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Posts by BombHollywood

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  • De Blasio Worked for Sandinistas, Honeymooned in Cuba

    12/20/2014 7:33:34 PM PST · 12 of 37
    BombHollywood to navysealdad

    Just wondering how long will it take this Bolshevik punk to undo the 2 decades of progress and good Rudy did for NYC?

  • 'Outpouring of love' for woman who allegedly died while buying drugs

    11/12/2013 1:02:49 PM PST · 57 of 64
    BombHollywood to Paul46360

    As Christians and Jews we should pray for her soul. Yes, she went afoul of virtue and and good conduct and she paid for it with her life. But she is in God’s hands now and none of us is perfect. She made mistakes like many young people do before they learn through life experience to become good citizens. She harmed no one but herself. May God show her mercy.

  • Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance

    11/01/2013 12:05:05 PM PDT · 32 of 44
    BombHollywood to Servant of the Cross

    Barry is floating quickly into impeachment territory.
    What more do we have to get on this Alinsky-ite liar to begin impeachment proceedings and just remove the virus from the host?? Benghazi, Fast&Furious, NSA, Tampering with public offices IRS, EPA, Solyndra, phony birth certificates, drone wars, seriously, how much more of this nation does Obama get to destroy before the “distinguished colleagues” in Congress start to wake up and smell the Victory Gin??

  • Waxman: Selling Individual Insurance is 'Abuse'

    10/30/2013 1:00:43 PM PDT · 44 of 52
    BombHollywood to sickoflibs
    Maybe we should start calling it The Abominable Care Act instead.
  • Congressman Both Muslim & Pro-Gay?

    10/27/2013 6:20:59 AM PDT · 32 of 39
    BombHollywood to IbJensen

    No mystery here. The left is in alliance with all groups that are anti-freedom, anti-Christian, anti-Tea Party, anti-conservative, anti-Republican. Good books on the subject written in recent times would be “Unholy Alliance” by David Horowitz and “The Grand Jihad” by Andrew McCarthy. Both books delve deep into the alliance networks between leftist radicals and radical Islam. And the alliance has existed for decades, you’ll be amazed to discover. As the old adage goes: “The enemy of my enemy is my best friend”. These freedom-hating radicals are putting aside their differences and working together to destroy American sovereignty and Christianity. The truth is, support for homosexual marriage, Sharia law in the U.S., mass immigration from Mexico, Carbon taxes, Obamacare, do not exist for humanitarian purposes, they have ultimately been brought about by the Progressives to change America into a Euro-style socialist democracy.

  • Miss World Pageant Announces Wardrobe Change

    06/08/2013 12:24:26 PM PDT · 9 of 13
    BombHollywood to John Semmens

    Good! I want them to strut their stuff in burkhas on the world stage. Then everyone will plainly see what oppression people live under in extreme Islamo-fascist countries.

    Of course, as always, the leftwing news media in the US will get it all wrong and call it “wonderful change”, “Ooooh, all the pretty colored burkas”, “a triumph for multi-culturalism” and deliberately ignore the Sharia head-chopper enforcers in the studio.

  • Elspeth Reeve at AtlanticWire"The US Anti-Muslim Crowd Is Quite Pleased with Itself"[image warning]

    04/20/2013 9:53:55 AM PDT · 21 of 63
    BombHollywood to ilgipper

    The only people who would be celebrating would be the far-left loons celebrating the bombing by that mythical angry TeaParty memember and of course there hasn’t been one single incident of teaparty violence in the 5 years or so it’s been in existence. But even tho’ it is the far-left loons, the occupiers and their Jihadi allies causing 100% of the violence and murder and even right out in the open for everyone, including the media to see, you still have the “main-stream” media suggesting white men, swasitkas and teaparty members as the cause for all the violence. There are grown, mature(i assume), degreed journalists on Current TV who were acting out in front of the camera Thrusday, actually admitting that they hoped the bombers would be white men. The bitter partisanship and unbridled, unabashed hatred and intolerance in the msm has never been more off-the-wall than it is today.

  • 2012 was warmest year ever recorded in USA ( Goverment Report....believe it???)

