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Five Theories About the Universe to Blow Your Mind
YouTube ^ | November 8, 2022 | Sideprojects

Posted on 07/06/2023 7:44:10 AM PDT by SunkenCiv

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0:00·and there's a little bizarre series
0:01·about the universe some of them are
0:03·already debunked bordering on conspiracy
0:05·theories or are just downright silly
0:06·other Tsar Milly Cosmic thought
0:07·experiments they can't be proven one way
0:09·or the other and are just ideas designed
0:11·to challenge what we believe about the
0:13·universe all around us while in same
0:16·conspiracy theories and unprovable
0:18·thought experiments can be fun today
0:19·we're going to look at four theories
0:21·that may actually be true and one that
0:24·almost certainly is but we'd definitely
0:27·prefer that it totally was
·Theres a fourth spatial dimension
0:37·there's a fourth spatial dimension
0:42·one of the major problems in the
0:44·standard model of physics is try to
0:45·explain why the gravitational force is
0:47·so weak when compared to the three other
0:49·Natural Forces according to the theory
0:51·at the time the Big Bang all four forces
0:54·should have existed as one before
0:55·breaking off into the four forces that
0:58·we observed today but at the point when
1:01·they split they should have been
1:03·comparable in strength so why then is
1:06·gravity so weak String Theory attempted
1:09·to address this problem by positing that
1:11·at tiny enough distances the forces
1:13·could be equal in magnitude but this
1:15·isn't an ideal answer and scientists
1:17·kept on searching in 1983 the idea of
1:20·brain cosmology was introduced though
1:23·the most influential model would not be
1:24·proposed until 1999 by physicists Lisa
1:27·Randall and romance sunroom the idea of
1:29·brain cosmology also referred to as
1:31·brainworld is that there is at least a
1:35·fourth spatial Dimension and possibly
1:37·even more now we're all familiar with
1:39·the three spatial Dimensions plus the
1:42·fourth time dimension in which we exist
1:45·and that seems to be pretty
1:47·encapsulating of the entire universe so
1:49·how then could there be further spatial
1:53·Dimensions well the answer to that is
1:55·that our universe is trapped inside a
1:57·membrane hence the brain in the Theory's
2:00·name our visible Universe exists
2:01·entirely within this membrane while the
2:03·majority of what exists also referred to
2:05·as the bulk is some sort of higher
2:08·dimensional space outside of the
2:09·membrane now it may sound a little bit
2:11·far-fetched but this theory is being
2:13·seriously pursued by scientists as a
2:16·possible solution to many of the
2:17·unanswered questions about the universe
2:19·under this Theory the weak and strong
2:21·nuclear forces in the electromagnetic
2:23·force are trapped within the membrane
2:25·but the gravitational force has no such
2:27·restriction as such much of the
2:29·gravitational force leaks out into the
2:31·bulk this accounts for why it is so
2:34·comparatively weak similarly other
2:35·membranes could exist next to us which
2:37·also influence the gravitational force
2:39·there could be other universes Trapped
2:41·In Their Own own membranes only a
2:43·microscopic distance away from ours but
2:45·because they could exist in spatial
2:46·Dimensions that are completely
2:48·imperceptible to us we would have no
2:51·idea that they were even there it is
2:54·regarded as one of the more elegant
2:56·solutions for the hierarchy problem and
2:59·experiments have been designed to try
3:00·and prove the existence of large extra
3:02·Dimensions thus far these have not
3:04·yielded any results other than to
3:06·constrain what the extra Dimensions
3:08·could actually be then again because we
3:10·are trying to test for extra spatial
3:12·Dimensions that we don't actually know
3:14·how to perceive detecting evidence of
3:16·their existence may prove to be more
3:18·complicated than we realized
·Gravity may be wrong
3:21·gravity may be wrong
3:25·okay once again we find ourselves faced
3:28·with the issue of gravity the
3:29·gravitational force was naturally the
3:31·first of the four forces that humans
3:33·discovered if you drop something it
3:35·falls down seems pretty straightforward
3:38·however of the four natural forces
3:40·gravity is the one we actually
3:42·understand the least we do have a pretty
