Since Apr 9, 2004

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I'm a 21 year old mom of my adorable son Rylan born Nov. 7, 2004. My mom (codyjacksmom) introduced me to FR some time back. I enjoy lurking around FR reading all the articles and posts, even on occasion posting replies myself. I currently spend most of my time at home with my baby boy and working at my highly enjoyable 3rd shift job. I try to make the most of life, after all, you only live once right? I love animals, cars, music, movies, computers, the outdoors, reading, drawing, and talking. I have 2 beautiful yet interesting dogs. A 4 year old beagle/collie mix and a 3 year old beagle. Any Bear fans will probably want to stop reading for I am a cheese head, and am also a White Sox fan. But, I prefer football(go packers!!) over any other sport. I love spending time with family and friends. Esspecially around the holidays. Well, that's about it when it comes to me. Don't want to get too personal, I could talk all day..lol Thanks for reading my profile and enjoy FR!