Since Feb 8, 2012

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We are the one’s that wake up early in the morning, look out the window and thank God. Thank god for family, friends and the fact that we were born in the USA. We are the people who work,sweat and bleed for this nation. We are the ones who set the example and are respected due to the greatness we emanate. We are the one’s that never look down on anyone, unless we are helping them up. We are the one’s who said ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free’. We are the one’s who have gone to foreign soils, and fought for others liberties. We are the one’s who on a sunny September 11th got bruised but not beaten. We are the one’s who currently stand at the edge of destruction. We are the one’s who in November have the power to reverse the path, and set it right. Who are we? WeAreAMERICA!