3:44·good idea of how gravity works or at
3:46·least how we think it works despite the
3:48·hierarchy problem presented by it being
3:50·so many orders of magnitude weaker than
3:52·the other forces however we have seen
3:54·other issues related to our
3:56·understanding of gravity as well one
3:58·such problem is the speed at which
3:59·celestial bodies move we can observe
4:01·galaxies rotating much faster than they
4:03·should be able to or we could see
4:05·galaxies traveling away from us at
4:06·speeds far exceeding what should even be
4:09·possible scientists have proposed a
4:11·solution to this dilemma in the form of
4:14·Dark Matter dark matter is everywhere in
4:16·the universe accounting for roughly 85
4:18·percent of all matter it is six times
4:20·more abundant than the visible matter
4:22·that we're familiar with this dark
4:24·matter and the gravity exerted by its is
4:26·the reason we see objects moving in ways
4:28·that would otherwise be impossible to
4:30·explain however Dark Matter does not
4:33·interact with the electromagnetic force
4:34·this means it does not absorb reflect or
4:37·emit light making it completely
4:39·invisible and well that's how it got its
4:42·name the only problem is that because
4:44·it's invisible we have no proof that
4:46·dark matter actually exists the only
4:48·proof for the existence of dark matter
4:50·is the gravitational effect that it has
4:52·on other objects throughout the Universe
4:54·now so you may have noticed that it's a
4:56·bit of a logical problem there the only
4:58·proof we have the Dark Matter exists is
5:00·the gravitational effect that it has but
5:02·Dark Matter was proposed as a
5:05·theoretical solution for gravitational
5:07·effects that we couldn't otherwise
5:10·explain it somewhat circular reasoning
5:12·there which is why experiments like
5:14·those at the Large Hadron Collider hope
5:16·to provide more concrete proof for the
5:18·existence of Dark Matter however there
5:22·is another possible solution it could be
5:24·wrong notice about dark matter
5:26·but about gravity itself in fact we
5:29·already know that the current series of
5:31·gravity are wrong and this isn't the
5:33·first time that we've made that
5:34·Discovery gravity is put forth by Isaac
5:37·Newton worked great for a while he
5:39·described gravity as an attractive Force
5:40·but there were some problems for example
5:42·Mercury's orbit moved closer to the Sun
5:44·at a faster rate than Newton's equations
5:46·predicted Einstein's general relativity
5:48·solved this problem and changed our
5:50·understanding of gravity rather than
5:51·being an attractive Force Einstein saw
5:54·gravity as warping space-time around an
5:57·object thus creating a well that other
6:00·things would fall towards this new
6:02·understanding remained consistent with
6:03·everything that was expected from
6:05·Newtonian physics while also correcting
6:07·issues in the areas are Newton's
6:09·formulas didn't work unfortunately
6:11·general relativity also breaks down as
6:13·well we just aren't exactly sure where
6:15·we know that at some point within a
6:17·black hole that Einstein's theory stops
6:20·working and research is currently
6:21·working to figure out where exactly once
6:25·we know the exact point where breaks
6:27·down we may be able to figure out
6:28·exactly what was wrong until that
6:31·happens it's hard to say exactly what
6:33·the fate of gravity will be perhaps our
6:35·new understanding of the gravitational
6:36·force will still require the existence
6:39·of dark matter or perhaps we will learn
6:41·the double Leafs about gravity were just
6:43·so fundamentally flawed that dark matter
6:46·is no longer necessary to reconcile our
6:49·expectations with reality
·Speed of light may once have been faster
6:53·the speed of light may once have been
6:57·if you've ever taken a physics class you
6:59·undoubtedly know that the speed of light
7:01·in a vacuum is 300 000 kilometers a
7:03·second and that is the fastest that
7:05·anything in the universe can possibly
7:07·travel at colder temperatures light
7:09·moves more slowly not because the
7:11·temperature itself but because colder
7:13·temperatures make air more dense and
7:15·light travels more slowly through denser
7:17·objects but what if this worked in the
7:21·other direction as well it's hard to
7:23·imagine it being hot enough for a vacuum
7:25·to somehow become even more of a vacuum
7:28·however one Theory suggests that the
