Pistov Elf
Since Nov 30, 2005

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I'm a Christmas Elf...full of the Christmas Spirit!! I like having fun...but can be cranky when the Fatboy is on my back!!

I'm an elf veteran of the Orc and Troll Wars. Another time and another place.... Working for Santa, a.k.a FATBOY...who always gets the credit for everything!

We Elves are doing all the work! It's nof fair, and it SUCKS that we are so unappreciated!!

Remember us too!! Pleeeeaze!


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Excerpts From The Journal of Pistov Elf

1 Oct- Harrumph!! I just sick of it!! Work! Work! Work! That's all we elves do ; and we never seem to get any of the credit. Not from Fatboy (a.k.a. SANTA) for sure! He's just a slave driver. and his Old Rules have got to go!! And for that matter, we are unappreciated by the Humans too!! Oh sure, the boy's and girl's might appreciate us, a little. The do seem to enjoy the toys and stuff. At least they sometimes make us happy. But it's old Fatboy they shower with the credit!!

But when they grow older, these same "humans" lose the Christmas Spirit with Scrooge and Grinch-like behavior! So, what about my attitude? Me? Ha!! Just cuz I sass old Fatboy like I always do, he has me shovelin' Reindeer Exhaust in the Stables!! That's like a forever job!!

Harrumph! Well, I have had it. I'm gonna sneak onto the Fatboy's 'puter and put the word out on him. Who knows, all the Elves may just go on STRIKE!! Let's see how he handles that!! Ho! Ho!

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