Since Jul 7, 2009

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Conservative Christian that loves my country, my family & my God. Voted first time in ‘96 for Bob Dole, then George Bush (twice) but sat out the 2008 elections because i didn’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils.

I’m for limited government, and will take up arms against a repressive reprehensible radical liberal government if I feel like it will undermine my families happiness & freedom. Obama brown shirts beware. I know who you are & what you intend to do. I’m wise to your ways. You are just plain evil.

I love Cadillac’s, anything old & outdated (8-tracks, records), enjoying working out in the yard & nature. I also love my family, eating legal mexican food & Texas. Don’t tread on Texas (if you know what is good for you).

I’m for sealing the border off, closing down immigration & deporting any illegal alien (or citizen for that matter) that doesn’t want to conform to the American Language (English) and the American Culture.

If need be, i am for Texas seceding from the union. I hope it never come to that, but if it does, I am in full support.

I support our military action in Iraq & Afghanistan & wonder why we have let North Korea & Iran alone for so long.

My music is Johnny Cash, Elvis, Loretta Lynn, Roy Orbison and the like. I’m 32 years old but always have felt like I sould have been born 50 years earlier. I have always been told I have a old soul.

I mourn the passing of our Greatest generation & wonder if there will ever be another one. One can only hope.

This is just a few of my core beliefs. If it offends anyone, so be it. This is America! - Home of the Free!!