Since Apr 9, 2003

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Living in PA, I'm frustrated that I can't find too many outlets for Conservatives.

~*Famous people have said:*~

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

"No one has the right to choose to do what is wrong." -Abraham Lincoln

"What a way to run a rail road" - who is known for saying this? If you know, then you ROCK!!

~*I say:*~

Gun laws will not stop criminals. That's why they're called CRIMINALS.

Stop federal funding of Planned Profit-hood

I'd rather be WRONG than be LEFT.

WHAT media bias, you homophobic, anti-choice, religious, right-wing nut?

When liberals write, it's "parody". When conservatives write, it's "hate speech".

Mothers ARE career women- do you think running a household is easy?

The ACLU- taking the "B" out of "God Bless America".

I learned nothing of history when I saw "Troy". However, I did learn I could gaze upon Orlando Bloom every day for the rest of my life and never tire of it. :)

~* And my tombstone will say:*~

Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.