Since Sep 15, 2005

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What another great day here on earth thanks to God!! I have much to be thankful for...our 6 children - Samuel, Madolyn, Kaitlyn, Rosalia, Kevin & Zachary!! Well let me tell you a bit about me since you've taken the time to see "my page".

I'll start by telling you that one of the important priorities in my life is God

My family comes next-my husband Ron and I have been married for a little over a year now. He has two children Madolyn and Samuel and I have three children from a previous marriage so that makes 5.

Well, we didn't think 5 was enough. We needed a good excuse to get a big van, so we decided to have a baby we could call all of ours!! So that's where Zachary comes in

Zachary is now 6 1/2 months old and getting bigger by the day. So I'm a stay at home mom, I find little things to dab into to keep my time totally filled, as if raising 6 children and cleaning a house isn't enough.

I have always been pretty athletic-swimming, soccer, skiing, softball.

Fishing, camping, site seeing and traveling, photography and driving my kids nuts are my other strong points.

Hope to get to know some of you on the site.

Thanks to my Aunt Dolly, she has pointed me to God, guided me in the right direction as a conservative and that means she's my favorite Aunt!!