Since Nov 18, 2004

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America is a land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement....No natural boundary seems to be set to the efforts of man; and in his eyes what is not yet done is only what he has not yet attempted.--Alexis de Tocqueville, "Democracy in America"

I have a MA in psychology and am going to start law school this year. However, before I start law school, I am getting married to a wonderful man. My future husband has broaden my world and rekindled some old interests that I lost as life passed more demands on my time. He inspires me to be the person he thinks I am.

I believe that we live in a time where Americans cannot sit back and idly watch our government govern from the outside. Instead, we must truly be a government for the people, by the people. My parents raised me that if I do not participate in my government, then I lose the right to complain about it (and I would hate to lose my right to complain about anything including politics).

To my regret, I do not get to post on the Free Republic as much as I would like due to the busy chaos that is my life these days. You try planning a wedding, moving two apartments into one apartment, moving to a new town, quitting your job, and getting ready to attend law school and see how much time you have. But I love the chaos of my life and I try to catch up on the Free Republic daily although the weekends are hard.

I love the DUmmie FUnnies by PJ-Comic and I hope he gets his book deal soon. The Psychologist in me loves watching the DUmmies with their projection and cognitive dissonance. In addition, I love Pookie18's Today's Toons. In case you can't tell, I love humor in my life.

I am a naturally good natured person who tries to laugh things off rather than get upset. I believe in the good in people and I try to give people chances. I tend to believe people are like me (open and honest) because I believe that if you expect certain treatment from people (and treat them that way), then they tend to live up to your expections. I find this is especially true at my job with troubled adolescents. They treat you with respect when you respect them. Goodness knows, you can learn more about your character by what those kids call you behind your back than years of reflection and therapy. I am not naive enough to not believe there is evil in the world. I just like to look for the good first and if it isn't there, then I am on guard for the future.

Regarding my screen name, it comes from high school. I went to an academic boarding school where I felt truly at home for the first time in my life with people who shared my thirst for knowledge and ideas. I made friendships I share to this day. As one of our games, my friends and I would sit at round tables in the dining hall and try to crowd as many people at the table as possible so everyone would feel included. The game was to see how many people we could sit at the table with people on each other's laps and sitting between chairs. One day after Biology Lab, someone passed by our table and said that we looked like a volvox. (Check your Biology books). They were trying to insult us (we believe) but we liked the name so much we became known to the entire school and our teachers as Volvox. It seemed appropriate that the name I was given at the first place I began to broaden my mind would apply at the Free Republic.

Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.--Thomas Paine, "The American Crisis"