Since Sep 1, 2008

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Hello! I live in El Paso Texas. Originally from San Antonio, Texas. I love the mountains, New Mexico, and I'm too afraid to go into Mexico nowadays. I am 38 years old. I am a news junkie. I sit all day listening to talk radio and tv- some Fox News, E-Entertainment, History, or Discovery. Sometimes I watch Disney Channel because it reminds me of my nieces and nephews back home.

I sit around in my undies or jammies typing on my laptop listening to the ghetto birds flying all day ( i live near Juarez/ Ft. Bliss). I used to work for USAA (corporate America) now I make my money hustling on Ebay and Amazon. I’m also a web designer.

Hmmmm! I am totally for Legal Immigration. I am so happy for Sarah Palin, John McCain, and the Republican party tonight. I am voting repub and donating what i can tomorrow.

Hispanics For McCain/Palin I love my old doggie....his name is Dejjers