Since Dec 4, 1997

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Ex Navy Submarine Qualified (SSN-595 ... USS Plunger) Reactor Operator. Served from 1964 to 1973. Worked in the Instrumentation & Control Dept of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant from 1973 to 1981. Presently heavily involved with Data Warehouse activities for different clients. Vietnam service ribbon and damned proud of it!

Presently working as a used Subaru Parts manager. No longer running in the IT rat race and I can say I don't miss it. Update 2009... Have had my Mom living with me for past 2 years. She will soon be going to an assisted living facility and I will have to go back to work to survive! As a long time participant to this web site I feel I have much much to offer vis-a-vis "institutional memory" (BUT WHAT IS THAT AGAINST HUGE DATABASES?).