7:30·origins of the universe it was so hot
7:31·that light essentially underwent a phase
7:33·change like water turning into steam as
7:36·a result of this change light was able
7:38·to far exceed its current maximum speed
7:40·approaching effectively infinite speed
7:43·this theory was proposed as an
7:45·alternative to inflation Theory the most
7:47·commonly accepted explanation for the
7:49·Horizon problem in Cosmic microwave
7:52·background or CMB The Horizon problem is
7:54·that the temperature across the universe
7:56·is even which should definitely not be
7:59·possible likewise CMB is the oldest
8:01·measurable light in the universe having
8:02·been emitted out 300 000 years after the
8:05·big bang and the light is equivalent
8:08·everywhere the consistency of CMB shows
8:11·that the temperature across the universe
8:12·should have been the same but this
8:13·doesn't make logical sense as the
8:15·universe was so big that light and
8:18·thusly heat should not have reached all
8:20·of it the inflation theory proposes that
8:23·a fraction of a second after the big
8:25·bang the universe underwent a massive
8:27·exponential expansion outward that
8:29·lasted for only a fraction of a second
8:31·as space-time expanded exponentially the
8:34·existing light and heat was carried with
8:36·it and then propagated as normal it's an
8:38·elegant solution that answers a lot of
8:40·problems and because it only happened
8:42·once billions of years ago it's also
8:44·well completely untestable in addition
8:47·to being an untestable Theory it raises
8:50·the question of why why would this have
8:52·happened why for only such a short time
8:55·and why never again these these are
8:57·questions that we just don't have
9:00·answers for because the untestable and
9:01·difficult to rationalize nature of
9:03·inflation the alternate theory was
9:05·proposed that extremely high
9:06·temperatures allowed light to travel in
9:08·incredible speeds following the Big Bang
9:09·This would run contrary to Weinstein's
9:12·theory of special relativity but it does
9:13·hold one advantage over inflation Theory
9:15·the physicists who proposed the most
9:18·recent iteration of the theory believed
9:20·that they could actually prove it it is
9:22·believed that in the near future the
9:23·idea of a previously variable speed of
9:26·light could be tested if so this Theory
9:28·will live or die by the result of those
9:31·experiments it's impossible to predict
9:32·what the results would be but if testing
9:35·were to confirm this Theory it would
9:36·require rethinking much of what we
9:38·believe we know about physics
·Adolf Hitler could make first contact with aliens
9:40·Adolf Hitler could make first contact
9:42·with extraterrestrials
9:45·we're not proposing that Hitler at the
9:47·age of 133 is alive and well in South
9:49·America and will soon be launching
9:51·himself into space to make first contact
9:52·with an alien civilization though such a
9:55·conspiracy theory probably does exist
9:57·because of course it does instead we're
9:59·going to be looking at an idea first
10:01·presented by Carl Sagan in his 1985
10:03·novel contact which was later adapted
10:06·into a 1997 film starring Jodie Foster
10:09·Humanity has been broadcasting messages
10:11·into space for decades though much of it
10:14·wasn't intentional most signals that
10:15·were transmitted over the airwaves were
10:17·either at too lower frequency or too low
10:20·power to escape Earth's ionosphere
10:22·however as Sagan put forth the First
10:24·Signal broadcast that was powerful
10:25·enough to escape Earth's atmosphere and
10:27·travel into outer space was the opening
10:28·ceremony of the 1936 Olympic Games in
10:31·Berlin this could make Hitler's opening
10:32·speech at the Olympics and alien
10:34·civilizations first encounter with
10:36·humans though contact was a fiction
10:39·novel it was based in hard science many
10:41·scientists dispute the claim that this
10:43·will be the first transmission received
10:44·by extra Industrials but they do admit
10:47·that yeah
10:48·it is actually possible although the
10:51·signal was relatively weak compared to
10:52·messages that have been beamed into
10:54·space with more clear intent it could
10:57·easily travel hundreds if not thousands
10:59·of light years into space though
11:00·scientists believe that because of the
11:02·low intensity of the signal it is likely
11:04·to be missed they state that aliens
