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Posts by Conservative9

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  • Tom Davis To Endorse Ron Paul (South Carolina Senator)

    01/15/2012 8:04:55 PM PST · 26 of 35
    Conservative9 to traviskicks

    Reading most of the posts here is interesting. Free Republic? Against the only candidate that will be restrained by the Constitution, expect Congress to declare war, fight them to win then come home, start the process of ending the fed, end global militarization so we can INCREASE national defense and security. Yep, Ron Paul is crazy. Crazy enough to dream the vision of America as a Republic of Republics bound by a restrictive Constitution the keeps the federal government out of our lives is still possible. You keep calling him names. I will continue praying Jesus Christ will open enough eyes to keep the revolution gaining steam.

  • Tom Davis To Endorse Ron Paul (South Carolina Senator)

    01/15/2012 8:04:44 PM PST · 25 of 35
    Conservative9 to traviskicks

    Reading most of the posts here is interesting. Free Republic? Against the only candidate that will be restrained by the Constitution, expect Congress to declare war, fight them to win then come home, start the process of ending the fed, end global militarization so we can INCREASE national defense and security. Yep, Ron Paul is crazy. Crazy enough to dream the vision of America as a Republic of Republics bound by a restrictive Constitution the keeps the federal government out of our lives is still possible. You keep calling him names. I will continue praying Jesus Christ will open enough eyes to keep the revolution gaining steam.

  • Bachmann to miss vote on spending bill that funds Obama’s healthcare law

    12/16/2011 6:53:07 PM PST · 10 of 54
    Conservative9 to Fred

    She should have made the point by returning to DC and voting against it, that is her job, that is what she was elected to do, that is what we give her our money for.

  • Ron Paul Ad - THE ONE

    10/05/2011 7:39:58 PM PDT · 155 of 156
    Conservative9 to Kartographer

    Since you have no argument against the facts of history your only retreat is to call names and advance false statements. Ron Paul would defend this country and would have the means to do it if we did not have 900 active basis around the country. Like Jefferson he is a non-interventionist not an isolationist, and understands the first task of the federal government is to defend the States. Neither are pacifists. You fail to be able to make that distinction. As for me, the father of special ops soldier in Afghanistan- he says we are not being allowed to fight for fear of hurting Muslims. So don’t preach to me about “letting” terrorists kill us. It is both parties that have sent these men to an undeclared war and tied their hands. Even so they have won the war and now sit as cannon fodder for the politicians to beat their chests over. Wake up and be free and strong. My doctrine is to 1. bring them all home and 2 put them on our southern border to close it off. 3. Rapidly build a missile defense system for our country. 4. Tell every Muslim nation that they are free to kill their own people but if they hurt one of ours at home or abroad we will immediately make glass out of their holy sites and capitol. Then keep your word. Number 4 should be done first.

  • Ron Paul Ad - THE ONE

    10/05/2011 7:39:39 PM PDT · 154 of 156
    Conservative9 to Kartographer

    Since you have no argument against the facts of history your only retreat is to call names and advance false statements. Ron Paul would defend this country and would have the means to do it if we did not have 900 active basis around the country. Like Jefferson he is a non-interventionist not an isolationist, and understands the first task of the federal government is to defend the States. Neither are pacifists. You fail to be able to make that distinction. As for me, the father of special ops soldier in Afghanistan- he says we are not being allowed to fight for fear of hurting Muslims. So don’t preach to me about “letting” terrorists kill us. It is both parties that have sent these men to an undeclared war and tied their hands. Even so they have won the war and now sit as cannon fodder for the politicians to beat their chests over. Wake up and be free and strong. My doctrine is to 1. bring them all home and 2 put them on our southern border to close it off. 3. Rapidly build a missile defense system for our country. 4. Tell every Muslim nation that they are free to kill their own people but if they hurt one of ours at home or abroad we will immediately make glass out of their holy sites and capitol. Then keep your word. Number 4 should be done first.

