Republisaurus Rex
Since Nov 28, 2005

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            Chickens and Lillies.

  The Democrat Party's obsession toward failure,
  of total obstruction and covert derailure,
  of ev'ry Republican concept and plan,
  puts Democrat poll results straight down the can.

  They're chickens and lillies who won't fight for freedom,
  presented with options they try to impede them.
  They're hiding like cowards behind filibusters,
  their whirlwind jowls blow treasonous gusters.

  So where is their backbone and where is their spine?
  and where is their conscience to help tow the line?
  Oh sure they supported the Patriot Act,
  But now, in denial, are shamed of the fact.

. The Democrats whine about misleading data,
  Just more obfuscation and desp'rate errata.
  The Democrats stall on the court confirmations,
  like impacted bowels or black constipation.

  Republican efforts with Democrat vision,
  Could lead to an era that's free of derision,
  but paranoid fears of a Right Wing revival,
  finds Democrats spinning their very survival.