11:06·would need to be listening to the void
11:08·of space extremely intently in order to
11:10·find the signal while that is true
11:12·there's no reason to believe that they
11:14·wouldn't be doing exactly that after all
11:17·we certainly are the bigger obstacle
11:19·would be that whatever civilization were
11:21·to encounter this broadcast may have no
11:23·way to decode it they would certainly
11:25·recognize it as a technological
11:26·broadcast of some kind instead of
11:28·something naturally occurring but that
11:30·doesn't mean it would be able to
11:32·separate the audio and the visual
11:33·information from the signal and
11:35·reproduce the video that was being
11:37·broadcast around Earth it's
11:39·understandable that scientists would
11:41·want to try and debunk this Theory as
11:43·best as possible given the rather
11:45·non-controversial statement that Hitler
11:47·was a bad dude however there is no
11:50·denying that the Olympic broadcast was
11:52·almost certainly the first man-made
11:53·signal powerful enough to break through
11:55·the ionosphere and that if aliens are
11:58·looking hard enough they could find it
·You are a Boltzmann brain
12:01·you are a boltzmann brain that's the
12:04·heat death of the universe in 1896
12:07·Austrian physicist Ludwig boltzmann
12:09·first published a theory that tried to
12:12·account for why the universe wasn't as
12:14·chaotic as thermodynamics seemed to
12:16·predict that it should be thermodynamics
12:18·was a relatively new field at the time
12:20·and one of the main principles of
12:21·thermodynamics is that the Universe
12:23·tries to maximize entropy or disorder
12:27·the universe is over 13 billion years
12:28·old which means that it had a long time
12:31·to spiral into chaos so why then is
12:34·everything in the universe so organized
12:36·why does it follow these rigid and
12:39·precise rules well the field of quantum
12:41·physics didn't exist yet and the
12:43·seemingly random nature of quantum
12:45·particles had yet to be observed so this
12:47·was a pretty logical question to ask it
12:49·is paper boltzmann presented our
12:51·hypothesis the hypothesis was that even
12:53·after the universe had reached maximum
12:55·entropy also known as the heat death of
12:58·the universe that it would randomly
12:59·undergo fluctuations to a more ordered
13:01·State possibly creating something like
13:04·the universe that we see today other
13:06·cosmologist didn't believe this was
13:08·likely and the boltzmann brain was
13:10·proposed as a reductio and absurdum
13:12·argument against the theory the idea is
13:15·that smaller fluctuations are more
13:16·likely than large ones as such it is
13:18·more likely that the random fluctuations
13:20·formed a single human brain full of
13:23·false memories than it is to have formed
13:25·the entirety of our observable universe
13:28·it sounds like a silly idea because it
13:31·was intended to be like Schrodinger's
13:33·cat it was meant to be a ridiculous
13:36·argument for a century it remained a
13:39·ridiculous argument meant to disprove
13:41·Boltzmann's Theory however in 2002
13:44·something changed there's theories about
13:46·the universe and a possible Multiverse
13:48·became more advanced and better
13:50·understood the maths showed something
13:52·startling statistically speaking you are
13:56·far more likely to be a boltzmann brain
13:58·that randomly formed eons after the heat
14:01·death of the universe and was filled
14:02·with false memories including a belief
14:04·that you existed a point when the
14:06·universe was much younger obviously this
14:09·was never the goal nobody is trying to
14:11·prove that boltzmann brains exist
14:13·they're trying to prove that they don't
14:16·many scientists are able to Simply
14:18·disregard the idea as being far too
14:20·silly to be worth consideration but for
14:22·others it's a serious problem in most
14:25·theories of the universe it's less
14:26·likely that the Universe actually exists
14:28·as we believe it does and it's more
14:30·likely that everyone who believes
14:31·they're watching this video right now is
14:34·boltzmann brain that randomly formed
14:36·with false memories of having watched
14:39·this video fortunately even those that
14:42·view this as a problem with current
14:44·theories don't believe it's the reality
14:46·in which we're all living we just hope
14:48·that someday that maths is uh going to
14:52·agree with them