  • Ron Paul Ad - THE ONE

    10/04/2011 6:16:44 PM PDT · 152 of 156
    Conservative9 to Kartographer

    Article 1 Section 8: “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations.” To that end congress DID authorize “small vessels” to go into the Mediterranean for service. President Jefferson was Commander of this brand new Navy and was careful to not press them into more service than congress had granted. In his own words, “I sent a small squadron of frigates in the Mediterranean, with assurances to that power of our sincere desire to remain in peace, but with orders to protect our commerce against the threatened attack. The measure was seasonable and salutary. The bey had already declared war in form. His cruisers were out. They had arrived at Gibraltar. Our commerce in the Mediterranean was blockaded, and that of the Atlantic in peril. The arrival of our squadron dispelled the danger. One of the Tripolitan cruisers having fallen in with, and engaged the small schooner Enterprise, commanded by Lieutenant Sterret, which had gone as a tender to our larger vessels, was captured, after a heavy slaughter of her men, without the loss of a single one on our part. The bravery exhibited by our citizens on that element, will, I trust, be a testimony to the world that it is not the want of virtue which makes us seek their peace, but a conscientious desire to direct the energies of our nation to the multiplication of the human race, and not to its destruction. UNAUTHORIZED by the constitution, without the sanction of Congress, to go out beyond the line of defense, the vessel being disabled from committing further hostilities, was liberated with its crew. The legislature will doubtless consider whether, by authorizing measures of offence, also, they will place our force on an equal footing with that of its adversaries. I communicate ALL material information on this subject, that in the exercise of the important function considered by the constitution to the legislature exclusively, their judgment may form itself on a knowledge and consideration of every circumstance of weight.”
    Same as the constitutionalist Ron Paul would do- protect us without breaking his oath to uphold the constitution.

  • Herman Cain: What's behind his rise in the polls?

    10/04/2011 3:52:08 PM PDT · 48 of 76
    Conservative9 to Kartographer

    and those who find it disstasteful that the FED takes trillions of our money and spreads it around to banks around the world. It is disstasteful to those who are willing to open their eyes to the avalanche of evidence as to how corrupt the FED is.

  • Herman Cain: What's behind his rise in the polls?

    10/04/2011 3:48:15 PM PDT · 46 of 76
    Conservative9 to Kartographer

    Perhaps the FED coupled with folks who have made it okay for a conservative to support TARP, nationalize the banks(I know, just a little, and we can trust him), to make fun of those who want to adhere to the constitution as free market purists, and who love adding a national sales tax to the income tax. Oh, but it will be smaller and it is just a step to a really huge national sales tax that will keep the federal government in the same amount of money they take from us now. Yes, that is the new conservative goal. And, many are apparently too taken by a “good speech” to be offended with Cain’s ridiculous and patently false claim that the FED needs no audit because (get ready) they have their own checks and balances and do their own internal audit- if you don’t believe it, Herman says just call them up and ask them. That anyone would take him seriously after such a condescendingly stupid statement indicates our country will not be turned around by “conservatives.” But, that has been true all along. We will have to fall even further until enough wake up and elect a “pure constitutionalist.” Sorry if that is a dirty word.

  • Ron Paul Ad - THE ONE

    08/16/2011 4:46:02 PM PDT · 90 of 156
    Conservative9 to TexasFreeper2009

    Anti-war like Thomas Jefferson. We will either stop being the police of the world or we will continue or spiral to a banana republic. Most of our founders were antiwar, but that did not mean anti protection, that IS the obligation of the Federal government. When attacked they would fight to win. When enslaved they would fight to win. We are in four wars and not fighting any of them to win, just wasting money. If you think that makes us safe I respectfully disagree. My son just returned home from Afghanistan were he was shot at but could not return fire because our politicians (that includes our Generals who seek first to protect their power and careers) don’t want to piss the terrorists off- exactly what you accuse Dr. Paul of.

  • Almost all GOP presidential hopefuls oppose debt deal [ GOP Fighting Slavery- Again]

    08/01/2011 7:12:48 PM PDT · 16 of 28
    Conservative9 to NoLibZone

    “The almost unanimous opposition by Republican presidential contenders to Washington’s bipartisan debt limit deal reflects the pull of conservative’
    What “pull”? ALL republican senate and house CANDIDATES opposed spending increases and promised to cut it. The problem with republicans and democrats after they get elected is they lie.

