Sangamon Kid
Since Aug 10, 2000

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Personal Info
Husband of 22 years to my sweetheart.
Father of 4 wonderful kids: 21, 19, 12, and 8.
Newly involved in home church after having attended organized local church for 14 years.
Homeschool veteran of 17 years.
Small business owner.
Looking to move away from the "urban sprawl" of our town of 3000 and find a large piece of Green Acres.

Current Reading List
Paradise Restored by David Chilton
Confrontational Politics by H.L. Richardson
The Power of Gold by Peter Bernstein
The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink

Leadership in area homeschool organization
Novice brewer of beer
Running and weight training (not fanatical, just for weight control)
Gentleman Farmer-to-be (hopefully very soon!)