1 posted on 07/06/2023 7:44:10 AM PDT by SunkenCiv
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Four More Theories about the Universe to Blow Your Mind | 12:54
Sideprojects | 733K subscribers | 377K views | June 13, 2023
Four More Theories about the Universe to Blow Your Mind | 12:54 | Sideprojects | 733K subscribers | 377K views | June 13, 2023
0:00·the universe is still a crazy Place full
0:02·of seemingly impossible phenomena and
0:04·natural laws that somehow managed to
0:06·create the perfect conditions necessary
0:07·for humans to exist the only thing
0:09·harder to imagine than how much we've
0:11·learned about celestial bodies that are
0:13·billions of liars away in the inner
0:14·workings of the universe is well how
0:17·much we don't know this uncertainty
0:19·could bring rise to lots of new theories
0:21·that present mind-blowing possibilities
0:22·for our universe and the world around us
·Supermassive Black Holes
0:36·you're almost certainly familiar with
0:38·the concept of a black hole and how they
0:40·can form black holes are massive
0:42·celestial bodies with infinite density
0:44·in about 10 times the mass of our sun
0:46·their key characteristic is that the
0:48·gravitational force produced by a black
0:49·hole is so strong that not even light
0:51·can escape it hence their name they're
0:54·formed at the end of the life cycle of
0:56·certain stars that Supernova during
0:58·which the outer layers of the star
1:00·explode outward and what remains
1:02·collapses in on itself to produce the
1:04·black hole it is impossible for us to
1:06·directly observe a black hole since they
1:09·can neither emit nor reflect light so we
1:12·rely on things like radiation and
1:13·gravitational effects on nearby stars to
1:16·identify their existence this is most
1:18·likely what you'd ever learned in school
1:20·about black holes and for the majority
1:22·of them it's all true this is the
1:24·description of Stellar black holes the
1:26·ones made from stars but there's a
1:28·second category known as supermassive
1:31·black holes instead of having a handful
1:33·of times the mass of our sun
1:35·supermassive black holes have millions
1:37·or even billions of times our Sun's mass
1:41·two massive black holes have been found
1:43·in the centers of galaxies and it is
1:45·believed though not yet proven that
1:48·every galaxy in the universe has one at
1:50·their center now the obvious question
1:51·this raises is well where and when did
1:54·they come from and the answer to that is
1:56·we don't know the oldest supermassive
1:58·black hole identified so far only formed
2:01·a few hundred million years after the
2:02·big bang well that sounds like a long
2:04·time on a cosmic scale it really isn't
2:07·it certainly wouldn't have been enough
2:08·time for a stellar black hole to form
2:10·and then somehow consume enough batter
2:11·to have billions of times the mass of
2:13·our sun one possible solution is that
2:16·many of these supermassive black holes
2:18·may actually predate the Big Bang itself
2:20·there is a well-known theory that the
2:23·universe may be somewhat cyclical the
2:25·idea was that the Universe was formed by
2:27·the big bang and billions of years from
2:29·now there will be a big crunch where the
2:31·universe collapses back in on itself
2:33·before another Big Bang according to a
2:35·more recent Theory some supermassive
2:37·black holes may be the result of matter
2:39·that didn't collapse into the
2:40·singularity before the Big Bang if true
2:43·this would have huge implications and
2:45·raise a lot more questions it would mean
2:47·that the universe is in fact cyclical
2:49·and the it may have been repeating this
2:51·process forever it would also pose the
2:53·question of how some NATO is able to
2:55·avoid the Big Crunch to create these
2:57·primordial black holes of course this is
3:00·currently all speculation there is some
3:02·tenuous evidence to lend some amount
3:03·credibility to the idea but nothing
3:05·close to proof at least not yet
3:08·scientists have been actively searching
3:10·for the primordial black holes that
3:12·either predate the Big Bang or were
3:14·created within the first fractions of a
3:16·second after the Big Bang occurred and
3:17·many believe that finding them is a very
3:19·strong possibility
·The Great Attractor
3:25·we are constantly peering off into the
3:28·depths of the universe in all directions
3:29·to see what Marvels we can discover and
3:31·how they could better help us understand
3:33·physics and cosmology all directions
3:35·that is except for one there's this area
3:39·known as the zone of avoidance that is
3:41·simply invisible to us this is the area
3:44·directly on the other side of the center
3:46·of the Milky Way because everything in
3:48·the Milky Way is so close to us
3:49·relatively speaking there are too many
3:51·stars and too much dust and gas for any
3:54·visible light to pass through to us from
3:57·the other side in 1929 it was discovered
3:59·that the Universe was expanding and that
4:01·the rate of expansion is increasing
4:03·while Galaxy clusters exist because of
4:05·gravity pulling them together all
4:07·galaxies should be moving further away
4:09·from one another over time thanks to the
4:11·theoretical repulsive force of dark
4:13·energy however a series of test results