  • White House, Republicans Strike Tenative Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling

    07/30/2011 8:36:33 PM PDT · 35 of 492
    Conservative9 to Beaten Valve

    Until we go in an empty out DC we can only expect the same. Neither party is going to cut spending in any meaningful way. They are too invested in thier own lies they actually believe them now. And, they are so corrupt the ruin every new man and woman that is sent there. See Allen West.

  • Democratic House Whip tells lawmakers that debt vote has been "postponed."

    07/28/2011 3:14:09 PM PDT · 22 of 163
    Conservative9 to Ingtar

    I am thankful for the 25, but that is absolutely pathetic that there are that few people who will keep their word and stand like patriots. We are in deep deep trouble and sticking with republicans is not the answer.

  • Democratic House Whip tells lawmakers that debt vote has been "postponed."

    07/28/2011 3:13:59 PM PDT · 21 of 163
    Conservative9 to Ingtar

    I am thankful for the 25, but that is absolutely pathetic that there are that few people who will keep their word and stand like patriots. We are in deep deep trouble and sticking with republicans is not the answer.

  • Im about to BLOW!!!

    07/21/2011 5:52:26 PM PDT · 81 of 144
    Conservative9 to Aglooka

    Why does Glenn keep propping this loser up? Something wrong there.

  • One Apology That's Not In Order (Don't Give In Col West)

    07/21/2011 4:29:28 PM PDT · 6 of 33
    Conservative9 to Kaslin

    I do not believe he will give in. But, it would be nice if just ONE pansy ass republican would come to his defense and call these people racist for attacking a black man! The Powderpuff party does not know how to protect their innocent lions. It is about time somebody called out someone in this corrupt D party.

  • Breaking: GOP passes Cut, Cap, & Balance Act (Paul Ryan Declares Victory, Bachmann Dissents)

    07/20/2011 3:26:33 PM PDT · 79 of 85
    Conservative9 to RitaOK

    You are correct we don’t need the senate. Or, I should say we should not tolerate the senate because they are bringing us to absolute disaster. The few conservatives there are not taking the necessary action to shut it down, they could, any one strong man can tie it up in knots. They are not doing it. The only explanation is that they do not take the destruction of our economy seriously. They are still playing political games. It we the people do not stand up and protect our nation from the government there will be collapse and absolute mayhem. Is there one who will stand in the gap? Apparently not in the senate.

  • Could the Gang's Plan Pass the House?

    07/20/2011 3:18:31 PM PDT · 14 of 25
    Conservative9 to wac3rd

    You are correct. But everybody who wants to appear “reasonable” says we have to stick with the R party socialists. They have been saying it since Reagan. It is long since time to dump both socialist parties before the country comes to war.

  • Could the Gang's Plan Pass the House?

    07/20/2011 3:15:35 PM PDT · 13 of 25
    Conservative9 to tulloss

    For worse. Why in the world is there any reason to wonder at this point? Are we that stupid? The country is deliberatly being taken down and the republican socialists in the senate are helping. It is time for the people to stand up and protect the country from the government. That is what patriots do. There is no more time.

  • Breaking: GOP passes Cut, Cap, & Balance Act (Paul Ryan Declares Victory, Bachmann Dissents)

    07/19/2011 8:45:29 PM PDT · 48 of 85
    Conservative9 to logician2u

    God bless them all. Our grandchildren should know their names. Only nine who would stand.

  • Breaking: GOP passes Cut, Cap, & Balance Act (Paul Ryan Declares Victory, Bachmann Dissents)

    07/19/2011 8:41:54 PM PDT · 46 of 85
    Conservative9 to RitaOK

    Coburn is lying. And yes the House can cram a spending bill down the Presidents and Senates throat- they control spending. If they don’t get the vote, they stand strong and write the spending bills the way they want. Let the progressive R senators play their games, we need statesmen to stop the spending and prevent this debt limit increase. We do not have the time for these games.