Since Sep 15, 2011

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Government and big corporations act together to keep us enslaved. They prey on our fears to take away our freedoms. They work hand in hand to stop us from eating decent food and to remove our freedom to take medicines which do not create profits, and to keep us in debt and enslaved:
* The TSA can fondle our children and make us strip for their pleasure.
* The FDA works to keep Big Pharma’s profits high while we are ill and dying.
* Our Senators and Representatives are bought and paid for by the corporate lobby.
* Health care costs more than twice as much for us as for other 1st world countries, yet we come last in the standards of care.
* Our media is owned by the big corporations and lies to us each day.
* The corporations are making profits from polluting our air and water, while they lie and tell us that climate change isn’t happening.
* Our children are no longer educated so they will never be able to understand that they are being lied to.