4:15·in the 1970s showed that the Milky Way
4:18·wasn't traveling in the way that was
4:20·expected in instead we were being pulled
4:23·towards something that scientists named
4:25·The Great attractor the only problem was
4:27·that the great attractor happened to be
4:29·in the zone of avoidance so something
4:31·was pulling the Milky Way towards it and
4:33·we had no way to see what it was but
4:35·it's only visible light that's unable to
4:37·pass through the zone of avoidance as
4:39·our understanding of X-ray and infrared
4:40·astronomy has increased so too has our
4:43·understanding of the great attractor
4:44·scientists were able to put the location
4:46·of the great attractor about 150 million
4:48·light years away from the Milky Way in
4:50·the Norma supercluster cluster of
4:53·galaxies with a combined mass of one
4:55·quadrillion times that of our sun we
4:58·also learned that it wasn't just the
4:59·Milky Way but all of our neighboring
5:02·galaxies that were being drawn towards
5:04·this point as well so well mystery
5:06·solved right well no because in 2005 it
5:09·was discovered that the normal
5:10·supercluster wasn't nearly massive
5:12·enough to account for the attraction
5:13·towards it it only had a tenth of the
5:16·necessary Mass however another Discovery
5:17·was also made as well not only are we
5:19·being pulled towards the greater tractor
5:21·but the attractor was also being pulled
5:23·towards the shapley supercluster which
5:25·conveniently has 10 times the mass of
5:27·the normal supercluster this
5:29·particularly explained the debate over
5:31·the apparent mass of the great attractor
5:32·but still not entirely more importantly
5:35·we still don't really understand why
5:37·this is happening the supercluster of 10
5:39·000 galaxies that includes the Milky Way
5:41·is not dense enough to be
5:43·gravitationally bound so it should be
5:45·drifting apart but for some reason it's
5:47·being anchored to the great attractor
5:49·which is in turn being attracted to the
5:52·chaplia Tractor so as for what all of
5:54·this means well that part's a bit up in
5:56·the air some scientists believe that
5:58·this is how the universe will end they
6:00·believe the great attractor could be one
6:02·of the focal points for the Big Crunch
6:04·and that the 10 000 galaxies will all be
6:06·drawn to the greater tractor until they
6:08·collide with one another fortunately
6:10·this seems to be the party opinion most
6:12·artists seem confident that the
6:14·supercluster will eventually break apart
6:15·and spread out the way superclusters
6:18·always do it's a reasonable assumption
6:20·though we haven't previously observed a
6:22·supercluster that was being bound by a
6:24·gravitational anomaly like the great
6:26·attractor before so it's hard to know
6:28·for sure what will happen luckily
6:30·regardless of whether the galaxies
6:31·finally break apart or collide with one
6:33·another at the greater tractor neither
6:35·is going to happen for a few billion
6:36·years so there's no imminent danger
·White Holes
6:43·black holes are regarded by most people
6:46·as the most bizarre and poorly
6:48·understood objects in the universe but
6:50·that doesn't take into account they're
6:51·even more confusing cousin to Whitehall
6:54·though white holes are entirely
6:55·theoretical at this point black holes
6:57·were purely theoretical up until 1964 so
6:59·it doesn't preclude their existence the
7:01·existence of white holes was also first
7:03·theorized in 1964 predicted by a part of
7:07·the solution to the Einstein field
7:09·equations so well what is a white hole
7:12·and what will they look like despite the
7:14·name a Whitehall would probably look
7:15·exactly like a black hole the object
7:18·itself would be invisible and it would
7:19·be surrounded by an event horizon of
7:21·gases however unlike the gases
7:23·surrounding a black hole that cannot
7:24·escape the gases surrounding a white
7:26·hole would be unable to enter this is
7:28·because a white hole is the exact
7:30·opposite of a black hole they're large
7:32·bodies of mass with an event horizon
7:34·that nothing can pass through not even
7:36·light instead of sucking up matter from
7:38·the unit first whitehalls would instead
7:40·spit out Mata the theoretical existence
7:43·of a white hole raises a lot of
7:45·questions where did the matter come from
7:47·why can't anything enter them how many
7:49·drugs did you ingest before coming up
7:51·with this Theory and since all of this
7:53·remains just speculation well there are
7:55·a lot of speculative answers to these
7:57·questions for example whitehalls could
7:59·exist at the singularity of a black hole
8:01·spewing our matter to create a smaller
8:03·Universe within the black hole they also
8:05·may be linked to Black Holes without
8:06·actually being nested inside one another
8:08·in quantum mechanics the no hiding
8:10·theorem states that information cannot
8:13·be changed or destroyed but following
8:15·certain models of the universe Quantum
8:16·information would be genuinely lost when
8:19·it entered a black hole rather than
8:20·destroying the information it's
8:21·theorized that it may enter a black hole
8:23·and then be ejected from its connected
8:25·white hole basically they would be two
8:28·opposite ends of the same thing such as
