disney writes
Since Jul 3, 2005

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I'm Glenn Disney and 50, bragging about it eases the pain. Being born and raised in the southeast Kentucky Appalachian foothills at a time when coal was the main source of income gives me a slant on life I'm glad to have. Indiana became my home from teens to twenties, then back to Kentucky for six years. My career has been as a radiotelephone engineer, transitioning into the wireless industry in which I work today. My second marriage to a wonderful Kentucky woman who I see every couple weeks since I'm working as a telecom contractor in the Chicago area, is a good one, perhaps enhanced by the distance. My son is twenty, a sophmore at the University of Wisconsin, studying and working in civil engineering and is an incredible pianist as well. My daughter is 17 and college-bound, probably into nursing or journalism - she'll be great in either.

I've remained connected with my southeast Kentucky roots over the years while traveling across the country and acquiring an educated insight from the 'outside' into a Scotch-Irish culture of which few realize exists. I'm writing about it and expounding upon the distinction I've given that part of the state as "southeast."