Since Aug 3, 2008

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American-born Religious Jew, currently living in Israel.

Policial activity at the moent: Support for Mrs. Livni of the Kadima party, in Israel

Profession: Proofrreader

Music: Too varied and detailed to list

Movies: Highly selective. Only started to watch movies in recent few years.
   Enjoyed so far: LOTR trilogy, Ushpizin (Israeli movie, don’t ask), Hidalgo, Terminal, Herbie: Fully Loaded.

TV: I don’t own a TV set and never did. All TV I watch is via Internet downloads (my apologies to the Copyright holders. But it’s not like I’d be paying for TV in general or this stuff in particular, not even if stuck on an island with nothing else. I *do* pay for nearly all my music, movies, software etc., even when I can easily pirate it for free.).
   Currently watching: Star Trek Episodes (starting with TOS: s01, in progress).