Since Nov 12, 2004

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Life and Liberty Ministries was officially founded in July of 1994 but the vision for this work had been in my heart for many years. I met Ruthy in 1988 while at Bible College and we were wed six months later. We often talked about opening our home to pregnant girls. I had been involved in street evangelism since my conversion in 1983 and had always had a burden for pro-life work. Through prison ministry, homeless ministry, and street evangelism the Father was preparing me for what lay ahead.

In 1991 I jumped into pro-life ministry with both feet. For the next several years I was privileged to be a part of the Philadelphia rescue community. Throughout 1992, Ruthy and I worked as house parents at Mother’s Home in Darby PA. Our second son was born during this time.

In 1993 we moved back to Virginia to begin Life and Liberty Ministries. For a year and a half I worked on renovating a house to be used as Liberty Home. In July of 1994 we officially opened the maternity home and began daily street outreach at Richmond Area abortion mills.

Over the years we have seen hundreds of babies saved from a brutal death at the abortion mills and have been able to minister to dozens of women while they lived with us at Liberty Home.

In 1997 we held our first annual “Face The Truth Tour”. Each year since, we have taken the message of life and the good news of salvation across Virginia during this weeklong summer event. In recent years we have been able to help enable other ministries to conduct tours in their own state up and down the east coast.

Throughout the year LLM ministers on the street wherever large groups of people gather. The gospel is presented to the unsaved and the church is challenged to stand against bloodshed at the abortion mills in their community and in their own home by learning the truth about abortifacient "birth control".

Ruthy keeps busy being a great wife, birthing babies, and home schooling our ever-growing clan. To date we have been blessed with ten beautiful children. The Father’s gifts are always welcome here.

We have a lot going on during our daily outreach efforts so please keep us in your prayers and consider joining with us on the street or by financially supporting this effective pro-life and gospel-spreading ministry.

For the Least of These,

Denny Green,

Pro-Life Missionary

Life and Liberty Ministries

P.O. Box 862

Powhatan, VA 23139

(804) 492-9216LifeandLiberty@juno.com