Since Sep 15, 2004

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Male, 45, own an ad agency, am a writer and broadcast director/producer. Had planned to go into journalism, was managing editor of campus newspaper in college, probably thought I was a Democrat.

I realized advertising more honest work than journalism! I hope to add something to the forum from the perspective of an advertising professional. I see so much mis-information in the MSM that can be countered with a little creativity. Stuff I like saying: Unfortunately, the Democrats send their best into politics. The Republicans send those who have the time.

What does "rightinthemiddle" mean? Many things: Like most of the people in this forum, I am right (correct). As a conservative Republican, I am on the right (by the media's definition) However, "in the middle" means I am closer to the center than the liberal elites will admit...the USA is a much more conservative country than the Dems and media say it is.

I'm in the "middle" of the country, near the geographic and population center of the Continental US...the southwest Missouri Ozarks, where common sense and virtues are still important. I like being "in the middle" of discussions and debate...cuz I'm right.

I love my God, my country, my friends and my family. I believe the policies of the liberal left are destroying the American dream for the poor and disadvantaged by taking away their self respect, sense of responsibility and moral values. Isn't it amazing the people who don't know anything have all the answers? The people who cause the problems have the solutions? The people who need faith the most, don't have any? That regressive behavior has become "progressive?

Hannity Ping List 11-24-08

IMissPresidentReagan; Repub4bush; bwteim; rightinthemiddle; andyk; chuck54; tiredoflaundry; sono; markedmannerf; Matchett-PI; Primetimedonna; LadyBuzz; newzjunkey; jackv; Pyro7480; Cautor; rockrr; HelloooClareece; Bahbah; dougfromupland; MNJohnnie; Polyxene; eeevil conservative; Hoya97; LucyJo;AllenH; advance_copy; babaloo; Kokojmudd; pollywog; princess leah; b4its2late; soloNYer; CharlesWayneCT; sofaman; Bulldaddy; Dr. Scarpetta; Cautor; rockrr; HelloooClareece; Bahbah; baystaterebel; McGruff; GodBlessUSA; Mo1; Hattie; hipaatwo; TruthSetsUFree; The Grim Freeper; FOXFANVOX; McGruff; JFC; Allen H; YaYa123; JerseyDvl; BellStar; navynucmom; acsrp38; Sammie42; Txsleuth; hattend; ianschwartz; Fudd Fan; SoCalPol; alice_in_bubbaland; A.Hun; rightwingintelligentsia; IslandJeff; the-gooroo; HonestConservative; used2bdem; Just Lori; TheForceOfOne; ThreePuttinDude; eastsider; del4hope; Jo Nuvark; Lovergirl; Neverforget01; LibertyLee; aligncare; old_sage_says; Unrepentant VN Vet; maggief; MarkLevinFan; AliVeritas; LUV W; meema; marinemom613; smallvoiceinthewilderness; gopwinsin04; cripplecreek; FuddFan; caluvdubya; jennyscool; repub4bush; Tazannie; QueenKathy; dmd25; Texokie;phatoldphart; SEMom; Txsleuth; Lysie; nc1mrw; Collier; Del4hope; Hattend; Navynucmom; mogirl; nclaw441; restornu; defconw; cibco; DCPatriot; Clint N. Suhks; NormsRevenge; ChicagoConservative27; cleveland gop;texaspatriot8;springman;mad dash;kerretarded;rottndog;lone palm;sirhailstone;paige;harleylady27;nicole5;pippin;perdogg;lamb_chopny;brandie; fox-mulder77; 50cal Smokepole; indcons; Nicole5; SilvieWaldorfMD; TSchmereL;EagleandLiberty; vacuumbob; American Quilter; Biggirl; WorkerbeeCitizen; MaineConservative; GloriaJane; what_not2007; BigEdLB; waus; DirtyHarryY2K; PowerPro; PennsylvaniaMom; StayFocused; sbnsd