Since Oct 10, 2003

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   cBS hatchet job on President Reagan...

   Todays Link:
   Voice your displeasure. Please be polite... we do have morals and should not reduce ourselves to the level of others.

Positive media sponsor support is required as well.
   As Conservatives we are different. We believe in the positive aspects of the United States and what our Blessed country and ideals stand for. And we are proof that one does not always need to be in government service to 'defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic'.
   It is obvious that in today's media-centric world it can be difficult to believe that one voice makes a difference, but it does. Each of us have but one voice, and every one makes a difference. It is thru combined efforts that our Voice is heard.
   We can use this Voice for positive change, but we need to remember that our efforts for a positive change can take the form of negative comments and actions. Emailing the sponsor of a media outlet about our anger with threats of negative publicity and product boycotts is a very common tactic, but I would like for all of us in this forum to recognize what is easy to miss.
   The sponsors of media with which we agree should be thanked for their support. And this is what I challenge myself and all others who believe in Conservative ideals. For every email and phone call we make in protest of a media sponsor, we should do one of two things: let that sponsor know that we would support them if they support media with which we agree, or simply positively contact another sponsor.
   This takes more effort and patience. We get angry and fire on those with whom we disagree very easily, but we need to remember that for many of us, positive reinforcement works better when we are on the receiving end. We should conduct ourselves according to the way we would like to be treated.
   I posted my thoughts about cBS's hit on President Reagan and was rewarded with positive and arming responses. I now ask for people to help me start a movement to support those with whom we agree, and lend direction to those with whom we do not.
   I will be making this my personal mission in support of Conservative Ideals, and would like to receive all possible opinions and ideas.