Since Jul 2, 2005

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Eye kan spel gud. (Translation: my Mom (Island Girl on this forum) just pointed out to me that my profile in it's prior incarnation was replete with grammatical and spelling errors. I tend to listen to my Mom when she speaks. Please keep in mind when you read my posts that 1) I am a horrible typist and 2) I have big ol' paws that aren't conducive to good typing on a small laptop keyboard.) I am a second year law student at Arizona State. I hope to become a prosecutor when I'm done with school. I'm originally from Honolulu, in case the flag confused you. Mini rant time. I am currently taking "Federal Income Taxation". After reading the Internal Revenue Code (well the important parts), it is clear to me that the whole thing needs to go. It is an extremely silly document. No normal person could ever hope to do their taxes accurately without professional help. The progressive income tax sounds nice at first glance (kinda like communism), but it leads to so many complications, loopholes, patches to said loopholes which create more loopholes and therefore more patches, that the only rational answer to the problems it poses is that the whole code is fundamentally and incurably flawed. We need a flat tax and we need it now.