Since Oct 3, 2001

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My name is Frank Bama, and I fly boats. I can read the heavens and smell the weather, roll with the punches and flow with the tide. I know the channels my life flows through can change course at a moment's notice and send me off again in to uncharted waters. It doesn't frighten me; it just keeps me alert; and I know a healthy sense of humor is essential to counter panic and fear.


“In deez parts when da good times come, dey gallop in like wild horses.  You try and ride ‘em for as long as you can, and when dey trow you off you just wait in the da shade til dey come by again.”

Bob Marley Johnston

(Proud Resident of Pass Her by Cay)


Life's Lessons


Lesson 1:      Never forget--they are always the enemy.

          2        Just remember, assholes are born that way, and they usually don't change.

          3        You do not want to go to jail.

          4        When you start to take life seriously, you're in trouble.

          5        It takes no more time to see the good side of life than it takes to see the bad.

          6        If you decide to run with the ball, just count on fumbling and getting the shit knocked

                    out of you a lot, but never forget how much fun it is just to be able to run with the ball.


Tales from Margaritaville

-Jimmy Buffett

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.  Dream. Discover.

    -Mark Twain