Since Jan 15, 2003

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I am neither a Republican or Democrat. I belong to no organized political party. I don't like everything President Bush does, but I stand behind him. America is kind of scary right now, but I don't EVEN want to think of what it would have been like if Gore would have won.

My ancestors came to America 141 years before the Revolution and we never left. I am proud of the fact that my Half Second Cousin, Dr. Benjamin Rush signed the Declaration of Independence, and many other ancestors fought for our Freedoms.

Through my hobby of my family tree, I have found that my ancestors have been fighting for Freedom since before 1200 AD.
To some (especially the enemy) they were called traitors, but to me they were Freedom Fighters. It all depends on what side of the fence your standing on.

My 20th Great Grandfather, Robert The Bruce was a thought a traitor to "HIS" King because he fought for (and won) Scotland's Independence from the England. In 1776, once again my ancestors were thought traitors because they fought the English Crown for their freedom.

The last time my family may have been considered traitors was in 1861-1865 when they fought for the South's freedom from the criminal (in my eyes), Lincoln. These Freedom Fighters included my 3rd Great Grandfather who died in action at Port Hudson, Louisiana in 1863 fighting against the federals, and my 14th Cousin, Gen. Robert E. Lee.

But even my 25th Cousin, U.S. Grant, did not consider them traitors.

I believe in the Constitution as my ancestors did. And I would willingly sacrifice my family, home and life for that Constitution, as my ancestors did. I feel this way because of Loyalty , Duty and Honor (and because if I didn't my ancestors would come back and haunt me).

Because without Freedom, we have nothing.

Words to live by from Sir William Wallace:

"They may take our lives, but they will never take our FREEDOM!!"