red irish
Since Apr 28, 2005

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Isaiah 5-20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Question: How can Isaiah 5: 20 be duplicated today?

Answer: Isaiah 5: 20 reads as follows: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah is addressing a problem in his day. In this passage (vss. 18-23), he is describing certain sinful acts which were prevailing among the people (the same thing faithful preachers do today). Drunkenness, pseudo wisdom, and the justification of the wicked while condemning the righteous were common (vss. 20-23). Sound familiar? Beloved, many such statements, while they possessed immediacy of application, contain a general truth and principle which can be applicable to different ages.

Duplication of Isaiah 5: 20 today. The ability to discern both good and evil seems to be comparatively missing (Heb. 5: 11-14). As a result, we are ready for doctrines such as the relativity of truth and situation ethics. Actually, we are in an age of contradiction. On the one hand we are told there is not right and wrong, only shades of gray. Yet, when you point out what is evil, you are called evil. For example, we are told that abortion is good and those who say it is wrong are evil. Moderate drinking, dancing, cursing, profanity, and vulgarity, nudity and gambling are said to be good and those who oppose such are evil. Efforts are currently being put forth to convince the public that legalized gambling (they call it “gaming” today) builds communities and families. Fornication (providing safe sex is practiced) is presented as being good because it prevents premature marriages.

Beloved, God’s word determines what is good and what is evil (Heb. 5: 11-14). However, as God’s word continues to be rejected as the ultimate standard, more and more people are becoming as those in Isaiah’s day. Let us have the courage to call good, good and evil, evil. (cf. Gal. 2: 11-14).