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FReeper Verbally Attacked By Muslim in College Class
Dengar01 ^ | 11/05/01 | Dengar01

Posted on 11/05/2001 6:23:15 PM PST by Dengar01

For those of you who don't know much about me, I am an 18 year old college student. I am a right wing conservative who attends a liberal college. Something happened in my college english class today that I had to report. I was verbally attacked by a Muslim student. I'm not lying about this one. I'm not going to mention anynames or the school I go to. Yeah, I'd love a FReep, but trust me they'd know I was behind it.

Just to educate everyone on what exactly has been going on in this certain class, my college professor is a leftist activist. It is sickening. Half the class has been filled via Affirmative Action. The teacher uses her position to fill the class with her psychotic liberal ideas. And the morons are buying it. She is adamantly against the war, I was real tempted to bring up the topic of sedition but I was afraid I would fail. She already called me a racist for writing a paper on pro-profiling.

Today she was discussing that gays should be allowed in the boyscouts. For crying out loud, for the whole term the topic has been on "tolerance" and "diversity" it makes me want to puke. Being the right wing extremist "hate monger" (that's what they call me) that I am I brought up NAMBLA and how many gays, who want to be in the boy scouts, are perverts. I just got attacked by her as a homophobe and intolerant.

Anyways it moved onto her arguing that there should not be any bombing in Afghanistan. That we were "no better than the terrorists". I spoke up as usual and listed off just what these so called religious men of the Taliban do. I ended up getting to the part of the Taliban Superbowl which is that they cut the head of a calf in a stadium and everyone goes nuts. Then to the topic of sexual mutilation that the Taliban performs on women.

Rudely interupting me the Muslim speaks up: Shut Up, Shut Up, you don't know what your talking about. I said that this is true facts. To sum it up he interrupted again saying that the sexual mutilation and the cutting the head off a calf was accepted in the "Holy Book" I don't know if that's true or not (I really don't care). Now from what I know about him he is of Iranian decent and is a big guy. He kept glaring at me, I don't really care. He then said that I am an outspoken #$%#@@$%$ who hasn't shut up all term... which is partly true.

Everything is just coming clear to me now that our education system is falling apart. How can we conduct a war when there are terrorist sympathists in the country? Don't worry FReeper the moron won't attack me because to tell you the truth, a lot of the kids in the class actually say to me constantly, "wow you make a lot of sense". Yeah its called conservativism.

TOPICS: Announcements; Front Page News; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: muslimstudents
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On a side note today, The liberal english teacher recommended a book from some bum from Harvard. His name slips my head right now but he is a professor who just called for reparations. I asked her if he was from Harvard, she said yes. Then she asked, oh you like him huh? I said no, we FReeped the guy last month.
1 posted on 11/05/2001 6:23:15 PM PST by Dengar01
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To: Dengar01
Put pork chops on his desk next period.
3 posted on 11/05/2001 6:27:40 PM PST by nonliberal
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To: Dengar01
Good job! Just remember, keep your cool, kill'em with kindness and the facts!
4 posted on 11/05/2001 6:27:43 PM PST by abner
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To: Dengar01
Kudos to your faithfulness and courage. I would however suggest that you maintain your composure and speak factually and calmly. Some of the best speakers and persuaders are those who find a way to make profound statements without emotionalism. It is hard to do but you sound as if you are quite capable. I would also not focus on the Muslim in class...try to win the minds of those who have the capacity to think.
5 posted on 11/05/2001 6:29:37 PM PST by Faithfull
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To: Dengar01
To sum it up he interrupted again saying that the sexual mutilation and the cutting the head off a calf was accepted in the "Holy Book"

Man, this was a juicy opening.

"What kind of 'Holy Book' advocates this kind of perversity"?

You've got guts and we admire you. I just ignored these types in college.

6 posted on 11/05/2001 6:30:01 PM PST by sinkspur
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To: abner
Trust me they get their facts... most of which come right off of I am delighted in the fact that I get under the skin of these liberals though. It's fantastic.

Another funny thing I forgot to post. The school has a campaign to free Mumia... the cop killer.
I'm starting my own campaign "Fry Mumia".

7 posted on 11/05/2001 6:31:24 PM PST by Dengar01
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To: Dengar01
FR gets these kinds of posts often, and I always find myself wondering, what's a guy like you doing in a place like that?