    01/09/2013 2:44:58 PM PST · 7 of 10
    BombHollywood to Ernest_at_the_Beach

    This tells me that NOAA has been gradually infiltrated with Warmest environmentalists who have an agenda to carry out. 2 years ago when world temperatures were among the coldest ever recorded, the very same organizations were saying that the temperature fluctuations are no refutation of global warming. But now a few years later we have record warm temperatures and here they come to tell us that temperatures have everything to do with global warming. So, by their logic, if temperatures rise, that’s global warming/climate change. But if temperatures fall and produce the coldest winters on record -—well that’s global warming/climate change too.

  • Congrats, Barry. US falls out of top 10 most prosperous nations

    12/17/2012 2:46:13 PM PST · 11 of 35
    BombHollywood to Theoria

    Wow, a hard-core socialist country like Sweden is considered “prosperous” by these list compilers. IKEA is doing pretty well in the US, maybe that’s the main reason for Sweden’s “prosperity”. More like the government is prospering from the extremely high taxe dollars it confiscates from it’s citizens. Other than that I just wonder what criterion they are using to deem Sweden a propserous nation. And why isn’t Cuba on the list??? /sarc

  • Tracy Morgan: I'll Kill My Son If He Acts Gay [Black Hater on Jimmy Fallon Tonight]

    12/05/2012 11:18:00 PM PST · 7 of 18
    BombHollywood to SoFloFreeper

    If Sarah Palin had said something like this, even something far less viscious such as ‘Gee, I wouldn’t want my son or daughter to be gay’ and then afterward issued an apology, the outcome would be entirely different with the stampede of celeberity-Marxists like Tina Fey or Bladwin rushing to the cameras spewing their vile guts about the ‘intolerance’ and ‘mean-spiritedness’ of Republicans. See?, this is Marxism 101, they will not drive a wedge and divide themselves over someone speaking honestly about his hatred of homos if he is generally on the same political side as the celebrity left. This is a show of solidarity illustrating how they will support their own even if he is bigger intolerant hater than they accuse the right of being. But it’s kind of hilarious to see them go “off script” and slip up evey now and then, and then watch their phony celeberity allies attempt to do damage control -—after it’s too lat. LOL!

  • More shocking! disqualifying! undercover video: Romney believes Palestinians aren’t...

    09/18/2012 7:27:49 AM PDT · 36 of 40
    BombHollywood to Perdogg

    I bet these videos were originally planned to come out in another month for a big anti-Romney “october surprise”. And of course, the media would dutifully follow along playing the game along with the administration as they would have spun into action a daily, coordinated smash-mouth uproar over all of these “controversial” statements right up to election day.

    Well it looks like the current Islamist uprising across the middle east is starting to have an effect on the administration and now there’s new credible information that the Obama may have had prior knowledge about the Benghazi and it’s highly unlikely that the current mayhem has anything to do with a silly, practically unknown and unseen anti-Islam video. What better way to take a little heat off Obama by diverting the public’s attention to a new Romney “scandal”.

    We’ll have to see how much staying-power these Romeny videos will have. I don’t think they can equal the staying-power of the millions of violent, radical Islmaicists who are daily putting the lie to Obama’s “Muslim Spring”, or the questions that need to be answered about how much the administration knew beforhand about the embassy bombing and in the aftermath, it’s attempt to cover it up.

  • Poll: Obama holds 8-point lead over Romney among Catholic voters

    09/13/2012 1:18:33 AM PDT · 33 of 52
    BombHollywood to bray
    "+15 Dems means Romney leading by 6 by their poll. The media is not telling you the truth...again."

    Exactly. Any of those who actually still believe om these partisan, wildly inaccurate, Democrat driven polls are among the truly naive. I am amazed at how brazenly consistent these polls are in oversampling Democrats by a wide margin. +15 Democrats, this is compleley bogus! They have the gall to call this a legitimate, statistically accurate poll? Please. This is just another attempt by the media to depress and demoralize the Romney voter. And it won't work. I would love to see the look of shock and dismay on the faces of these sham polsters on election day when millions of Romney voters stampede to the polls to vote the Marxist-in-chief out of office.

