Since Sep 15, 2004

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I live in the heart of California's Central San Joaquin Valley where I am a partner in my family's agricultural sales company. We grow, pack, and ship over a million boxes of fresh fruit each year and have customers all over the world. Originally from Southern Illinois and Missouri, I moved to California as a teenager when my dad took a job with a major supermarket chain, and I've been here for the most part ever since.

I graduated from Stanford University with a degree in History in 1993, and I subsequently spent a year at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis where I planned on entering the ministry. God had other plans and after a few years working in the Bay Area I moved to Reedley, CA in 1997 after marrying my beautiful wife to escape the crowds and the insane political environment.

I have a wife and three sons with our youngest born in March of 2005.