Near Death" experiences, refutes it empirically. There are hundreds of cases, that are clearly, and scientifically documented, where people have been pronounced clinically dead.

There's just one small problem with that theory: They didn't die. Oh we may call them "clinically" dead or whatever but the fact remains that they're not dead. Those who really die are dead.

I think a better explanation is the brains natural reaction to loss of oxygen.

33 posted on 11/01/2002 10:08:52 PM PST by DouglasKC
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To: Alex Murphy
And while you are working on your answers to the above two responses, let me address your last assertion:
Look, you and I both know it isn't "The Ascended Master Jesus" you're talking to directly, but some other "Ascended Master" who's telling you that this or that verse is enlightened, and these and those other verses aren't. I believe in a God who isn't limited by the failures and treachery of the common man. I believe in a God who is capable of keeping His word intact. Why is your God so clumsy?

First, I don't claim to be talking to any ascended being. What I write is my best assesment of the truth as I see it. Of course, my world view is, without question, significantly influenced by the Teachings of the Ascended Masters for the simple reason that their teaching represents the highest expression of truth available on the planet today. And in this, I am referring to those teachings that have come forth through the Messengers Guy Ballard in the 1930's and Mark and Elizabeth Prophet beginning in 1958 and through about 1999. It is important to understand that there are many psychic channels who claim to be giving forth the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, but these are imposters sent forth by the fallen angels to lead the Children of God away from the one clear stream of truth. So, in this sense, if the only thing you have read is the polluted material that has come out of the mouth of those imposters, then I can readily understand your reluctance to approach anything that has an "ascended master" label. That's exactly the intent of the false hierarchy when it comes to sponsoring such a large array of imposters. Therefore, the challenge to discriminate between what is true, and what is false, becomes even more problematic, but not overly so. The Path of Initiation under the sponsorship of the Real Ascended Masters brings the soul to the point where it can discern truth from error, without much problem, and the methodology in this regard, can be understood by those who are still trapped in the prison house of false doctrine that the fallen angels have erected around the central fountain of Jesus's teaching. And I will present that methodology for your review in due course.

Having said that, I would refer you to the reasoning that I set forth above concerning why I chose that one verse:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."(John 14:12)

The choice of this verse illustrates the most basic outworking of the reasoning power of the mind. And I am sure you can relate to it. In other words, you can see, by the power of your own internal vision, what tremendous impact that it would have on the world here and now if the followers of Jesus realized this promise. It really doesn't take an advanced condition of enlightenment to register that truth. Then it is a simple matter of reviewing the sayings of Jesus Christ in general, and comparing and contrasting the potential impact upon world conditions associated with the keeping of each of his sayings. Clearly, this saying stands out above all the rest in this regard. But again, if you can find a saying that you believe would have a greater impact on the transformation of world conditions in the here and now, I would like to see what you could come up with.

Now, concerning your reference to a clumsy God, I admit that I don't understand what you are getting at there. If there is an important principle in there, please expand upon it for me.

34 posted on 11/01/2002 10:20:06 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: Alex Murphy
Just one more thought in regards to what I just said, which I think might need some additional contextual support:

Of course, my world view is, without question, significantly influenced by the Teachings of the Ascended Masters for the simple reason that their teaching represents the highest expression of truth available on the planet today.

When evaluating the content of the Bible, and comparing and contrasting the value of what comes forth as progressive revelation in the current day, there are a couple very important factors to keep in mind.

First, when God releases a teaching through a particular prophet, it is given in terms that are tailored for the mindset of those to whom the prophet is speaking. I believe that it can be said with a fair amount of accuracy, that the people of Jesus' day, were a very narrow and closed minded people, with a very narrow outlook. Therefore, the teaching that Jesus released in public was primarily given through the vehicle of parables. Anything that had a really deep mystical meaning, was presented in the most simplified manner. Now, this had to be the case, because the quality of human pride will reject out of hand anything that is too far outside the framework of existing knowledge. I mean, the human ego likes to think that it knows everything. And it is very stiff necked in this regard. If something totally new is presented, they do not say, "O, please tell me more, help me to understand." Rather, they will simply take offense, because the revelation of the knowledge challenges their pre-conceived notion that they know everything. Rather than release such a pre-conceived notion, they defend it, and they defend it, by rejecting out of hand the new information. So, when you need to present to such people a truth that is completely outside of their framework of belief, you have to deliver it in such a way that some portion of it falls within the existing framework of belief, but will at the same time bump right up against the existing framework, gently pushing the line of limitation outward, to nudge it out, and this is done with generalities. We see this throughout the four gospels, and we see it in the Book of Revelation as well. This describes, I think fairly accurately, the general character of nearly everything that Jesus spoke in public.

Additionally, if we keep in mind the general issue of how accurately the teaching will be passed down from generation to generation, especially in those days when there were no printing presses, we can see, that if the Master spoke a particular truth that was so far outside of the people's ability to comprehend, that the structure of that belief would get modified, molded, or reformed, by the limitations inherent in the mindset of those people, as that paricular concept was passed from generation to generation. So, if the master wanted a paricular truth to survive, he would have to present it in way that would be very general.

Moreover, we can conclude from what is said in the Bible, that many more things were said to his close circle of immediate disciples. But even some of them had their limits. I am thinking of the eat my flesh, and drink my blood episode, which caused many of his disciples to walk away.

Therefore, when we confront the great task and challenge of making sense of what we find in the Bible, we have to understand that what Jesus spoke to the people in public, represents but a tiny, microscopic subset of his total knowledge, and in regards to what he did speak, these ideas had to be clothed with generalities. And in regards to what he actually spoke to his disciples, he said a lot more than that which is recorded in the Bible, and that this great body of additional information will eventually be released to the general public through the vehicle of progressive revelation in later centuries as the people are ready and able to assimilate it. For example, in the Book of John, we find the following testimony:

This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. (John 14:24-25)

This body of spiritual information that was not recorded in the Bible, has been sent forth into the world through various avenues, the most important of which, for our day, is the release of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters through their sponsored Messengers.

35 posted on 11/01/2002 11:24:37 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: All
The late Fr.Seraphim Rose wrote a splendid book entitled "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future"--- which exposes the ancient origins of some of these so called New Age cults and clearly identifies them as inimical to Historic Christianity.

This Showers guy sounds a little like Edward Cayce.Apparently a desciple of Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

36 posted on 11/03/2002 7:11:14 PM PST by IGNATIUS
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