8:30·a theoretical Wormhole and just in case
8:32·this wasn't all confusing enough for you
8:34·the interconnected black and white holes
8:36·wouldn't even need to be located in the
8:38·same universe the behavior of a white
8:41·hole isn't fully agreed upon either some
8:43·believe that it would slowly Propel
8:45·matter outwards whereas others suggest
8:47·that a white hole would release all of
8:49·its matter in a single explosion and
8:51·that the Big Bang may have been such a
8:54·white hole event the theory surrounding
8:55·white holes are as numerous as they are
8:58·mind-blowing but the majority of
9:00·scientists don't believe that we'll ever
9:02·actually find them in our universe
9:03·though they were born from the maths of
9:06·Einstein's field equations other
9:07·Solutions don't require their existence
9:10·the majority also believed that
9:11·information isn't truly lost when it
9:14·enters a black hole black holes slowly
9:15·evaporate over time and it's believed
9:17·that all of that Quantum information
9:18·will probably still be fine oh once a
9:21·black hole is evaporated but the
9:23·ultimate test of science is observation
9:25·and experimentation not popularity so
9:28·it's still possible that those
9:29·scientists who believe we may discover
9:31·white holes in our universe could be
9:39·physicists have a strong desire to unify
9:41·general relativity with quantum
9:43·mechanics relativity works on big things
9:45·like planets and quantum mechanics works
9:47·on really small things like subatomic
9:49·particles but they don't really work
9:52·very well together the idea that the
9:53·Universe could have different sets of
9:55·rules depending on the scale you're
9:56·looking at is
9:58·unsatisfactory and scientists have
10:00·created all sorts of theories to try and
10:02·unify the two sets of rules one growing
10:05·Trend in physics is to view the main
10:07·components of the universe as
10:09·information rather than matter and
10:10·energy those things would still exist
10:12·but more as an incidental byproduct of
10:15·information than as the main building
10:17·block of the universe another growing
10:19·Trend in physics is not to bother
10:21·explaining what they mean when they say
10:23·information but we thought you might
10:24·prefer a little Clarity since it's a
10:26·commonly used word with a lot of
10:27·different meanings in this context
10:29·information is the description of all
10:31·matter and energy in the universe if we
10:33·were to compare it to digital
10:34·information one byte could represent one
10:37·particle of matter specifically what
10:39·type of particle it is where it is at
10:41·what speed it's traveling and in what
10:43·direction and so on this information has
10:45·a causal effect on other information and
10:48·thus our entire universe starts to come
10:50·together but even if we accept the idea
10:52·that matter and energy are the byproduct
10:54·of the information describing them what
10:57·is that actually changing and to answer
10:59·that we need to think about another
11:01·question how much space would it take to
11:03·contain all the information in the
11:05·universe could it all fit in a single
11:07·grain of sand in a computer the size of
11:10·a planet or inside your own brain well
11:12·thanks to some research involving black
11:14·holes we know that the answer to all of
11:16·those is no because there is an upper
11:18·limit to how much information can fit in
11:20·any volume of space the maximum amount
11:22·of information that can be contained in
11:23·a volume is determined by its boundary
11:26·in more simple terms all of the
11:28·information describing what is contained
11:30·within a circle must be able to fit
11:32·along its circumference all the
11:33·information described in the volume of a
11:35·sphere must be able to fit on its
11:37·surface area extending this Beyond a
11:39·simple sphere all the information for a
11:41·three-dimensional Universe must be able
11:42·to fit on a two-dimensional plane much
11:45·like how a hologram appears to exist in
11:47·three dimensions despite only being a
11:49·two-dimensional image our entire
11:51·universe may exist on a two-dimensional
11:53·plane of information with the 3D reality
11:56·that we perceive merely being an
11:58·illusion that's not to say that you
11:59·don't exist and everything you see is a
12:01·lie just that all of our information is
12:03·coded on a 2d surface and we are
12:05·experiencing the holographic
12:07·representation of that as bizarre as
12:10·this male sound this is probably the
12:12·least speculative of the topics that
12:13·we've discussed today holographic
12:15·Universe would actually solve some of
12:17·the trickiest problems in trying to
12:18·unify general relativity and quantum
12:20·mechanics and the theory should be
12:22·testable though the holographic theory
12:23·is far from proven there is a
12:25·substantial amount of evidence to
12:27·support the theory with nothing found
12:29·yet that can disprove it while some
12:31·scientists claim to have devised
12:32·definitive tests to confirm the theory
12:35·either the claims were not widely
12:36·accepted or the results were
12:38·inconclusive but it is a very popular
12:40·Theory and there's a good chance they
12:42·will see some major developments within
12:44·our lifetime

