Since Oct 8, 2006

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Neocon Superhawk from MySpace
27 years old
United States

Contacting NeoconSuperhawk
e-mail : ask for it
2 groups I heavily support :

NeoconSuperhawk's Interests
General Church, small engine repair, police scanners, DeLoreans, and Page Hopkins.
Music Bands in order of importance :

  • U2
  • INXS
  • New Order
  • The Smiths
  • Pet Shop Boys
  • Erasure
  • Howard Jones
  • Oasis
  • The Cure
  • Van Halen
  • ABC
  • The Beach Boys
  • Tears For Fears
  • Thompson Twins
  • TLC
  • Kate Bush

    Those listed above are what I deem as the best bands ever. You will not find any "indie" or "indy" bands listed above, since Independent is not a genre of music.

    I have found as a general rule of thumb that the more cumulative tattoos a band has, the worse their music is, I guess they call that an inverse correlation. Ink in different colors injected into your arm does not compensate for your lack of musical ability.

    Also, the worst concert I've ever been to was Bruce Springsteen and those E-Street people he drags around with him. He is the only concert act I have ever regretted going to see, and I strongly urge you to avoid him.
Movies Back To The Future, Charade, The Passion of The Christ
Television Eternal Word TV Network (EWTN), Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN), Fox News - Fair and Balanced, QVC
Books The Bible, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Heroes Ronald Reagan, Michael Savage, Page Hopkins.

George Bush is Not a Conservative !

NeoconSuperhawk's Blurb
About Me:
I am a right-wing neoconservative Christian superhawk in Connecticut. I enjoy cutting the lawn and doing yardwork, responding in my personal vehicle to fire/medical calls, attending Church, ignoring liberal law school professors who despise America, and trading in penny stocks. Below, you will see my mindset and hopefully you will agree with it...

I am THROUGH kowtowing to muslims, atheists, homosexuals and socialist liberals!

95% of America is Christian, and 99% of Christians vote Republican! By the end of President George W Bush's 2nd term:

1) Iraq will be well on the way to being a peaceful Christian country. Once Iraq has gone Christian, the Gospel of Jesus will spread throughout the Middle East. The region will be at peace and millions of Arab souls will be saved through the grace of Jesus Christ.

2) Bush will have appointed at least two USSC Justices and the baby slaughterhouses will finally be closed down forever. (i predicted this over two years ago)

3) Gays will be put back in the closet for good. The sodomy and decency laws will be reinstated and their disgusting disease spreading activities will be outlawed again. Maybe we can’t get rid of them, but we can get them out of our children’s view.

4) School vouchers will allow parents to send their kids to decent Christian schools instead of the NEA-infested cesspools that exist now.

5) Worthless liberal social welfare programs will be dismantled and replaced by Christian faith-based government funded programs. People will finally get REAL help through Jesus Christ.

6) Filthy shows like Howard Stern, Will & Grace and Desperate Housewives will be off the air and replaced with decent Christian family programming. Families will once again be able to turn on the radio or television and not be embarrassed to listen or watch together.

7) The abominable scourge of Internet pornography will end with the expansion and ENFORCEMENT of the Online Decency Act. Pornographers who expose the public to this sickening material will be behind bars where they belong.

You can be with me or against me, but you had BETTER believe one thing:

Christians are DONE sitting at the back of the bus.

Global warming is a hoax. From 1940-1970, as cars were becoming more common all over the world, cars that did not have catalytic converters I might add, global temperatures decreased, that is a FACT. Sea level today is very near the lowest level ever attained. The Ice Age melted long before the internal combustion engine. Global warming is a hoax.

Evolution is a hoax. For evolution to take place, there would have to be intermediary steps(hybrid-species) from one species evolving into another, but not one hybrid species fossil has ever been found. For a basketball to become a soccer ball, the orange surface of the basektball wouldn't just disappear over night, it would take many years for this to happen where the orange surface would continually decrease as the white soccer-ball surface increased. That would be deemed a hybrid-species, since it is neither a basketball or a soccer ball. But yet, with all the scientists and all the anthropologists around today, not one of these hybrid-species fossils has ever been found. Evolutioin is a hoax.

most perfect creature on planet earth