Jonathan and Elizabeth
Since Jul 18, 2001

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My name is Jonathan and I've been surfing Free Republic for about 4 years. I live in the Midwest and I enjoy it. I'm very very conservative; on the radical extremist level. Anything less would be compromising I think. I believe abortion is the pre-meditated systematic slaughter of the unborn. For those of you screeching about women's rights, all I can say is that you don't care about 'women's rights' all you care about is your own personal agenda of desensitizing the American people so they will accept things more atrocious because of your blood lust. Anyway, I'm very thankful for this wonderful sight because it's one of the few news sources that tell what actually happens, not what the liberals want to happen.

And my name is Elizabeth. I live in the southeast. I don't speak with an accent and I don't THINK with one either. I've only been a member of Freerepublic for about 10 months & I really enjoy it. Like my best friend, Jonathan, I am a extremely conservative and pro-life. I am very glad for stumbling over this site ,in my very radical surfing habits, because here you can get all the news you need, unblemished by liberal media bias. I think the variety of people here is cool also. I've seen alot of people's views here that make them great role models and teachers for all who are around them. I've also seen views that disgust me. But hey, its all apart of life and it makes you stronger in what you believe in. Happy FReeping and may Yahweh the Father and His Son Yahshua bless all of you!