Son of Redleg
Since Mar 20, 2010

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Been lurking here since '98. My dad was Redleg and he introduced me to the site way back then. In case you're wondering, my dad called himself Redleg because he was a career US Army Artilleryman. The other Redlegs, the Civil War Kansas Militia made (in)famous in 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' weren't the intended reference, although that group included Wild Bill Hickok so maybe the movie wasn't really fair in it's characterisation.

I've been in the oil industry for almost 30 years, worked all over the world, have been an expat for over 20 years and now live in Scotland where I enjoy the 'free' NHS healthcare. I can't imagine Americans putting up with the limited resources, antiquated equipment, waiting lists (even for cancer treatment), high rate of 'superbug' infections contracted in hospital, limited/no availability of new drugs and all the other indignities that go along with socialist medicine. And if you have a job and pay taxes, the National Insurance element of your tax makes the NHS healthcare anything but free.

I don't get back to the US much anymore, and to be honest, it's so different from the country that I left when I moved abroad in 1988 that I'm not sure I will care to move back when it's possible for me to do so. The only hope I see for a radical change in the direction our country is taking is with the Tea Party movement. God bless all of you that are standing up to this scandalous, socialist, amoral health control legislation, and may He give you the strength to continue to fight against all of the pending legislation to expand the power of the Federal government.

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