2 posted on 07/06/2023 7:46:05 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: SunkenCiv

3 posted on 07/06/2023 7:46:40 AM PDT by Magnum44 (...against all enemies, foreign and domestic... )
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To: 6SJ7; AdmSmith; AFPhys; Arkinsaw; allmost; aristotleman; autumnraine; bajabaja; ...

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4 posted on 07/06/2023 7:46:46 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: Magnum44


5 posted on 07/06/2023 7:47:51 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: SunkenCiv

6 posted on 07/06/2023 7:47:56 AM PDT by DannyTN
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To: SunkenCiv

Gravity isn’t ‘weak’.

Just stop by any Black Hole, and check it out................

7 posted on 07/06/2023 7:49:11 AM PDT by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.....................)
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To: DannyTN

8 posted on 07/06/2023 7:50:07 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: Magnum44

"This is too much!"

9 posted on 07/06/2023 7:50:44 AM PDT by dfwgator (Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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To: Red Badger

10 posted on 07/06/2023 7:51:58 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: SunkenCiv
12:04 the heat death of the universe in 1896

I'm going with that. It makes the most sense. The universe died a heat death in 1896.

11 posted on 07/06/2023 7:51:59 AM PDT by DannyTN
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To: DannyTN

That’s why there was the cigar-shaped UFO flap in that year.

12 posted on 07/06/2023 7:53:07 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: SunkenCiv

It’s turtles all the way down.

13 posted on 07/06/2023 7:58:39 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (It's not a government. It's a criminal enterprise. Fear it, but do not respect it.)
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To: Magnum44

It should be “brane”, not “brain.”

14 posted on 07/06/2023 8:05:23 AM PDT by Carl Vehse (Move the Overton window to the right with defenestration.)
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To: dfwgator

Life was simple then....
Score and then beach party.Roll to the crib with a new ‘hotty’ and try to remember her name in the morning!
I survived the ‘60s

15 posted on 07/06/2023 8:05:28 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (The Truman Show)
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To: SunkenCiv

While the Force of Gravity may be ‘weak’ with respect to the other forces, it is never ‘zero’. It permeates the entire Universe.

If the Universe consisted of only two hydrogen atoms spaced a billion lightyears apart, the Force of Gravity would eventually cause them to collide..................

16 posted on 07/06/2023 8:06:18 AM PDT by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.....................)
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To: ClearCase_guy
Those turtles were the inspiration for the nuclear shell model.

17 posted on 07/06/2023 8:06:35 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: Red Badger

Well, you’re getting closer.

18 posted on 07/06/2023 8:08:06 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: SunkenCiv

I have more mass...................😉

19 posted on 07/06/2023 8:08:38 AM PDT by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegal aliens are put up in hotels.....................)
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To: Magnum44


20 posted on 07/06/2023 8:18:45 AM PDT by Lowell1775
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