  • Actress Ellen Barkin Hopes Hurricane Kills Pro-Life Republicans (Actress retweets a hateful tweet)

    08/27/2012 5:09:35 PM PDT · 54 of 98
    BombHollywood to Colonel Kangaroo

    Just imagine how the unhinged, bat-sh*t crazy Ellen feels now that Isaac has in stead taken a “left turn” and is headed straight in the path of some major Democrat party districts.

  • ‘Kittycam’ study finds cats are virtual killing machines

    08/07/2012 10:42:27 PM PDT · 37 of 116
    BombHollywood to Dick Vomer

    Is that a Norfolk? My Westie used to give chase to anything in sight that wasn’t human. He even injured a cat once but not because he bit it, he chased it off a 2nd floor balcony and the cat jumped, landed on its feet and just kind of limped away. Poor kitty. But he has killed mice, squirrels, possums, always chases cats. But like some terrier breeds he will not chase down birds. He seems to like hangin’ with the sparrows and the starlings and the jays. And they like him around because they know he keeps the cats away. Will chase pigeons tho’. I notice now since he has turned 10 y.o. critters will come into our yard and he is happy to just hang and watch.

  • ‘Kittycam’ study finds cats are virtual killing machines

    08/07/2012 10:42:07 PM PDT · 36 of 116
    BombHollywood to Dick Vomer

    Is that a Norfolk? My Westie used to give chase to anything in sight that wasn’t human. He even injured a cat once but not because he bit it, he chased it off a 2nd floor balcony and the cat jumped, landed on its feet and just kind of limped away. Poor kitty. But he has killed mice, squirrels, possums, always chases cats. But like some terrier breeds he will not chase down birds. He seems to like hangin’ with the sparrows and the starlings and the jays. And they like him around because they know he keeps the cats away. Will chase pigeons tho’. I notice now since he has turned 10 y.o. critters will come into our yard and he is happy to just hang and watch.

  • Few hints of alleged shooters’ past

    07/20/2012 2:17:36 PM PDT · 25 of 36
    BombHollywood to Catphish

    Does look just like him. What a sad day for American that this Occupy scum vents his hatred and anger on innocent people. It’s bad enough all of the violence, rape and lawbreaking the Occupiers have engaged in in their year-long traveling hate-fest, and now it culminates in this hideous act of mass murder.

  • Florida Private Investigator Blames Occupy Anarchist For Batman Killings (on Laura Ingraham)

    07/20/2012 2:02:58 PM PDT · 33 of 41
    BombHollywood to dragnet2

    Uhh, I won’t shut up. We now find out Holmes is a registered Democrat. Registered this past June 11th. That’s bad enough. But, when it finally comes out that he is Occupy scum, the entire evil, violent leftwing OWS movement will have used up any shred of credibility it ever had. The media will ignore Holmes ties to leftwing groups. But we here at Free Republic will keep digging, doing the job that the spineless Obama media fear to do. Prepare to bopped on the head with a hard dose of reality.

  • Florida Private Investigator Blames Occupy Anarchist For Batman Killings (on Laura Ingraham)

    07/20/2012 11:57:46 AM PDT · 18 of 41
    BombHollywood to dragnet2
    Don't you worry your little head, when it finally comes out that Holmes is a registered Democrat and a dedicated Occupier, the media will jetison this story like a hot potato. Remember, Democrats,liberals and leftists can never be wrong --- Occupy freaks of nature included. XD
  • 'Batman' Massacre - 1st Photo of Shooter James Holmes

    07/20/2012 11:43:47 AM PDT · 124 of 397
    BombHollywood to Qbert
    Lord almighty, look at that psycho-stare! He would've been a perfect stand-in for the Scream movie slashers!
  • New Poll: Voters Dislike Supreme Court’s Obamacare Ruling (Prefer Gov. Romney on the issue)

    06/29/2012 1:27:42 PM PDT · 9 of 10
    BombHollywood to Friendofgeorge

    I see these polls all the time. They very frequently, not all the time but more often than not -— oversample Democrat voters by a significant margin, usually interview “registered voters” not “likely” voters, run their interviews during daytime hours when younger voters are likely to be home and not working or not the priniciple owner of the house, usually sample only 800-1200 respondents -— not exactly what you would call a large cross-section of the populace. In essence, the vast majority of these polls are virtually meaningless, but the news organizations know exaclty how use the results of these polls to attempt to sway public opinion.