One way of looking at it, I guess, is that you're doing the other students a service by providing a sane point of view.

But what about YOUR education? Are you just there for the technical courses, so you don't care you're not getting an education on the liberal arts side? Seems like a colossal waste of money and time.

8 posted on 11/05/2001 6:31:34 PM PST by gumbo
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To: Dengar01
Was the Prof. Cornel West?
9 posted on 11/05/2001 6:31:44 PM PST by Pokey78
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To: Dengar01
The horror. What do you think would be a just punishment? Maybe they should all be sent for sensitivity training? Maybe there should be campus codes of conduct that outlaw glaring or saying anything that might offend someone?
10 posted on 11/05/2001 6:32:35 PM PST by ConsistentLibertarian
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To: Dengar01
First, document EVERYTHING. Did you, or do you feel threatened by the Iranian student? Turn the PC culture back around to bite THEM in the arse. If you feel 'threatened' bring it to the attention of the Dean of Students, the college Security Chief and maybe local law enforcement. Why? Because your foreign classmate's Visa might not be valid. Oh the fun you can have sending one more back to the Ole' Jihad. But make sure you keep a record of what the Prof says, does...and the 'menacing' interaction you have with the foreign student. Good luck.
11 posted on 11/05/2001 6:32:39 PM PST by PennsylvaniaMom
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To: Dengar01
"He who stands for freedom stands with God, and if he stands alone he still stands with God." -Ezra Taft Benson, Sec. of Agriculture under Pres. Eisenhower
12 posted on 11/05/2001 6:32:40 PM PST by SENTINEL
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To: Dengar01
I made it through 4 years at Madison, and I'm back for another 3 at law school. I stopped opening my mouth in class...I've found that you're just wasting your breath. I got through it by joining the College Republicans, and speaking out when I was -outside- of class. For example, our student government is pretty much the Socialist central command. I'd always go and tear them a new one during the open forum time at their meetings. It makes you feel a lot better, and you don't have to worry about grade retaliation. (I always got my name in the paper too.)
13 posted on 11/05/2001 6:33:23 PM PST by July 4th
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To: sinkspur
It's not a "Holy Book". Any "religion" that offers promise of "72 virgins" after death is a pornographic cult.
14 posted on 11/05/2001 6:33:30 PM PST by Senator Pardek
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To: Dengar01
Hey are Freepin' in class and you don't even realize it!

Hang in there and remember, the libs in class are still gonna be hanging around the University long after you graduate, get a job, and end up running for office to represent them!

15 posted on 11/05/2001 6:33:34 PM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: Senator Pardek
Why Senator, where's your multi-cultural sensitivity this evening?
16 posted on 11/05/2001 6:35:25 PM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: Pokey78
Was the Prof. Cornel West?

YES!!! She claimed he was a patriot... I claimed he was a fool.

Thanks, I had a brain cramp... couldn't remember his name... he's irrelevent anyways.

17 posted on 11/05/2001 6:35:27 PM PST by Dengar01
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To: Dengar01
So you don't know what you're talking about; it's not true, AND it's accepted in the Holy Book? Point made. Yours.

I have gone back to college part time, human anatomy, no politics. Muslims in my class, but nothing to argue about. I have been thinking of getting a teacher's certificate, but my brother went through that last year, so much PC BS, and I don't know if I could stand it.

Hang in there, but try not to come across as a neanderthal, you know? I have seen pro-lifers for instance do so much harm to the cause because they have not a clue how others see them. Conservatives are likewise behind the 8 ball. But if some of them think you're making're doing ok.

Mrs VS

18 posted on 11/05/2001 6:35:49 PM PST by VeritatisSplendor
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To: gumbo
But what about YOUR education? Are you just there for the technical courses, so you don't care you're not getting an education on the liberal arts side? Seems like a colossal waste of money and time.

I'm a History Major, so far my first history class hasn't had any liberal persuasion in it.

19 posted on 11/05/2001 6:36:29 PM PST by Dengar01
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To: Dengar01
Bravo for you today, but know that when you are fed up it might be time to find another school. It's your money.
20 posted on 11/05/2001 6:36:30 PM PST by Salvation
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