Since Oct 22, 2006

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I live and work in that funny farm known as Washington, DC. Politically, I'd consider myself a moderate/libertarian, if anything . . . which means that people from both ends of the blogosphere call me a troll from time to time.

I don't think 9/11 was an inside job, nor do I think there's a gay agenda to cook and devour children. As I said in my first posting on this site, I think the REAL ID Act is the dumbest thing I've seen Congress do in years. What matters most to me are intellectual honesty and the ability to transcend partisan and ideological lines. If Tom Coburn and Barack Obama are both for it, or if Bob Barr and the ACLU are both against it, chances are I'm in the same place.

Whatever the issue, I strive to be reasonable and open-minded, because a lot of issues are way too complicated to be reduced to talking points. And I always love a good debate on the merits . . . so fire away.

I also love aviation, and I'm currently learning to fly a Cessna 172 (just for fun, honestly).