Since May 22, 2005

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I'm a rare one-a conservative photojournalist-so naturally I'm not famous, and get very little work.
Happily married more than 25 years, my husband and I have four living children, all of whom, so far, are intelligent, religious, clear-thinking, self-motivated, conservative American children.
My extended family includes some hyper-intelligent, Ivy League, left-wing fanatics, who see me as the "poor, stupid, miserable one" to which I can only shake my head. How can people be so smart, and still be liberal? It rocks my sensibilities.
Many diseases have found a home in my body, and I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. At last--an excuse for jumping around so much--so undignified for a woman in her 50's.
For five years I lived in three foreign countries, and travelled the world. I have seen first hand how life without democracy cripples the spirit, and I'm dedicated to bringing the world the truth.
Feel free to email me privately at the above email address.