Since Nov 11, 2001

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I advocate:

- government of limited and enumerated powers.

- Federal government with tremendously scaled-back powers and term limits.

- Reductions or repeal of federal income taxation.

- Bringing home the troops. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, South Korea, and all the rest can either defend themselves, or purchase and learn how to use American-made weaponry ... the best in the world!

- Elimination of all foreign aid ... including even Israel.

- Elimination of support and assistance to corrupt and incompetent Arab governments.

- Return of individual liberties.

- The right to bear arms.

- Freedom of association to include the right of employers, private clubs, landlords, and condominiums to deny association for any reason, including race, religion, or sexual preferance.

- Free markets.

- Property rights.

- School choice, including the right to vouchers for religious schools. In the long-run, eliminate federally socialized schooling altogether.

- Elimination of subsidies.

- Replacing government-funded welfare with private charities.

- Leadership that emphasizes family values domestically.

- Leadership that emphasizes individual liberty, self-rule, and government of limited powers to the international audience.

- Recognition that the Constitutional grant of power to Congress for coining money is not a monopoly grant. Individuals should be free to enter into contract for goods and services, to be paid by gold, silver, or whatever other commodity they choose.

- Recognition that the First Amendment does not preclude local governments from restricting access of minors to vulgar "music" and publications. Have you listened to a rap "music" lately?