Since Mar 16, 2003

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I believe in a Constitutional Republic. I believe our Constitutional Republic has been destroyed by Executive Orders from the White House and by fiat from the Judiciary, neither of which has Constitutional authority to pass laws. I believe that regulations passed by such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Education are blatantly unconstitutional and should have no weight of law. I believe the liberal left is destroying America. I believe the Second Amendment is the first, and that all others fall in line after it, because without it, the others would not exist. I believe that guns, not journalists, are what keeps America free. I am a member of the NRA. I own several weapons and practice with them routinely. I am not a hunter. I shoot targets (silohouettes, mostly.) I am a 26 year Navy veteran (a mustang officer) and a disabled military retiree. I belive that President Bush (#43) has renegged on his promise to veterans by failing to sign Concurrent Receipt into law. I believe the U.S. Former Spouses Protection Act is unconstitutional. I am a member of two class-action law suits; one to restore full military retired pay to disabled military retirees and the other to declare the USFSPA unconstitutional. I used to be registered as a Republican, but changed to "non-affiliated" when President Bush sent CR back to the 107th Congress and Speaker Hastert forgot about the checks and balances by allowing the President to dictate to the House of Representatives. If the Speaker had done his job and brought the bill back to the floor for a vote, the veto would have been over-riden by a 90% vote in favor in both houses of Congress. I will attend a meeting of the Constitution Party of Florida in a few days to see if they meet my my own political expectations and requirements.