Since Jul 26, 2004

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Graduate doctoral student studying clinical psychology.

Favor lower tax rates, privitization of social security and school vouchers.

As far as social issues, I have misgivings about abortion but do not feel as if the federal government should intervene. Civil unions/gay marriage should be left up to individual states.

Foreign policy dictates a strong stance against terrorism. I favor not only killing terrorists, but going after regimes that sponsor or harbor terrorists.

I have evolved over the past four years. In the primary of 2000, I supported John McCain, and eventually supported George W. Bush. I will do the same this year. As for 2008, I am a strong supporter of Rudy Giuliani.

I live just miles from Ground Zero in NJ. President Bush said it best when he remarked, "For as long as this country stands, when people look to the resurrection of New York City, they will say: Here buildings fell, here a nation rose."