Since Oct 11, 1999

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Howard, Fine, & Howard have held many jobs. They founded the law firm of Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe, as well their career's in medical science "For duty and humanity" was a well known achievement. Stoogemania is a contagious disease that has spread like wildfire through our government in the form of a two party political process. Any resemblance to actual accomplishing any give task is just by chance as they are too busy in their ever entangled string of mishaps and just plain bad choices.

Stoogemania can strike anyone at any time. It can be at the office or on the way home. The cure as of yet has not been found. Those who are diagnosed as Stooge Maniacs are promptly taken to either the Republican or Democratic party headquarters where campaign workers immediately proceed to rehabilitate them to other professions such as Congressmen, Senators, or in extreme cases even President. Stoogemania is an epidemic let's work to find a cure and restore sanity to our government through responsible leadership. Are you a Stooge Maniac? Remember today you may see one tomorrow you may be one. Nuyk, Nuyk, Nuyk!