Since Oct 15, 2005

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The name is a joke by the way. I'm not a warmonger, but I do understand that war sometimes IS necessary. In some cases, it IS the answer.

I grew up in a single mom family in the suburbs of Minneapolis. My mom was a democrat and I can still remember when I asked her what the difference was between democrats and republicans, she told me "Democrats are committed to help the little guy and the republicans are out to make the rich richer and the poor poorer." With this in mind, I voted for Bill Clinton the first time around.

By the time George W. was running for president, I had come to my senses. Part of that turn around came about by reading Thomas Sowell's book, 'The Vision of the Anointed'. That and I had broken away from my Chatholic roots and was baptized in a baptist church. My life had changed drastically and my point of view, my paradigm changed. Now I know what responsibility is and enjoy it. I know what life is worth. I know what it means to work hard and earn a living. I know what's at stake. I know that dems are more about getting reelected and keeping their masses down and enslaved to the state than they are in really helping them become self supporting individuals working for their own lives. I know that republicans in general are about helping people become more self sufficiant and actualizing. We also realize that there is something worth dying for. Seems like I've heard only liberals say that nothing is worth dying for. They are wrong.

Through my change and through heart felt honest talks with my mother, she too has come around and is now voting republican. Thank God for that! That's enough for now. I'll update this some other time when it's not 100 degrees in my apartment.